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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Blackstar Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:49 pm

Thanks to @Surge for sending us the audio of this interview


Male: On our phone line –

Stern: Yes?

Male: From the legendary Guns N’ Roses.

Stern: Alright!

Male: Saved by the slash.

Stern: Yeah, Slash. Slash is on the phone!

Robin Quivers: Gee, so we’re not gonna hear (?) song.

Male: No, but don’t you rather speak with Slash?

Robin: Of course I’d rather speak to Slash.

Male: Slash is calling in from Hawaii.

Stern: Really?

Male: Yeah.

Stern: Oh, what a lucky dog! Hey, Slash, how’re you doing? It’s Howard. Slash?

Slash: Yeah.

Stern: It’s Howard. You’re on the air.

Slash: Hey!

Stern: Hey. What time is it –

Slash: See? (laughs). Alright, listen.

Stern: Yeah?

Slash: I’m sorry, I – I... - I didn’t flake.

Stern: What?

Slash: I didn’t flake. I was supposed to be here – I was supposed to be on this thing like minutes ago.

Stern: Yeah, but who cares. That’s okay.

Slash: Yeah, that’s what I said (laughs).

Stern: We have no real schedule.

Robin: We’re on your schedule.

Stern: Yes, remember, we’re on your schedule. Now, I found out that -

Slash: What happened was, I came back, I went to the bar – well, I went to a whole bunch of bars, and hung out with a friend of mine from junior high school. And we got back here and we were a little lit, and I was like, “Okay,” (laughs) “I have to do this.” So I called you guys and the phone was out, so I just went to sleep.

Stern: Yeah.


Slash: My security guard jumped over the balcony (laughs). He walked in and I was like, “What the [beep]” (laughs).

Stern: Whoa, wait a second. Slash, you can’t use that “f” word.

Robin: Remember that award show?

Slash: Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Stern: Yeah, Slash, remember that award show?

Robin: (Laughs) (?) you’ll go for it.

Stern: Yeah, right. Actually, Slash, if you have been drinking all night, I’m gonna call you “Slosh.”

Slash: No, no, I’m fine. I mean, it wasn’t one of those, like, heavy drinking nights.

Stern: Right. But anyway, it’s good to talk to you, finally, because –

Slash: I think in spirit, it was, you know...

Stern: You know I’m a big fan of the band and I love your music. And what I found out was Slash was a fan of the show.

Robin: I didn’t know that.

Stern: Axl we’ve spoken to a few times.

Slash: Yeah?

Stern: You know, when he had that first wife - you know, that wife he was married to?  

Robin: The Everly girl.

Stern: The Everly girl?

Slash: Yeah, I’m not... I won’t even – you know, this is personal.

Stern: Yeah, right.

Slash: I won’t even get into that.

Stern: Yeah, but I’m saying he called me with the wife.

Robin: Yeah, we talked to him and her.

Stern: We talked to both of them.

Slash: The strangest things have happened.

Stern: Yeah. And that’s when we’re on good terms.

Male: And then Duff called (?)

Slash: Wait, who is the other voice?

Stern: I thought you were fans of ours. You would know what the other voices is. That’s Robin.

Slash: Oh, Robin! Okay.

Robin: I don’t sound like myself (?).

Stern: (Laughs)

Slash: You don’t know... like... I know this show – I don’t wanna get into it.

Stern: What do you mean?

Slash: I only – I – never mind.

Stern: No, tell me. Come on. Come on!

Robin: You can tell us anything.

Slash: I’m not exactly sure what the [beep] (?) (laughs).

Stern: Wait a second! Hold it, don’t say the “f” word!

Robin: (Laughs).

Slash: Oooh...

Stern: We’re doing good here. Now, wait a second. Slash!

Slash: What?

Stern: Alright. So I see you on MTV –

Slash: You know what, there’s two of you. I’ve never actually listened to this on the air before, like on radio.

Robin: You’ve watched the TV shows, is that it?

Slash: I’ve watched the TV show.

Stern: Oh, cool. Okay, so you see –

Slash: Okay. So I don’t know what I’m doing. I just, like, called in and I’m like, “Hello.”

Stern: Yeah, I know. I got you.

Robin: We always get on the phone together.

Stern: Yeah, we always double-team everybody.

Slash: Okay, well, so I’m sitting here, I’m putting you on the TV at the hotel and, like, (?) of what I’m doing exactly. They just dragged me out of bed just now, and just said, “Okay, you’re on.” I’m like, “What?” (laughs)

Stern: Let me talk to you about your life, man, because you’re living some incredible life. Alright?

Slash: Right...

Stern: Alight. I saw you on MTV the other night –

Slash: Wait –

Stern: Yeah, go ahead.

Slash: Alright. No, it’s actually great to talk to you, because I’ve never actually talked to you in kind of realistic – you know.

Stern: Yeah, I know –

Slash: I watched you on Joan Rivers though. You were hilarious.

Stern: Thanks, man.

Slash: It was great.

Stern: You know, that makes me feel good.

Slash: I thought you were gonna sit there and give me crap about saying the “f” word?

Robin: Yes.

Slash: On the radio?

Stern: Yeah, of course. I can’t say that.

Slash: You were, like, trying to turn Joan Rivers’ shirt off?

Stern: (Laughs) I was grabbing –

Slash: What’s the medium here? (laughs)

Stern: I was grabbing Joan Rivers’ ass.

Slash: Oh you did, you were terrible!

Stern: I know.

Slash: I was like, “Oh, there’s a man after my own heart.” (laughs)

Stern: Yeah (laughs). You know, I saw you on MTV with Martha Quinn. I thought you’d start grabbing her ass.

Slash: No, I was cool on MTV with her.

Stern: Why? Don’t you think she’s cute?

Slash: You know, she was really sweet. And, to be totally honest, they threw me to the wolves on that one. She was the only one that was really cool. Like, the guy who runs Rockline?

Stern: Yeah?

Slash: You know, just like he had people down there and I had an audience behind me. I was really pissed off at this guy and we’ve since reconciled it, because of the fact that I was so pissed. But it was – you know, he brought, like, 15 guitars down for me to sign, and this and that –

Robin: Wow!

Stern: But wait a second –

Slash: All I needed to do is go and talk – you know, like, speak my piece.

Stern: Yeah, but here’s the point. So you’re there with Martha – I had her on my show and I got her wet. I wet her down, I had a beach thing with her, and I had her up to - her dress was all hiked up over her pantie. I’m telling ya.

Slash: Yeah, but she’s real sweet. She’s pretty fragile.

Stern: You couldn’t get sex with her?

Slash: Huh?

Stern: You couldn’t get any sex with her?

Slash: Dude, don’t start that with me.

Stern: What do you mean?

Slash: I’m already in hot water with this enough, you know.

Stern: What do you mean? What are you in hot water over?

Slash: I... (laughs).

Stern: You’ve got tons of models. Come on!

Slash: (Laughs)

Robin: But what about that porn star?

Slash: (?) [beep] already.

Stern: What?

Slash: No, you – she was just real cool and she helped me through that, because I didn’t know what I was walking into.

Robin: Okay, okay, I’m fine with Martha Quinn. But what about that porn star? They say in the paper you and this porn star –

Stern: Got it on at a New York club.

Robin: (?) in that New York club or something.

Slash: That’s not true either.

Stern: Really?

Slash: You’ve got names?

Stern: Yeah, I mean, why not? I mean, what’s wrong with (?)

Slash: I’ll tell you what. I’ll tell you what. Alright. What happened was, Savannah, who I think we all know –

Stern: Right, the porn star.

Slash: She is what she is. She’s a friend of mine, okay?

Stern: Right, right.

Slash: That’s that.

Stern: She’s a friend of mine, too.

Slash: I’m sure she is (laughs).

Robin: She’s a friend to everybody.

Stern: Yeah, come to think of it.

Slash: Actually, she says hello.

Stern: Does she? Is she there now?

Slash: Huh?

Stern: Is she over there with you?

Slash: No. We’re not really together.

Stern: Who’s in the room with you right now?

Slash: Nobody.

Stern: Oh, come on. You’ve gotta have some girls in there.

Slash: No. You know, I have... you know.

Stern: You’re in Hawaii with guys?

Slash: No, I’m in Hawaii by myself, actually. Just [beep] trying to get my head straight.


Slash: Keep it up and I’ll keep saying it!


Stern: Stop saying the “f” word, man. You’re killing me!

Slash: Anyway. No, I’m here by myself. And -

Stern: Right. So what happens when you go out of the hotel, man? Don’t, like, tons of women just start coming on to you?

Slash: It gets a little ridiculous. But I know you really envy this.

Stern: Yeah, but who wouldn’t want to be into that? You’re into that. I mean, you probably waited for that –

Robin: But how many people get this life, Slash?

Stern: Tell me, every guy waits for – everybody who practices –

Slash: Listen to you guys. You’re like manic.

Stern: No, but everybody who practices guitar is sitting in his room thinking about that, that whole aspect.

Slash: Well, listen. A lot of stuff went on with the whole going back on the road thing, and it –

Stern: Do you know what I do, man? I exercise. I go running.

Slash: It’s really private, as far as I’m concerned. I mean, because a lot of stuff is going on, and my girlfriend of, like, two years and I split up, because of that.

Stern: Oh, cuz of what, Savannah?

Slash: But it’s real cool. You know, I’m not gonna sit there and degragate... degradate – whatever the word is like (laughs).

Stern: Yeah! (laughs)

Slash: I can’t even pronounce it (laughs).

Stern: You’re better off with the “f” word.


Slash: Anyway. But I love her very much, so I’m not gonna sit there and degradate – okay, I still can’t say it (laughs) – and mess with the whole thing.

Stern: But there’s no way you could be tied down to one woman. You’re a rock star, man.

Slash: I don’t know...

Stern: Do you know what I’m saying?

Slash: You wouldn’t know, and I don’t know any of that, you know.

Stern: You know what I’m saying. You know exactly what I’m saying, cuz you know what –

Slash: Well, I think I have a good idea of what I’m doing.

Stern: You know, you kind of look like me in a strange way. Do you know what I mean?

Slash: Yeah, except for my – I wear better shades.

Stern: You’re in better shape.

Slash: (Laughs).

Stern: I mean, he’s in better physical shape.

Slash: I wear better shades.

Robin: I think he said he wears better shades.

Stern: That’s it. You wear better shades and also you – you know, he also has...

Slash: (Laughs) You’re so funny, man.

Stern: You always have, like, the right clothing. How do you guys know what to wear and stuff? I’m always trying to go for that sort of heavy metal look, man, and I can’t it all together. Where do you guys shop?

Slash: Well, you know, all you have to do is get a t-shirt.

Stern: Yeah? I do all that.

Slash: Put some pants on and you’re fine (laughs).

Stern: I do that, but I don’t know.


Robin: (?)

Stern: You know what, I gotta get to those willy-nilly tattoos, too, so just like – sort of like...

Slash: I don’t know, I’m not one of those tattoo freaks.

Stern: I know Axl is. Axl put some –

Slash: Actually, no. All the tattoos between the guys in the band are really, really close to home. No one screws around with those. It’s not like, “Oh, I wanna have a tattoo from my wrist to my...” - you know.

Stern: Why don’t you come – come to New York and take me shopping, man.

Slash: Take you shopping?!

Stern: Yeah, dress me up –

Slash: For what, t-shirts?

Stern: I don’t know, just some of those cool clothes.

Slash: Oh God.

Stern: Hey, what’s with – does Michael Jackson –

Slash: (Laughs) I mean, the next time I see you, though, I gonna rib you on this one.

Stern: Hey, do you know who I read you’ve got?

Slash: What?

Stern: Jasmine Guy from the Cosby Show. I’ve heard you had her.

Robin: Really?!

Slash: No.

Stern: Is that true?

Slash: No, I didn’t.

Stern: That’s just a rumor?

Slash: No, I did not.

Stern: You didn’t?

Slash: You make everything worse.

Stern: I am? (laughs).

Slash: Yeah. That’s not true.

Stern: It isn’t true?

Slash: I don’t even know who that is.

Stern: Oh, I thought you got her.

Robin: So where is Axl? So we can turn him in.

Stern: Yeah, what’s going on with Axl, man? Everyone’s, like, searching for him. What is he – he’s like an outlaw or something.

Slash: He’s fine. He’s going through what we call celebrity prosecution.

Stern: What’s with that guy? You –

Slash: And I swear to God, if it screws with our tour with Metallica, I’m gonna be really –

Stern: Mad. Hey, are you getting along with him or what?

Slash: Me and Axl have been fine.

Stern: Alright.

Slash: Me and Axl never had a problem. What everybody –

Robin: Let me ask you one thing. How come you guys can’t hit the stage before 11 o’clock?

Slash: (?)

Stern: I know why. I know the answer to that. They’re musicians and they gotta try to get the right vibe.

Slash: I’ll try not to say the “f” word, okay? (?)

Stern: Alright, go ahead.

Robin: But tell me that.

Slash: Because we’re a club band.

Stern: Yeah, but that costs you a fortune.

Slash: Well, yeah, but you know, it’s –

Stern: Do you know how much overtime is in the big stage?

Slash: Hello?!

Stern: Yeah?


Slash: Alright, we get up and we go on stage when it feels comfortable to go out there and do it.

Robin: Alright! –

Stern: But you’re losing money! You’re losing, like, 30 to 40 grand.

Slash: I don’t give a –

Stern: Hoot!

Slash: Hello?!

Stern: Yeah.

Slash: I don’t give a... whatever about it.

Stern: So who is your friends –

Slash: As long as we go on and feel comfortable about doing it, and, like, try and do the best show that we can –

Robin: Well, you do a great show. That’s why –

Stern: Yeah.

Slash: It’s like, if you’re on at 8 o’clock because they tell you to –

Stern: Yeah, but, I mean, everybody’s gotta go home.

Slash: ... it’s not gonna happen.

Stern: I get burned out, man. I can’t wait that long.

Robin: I was there until 2 o’clock in the morning.

Slash: Well, do you ever go to clubs and just watch club bands and they go on at, like, 11:00?

Stern: No, no way. I gotta be in bed by, like, 9:00.

Slash: Well, that’s your problem.

Stern: I know!


Slash: Well, seriously, we’ve tried to, like, come to a happy medium where we go on a little earlier.

Stern: Yeah. You guys have the whole thing going, man. You’re, like, the world’s most dangerous band, man. It’s excellent.

Slash: No, it’s just –

Stern: It’s excellent!

Slash: You know, it’s a club thing. It’s like, you go on at midnight. And it’s like, it’s cool, you know?

Stern: (?)

Slash: As far as the feeling is concerned, that’s what feels right.

Stern: I actually went out and bought your albums! I’m a disc jockey and I paid for your albums.

Slash: Really? You know what, to tell you the truth? I’m in the band and I wouldn’t have bought them. Alright? So screw you (laughs).  


Stern: That’s right. So what’s your day like, man? It’s gotta be perfect, cuz, I mean, you’re a multi-millionaire now. So what do you do? Like, you just wake up and then, like, get your head together for a couple of hours, right?

Slash: Yeah...

Stern: And then what do you do? You just practice your guitar for a couple of hours?

Slash: Like, are you talking about a gig day or a day off?

Stern: Day off.

Slash: A day off –

Stern: Give me everything you’ve got to do. Like, tell me everything you did yesterday. Everything.

Slash: I got up and I dealt with band business.

Stern: Alright. What time did you get up?

Slash: Like 7:30 in the morning.

Stern: Really?!

Slash: Yeah!

Stern: Oh, that’s shocking.

Slash: No, you know this stuff is really – you’re thinking it’s, like, all hype and it’s like a lot of fun, but –

Stern: What about band business? What do you mean “band business”?

Slash: Well, just everything that has to do with the band. I mean, you know, from press to – you know, like, I want to get Axl through this thing that he’s going through.

Stern: Right.

Slash: He’s pissed off about it, because it’s really constricting, you know.

Stern: But what has he got to do? He’s just got to go to what, St. Louis or something?

Robin: Yeah.

Slash: Well –

Stern: And answer what, some charges?

Slash: I mean, this is something I’m not gonna get into talking about.

Stern: If I was him, you know what I would do?

Slash: I know you’d love to know.

Stern: Just get a bunch of lawyers to take care of it.

Slash: But a bunch of lawyers don’t work.

Stern: Oh yeah, sure they do.

Slash: It doesn’t really work that way. You know what would be cool, though? Get a bunch of lawyers kind of like -

Stern: (?)

Slash: In the Yellow Pages there’s a bunch of lawyers.

Stern: Right. Just get a bunch of lawyers -

Slash: (?) lawyers.

Stern: What did he do? I don’t even know what he did. What did he do?

Robin: They’re accusing him of inciting a riot.

Slash: It’s just – it’s screwed up.

Stern: It’s screwed up.

Slash: Do you wanna know the way I see it? You’re asking me about it?

Stern: Go ahead.

Slash: It’s like – okay, the St. Louis thing, which was a very major incident, okay?

Stern: Right.

Slash: I mean, everybody stage-dives, everybody does a lot of extreme things, nobody pays that much attention. We play an hour-and-a-half show in St. Louis, Axl jumps off the stage for, like, a definite reason, right? And, like, you know, he gets in the crowd, and this guy with this camera that’s been there all night long, and everybody’s going, “Oh, what’s the big deal about the camera?” Like, we’ve been bootlegged like crazy.

Stern: Right. So it gets to you?  

Slash: And they rushed the stage and destroyed all of our equipment, and so on so forth.

Stern: Right.

Slash: So all this time goes by – this is last summer, right?

Stern: Right.

Slash: All this time goes by, we go to Chicago - right? - and we’re that close. All these people go, “Oh, we’re gonna cash in on this.” And they call up and they go, “Oh, he hit me on his way down.” (?)

Stern: Right. And nobody was really hurt. Nobody was really hurt, and -

Slash: You know, yeah -  

Stern: It’s more lawyers trying to make money. Don’t you see what it is?

Slash: The state prosecutor, you know, jumps our case and he goes to the Supreme Court judge in Chicago, and goes, you know, “I’m not gonna stop until I can make an example out of Axl.” And I’m like, come on, you gotta to be kidding. We have to cancel shows. We had one show in Chicago and it was great. You know, it was, like, a really good show, the kids were happy, everything was amicable, there was, like, no problem.

Stern: Right.

Slash: And then, all of a sudden, here come the (?), right? I’m like, stick it up your [beep]. You know what, you screwed up like –


Stern: You know what, you guys better stay away from court, actually.

Slash: They stick – I mean, they screwed up everybody that was gonna go the second show. Of course everybody – who gets the blame is us.

Stern: Alright, wait a second. Go back to your day. So you deal with the band business. So that goes on to what, like 11 o’clock?

Slash: Band business?

Stern: Yeah.

Slash: Band business is never ending.

Stern: Alright. So let’s say you get done with it at 11:00 and then you go out. What did you do yesterday, like, did you hit the beach?

Slash: No. What – I mean, like –

Stern: What did you do?

Slash: What, here in Hawaii? Or...

Stern: Yeah.

Slash: No, I take the mobile phone with me. (?) all the time.

Stern: Yeah. So you’re on the beach - let me get this straight. You’re on the beach, in Hawaii, with a mobile phone?

Slash: Yeah. No, I’m actually at the pool with the mobile phone.

Stern: Did you believe this would ever happen to you, man? Is this like you died and went to heaven?

Slash: Well, things have been weird recently, you know?

Stern: Come on, but seriously. I mean, come on (?)

Slash: It’s, like, over the last month, you know?

Stern: What are the odds of this happening? What are the odds?

Slash: I’m dealing with some idiot from [beep] so don’t get me started. I’m dealing with some idiot from some club in New York about something that’s totally, blatantly untrue, right? And then I’ve got Black Death Vodka (?). And like, at this point, everybody’s going, “Oh, you’re just, like, the alcoholic slut,” you know, and I go, “Oh, that’s nice.” (laughs)


Stern: Yeah, but you gotta unwind, so when do the girls come in about? Noon? When you have lunch?

Slash: No, I have...

Stern: What did you eat for lunch?

Slash: When I ate for lunch?

Stern: Yeah. Like, yesterday -

Slash: I haven’t eaten lunch. I have had breakfast, though.

Stern: What did you eat for breakfast?

Slash: (Laughs) Usually just, like, some fruit and chocolate milk is my favorite thing.

Stern: And you guys stay in shape doing that stuff. I mean, you guys have no flab or anything. Why do I have that big roll, that big fat ass problem?

Robin: I think it’s just you, Howard.

Slash: Because you sit around and talk to people on the phone too much.

Stern: I know, I need to get out there and play.

Robin: (Laughs) Play what? Don’t you dare pick up a guitar. That’s a dangerous thing in his hands.

Stern: I need to jam. So then, like, at night –

Slash: Howard, wait, wait. Howard -

Stern: Now, what do you do at night? Do you go out and, like...

Slash: At night you just go out, and you, like, hang out and have a good time. At this particular point in time I hung out with a friend of mine. I haven’t –

Stern: A girl?

Slash: No, no. A guy -

Stern: Can you get, like, two or three girls –

Slash: It’s a guy, okay? Relax.

Stern: Yeah, but you get, like, two or three girls in your room at one time?

Slash: Won’t you go just [beep] something, you know (laughs).

Robin: Whoa!!!

Stern: (Laughs) I gotta calm down, man. Hey, come on.

Robin: Don’t you remember that time Duff called us?

Slash: You know, wait. Wait, wait.

Stern: Duff called us –

Slash: You know, you’re a female. What do you think?

Stern: Thank you.

Robin: Well...

Slash: I mean, this guy is like, all over it or what?

Stern: Oh, come on.

Robin: I hear this every day. I’m immune (laughs).

Stern: Oh, come on. Come on, Slash. Gimme a break.

Slash: What do you think – I get this stuff and I’m like, you know, get over it. Like, if I was gonna tell you what I do?

Robin: (Laughs)

Stern: So we were talking to Duff, and he was telling us all this stuff.

Slash: Well, that’s not (?)

Robin: He was telling us about him down in the other room. They had picked up some girls and (?)

Stern: Duff had, like, two girls, didn’t he?

Slash: Yeah, but he could (?)  

Robin: Slash had a girl in the other room.

Stern: Slash had a girl in his room.

Robin: Slash – Duff was talking to us on the phone. Slash was busy. He couldn’t talk (laughs).

Stern:  Yeah, Duff said you couldn’t come to the phone because you were busy.

Slash: I wasn’t even in town!

Stern: That’s what he told me. He said you guys were mixing the album.

Slash: Yeah... Ha...

Stern: Oh, man!

Slash: Alright. Okay.

Stern: Alright. Look, I’m just so (?) sex stuff, okay? So I admit it.

Slash: No, no. If you’re under (?), I can understand that.

Stern: Right. I’ve been married 17 years to the same woman, I haven’t even cheated on her.

Slash: No. I mean – alright.

Stern: See what I’m saying? I’m living through you. I’m living through you and your stories. Help me out here.

Slash: That whole situation that went on with Savannah was one of the things where, yeah, Savannah and I were, like, hanging out and stuff. And we were at the Scrap Bar, and Steve – whatever his name is – he made me an offer back in the office.

Stern: Yeah?

Slash: And he goes, you know, “I offer you such and such amount of money to go invest in a club.” And I was like, “No, that’s not gonna happen.”

Stern: So you never had sex with her.

Slash: Uh-uh! I didn’t do any – I mean (?)

Stern: You guys better wear rubbers. Do you wear a rubber?

Slash: We had – Dude! – We were on this... We... Don’t give me... I... (?)

Robin: (Laughs) The one question has nothing to do with the other.

Slash: She never got past my chaps.

Stern: You gotta wear rubbers. I’m telling ya.

Slash: I was in the bar, okay? She never got past my chaps.

Stern: I got you, man! Hey, listen –

Slash: He just did that because I totally blew him off on the deal.

Stern: They try to get publicity, I know that. I know that motive.

Slash: He’s a [beep], because, I mean, I hang out at the Scrap Bar all the time. All the people that work there are cool -

Stern: Yeah.

Slash: - and everything else, and it was really just like, you know –

Stern: And nobody even cares. It’s fine!

Slash: No, but it’s just – nobody really cares? It’s in People magazine, and I’m like –

Stern: Oh, it was?

Slash: Yeah, it was! Like, my mom even called me. And I was like, “No, I didn’t [beep] anybody in the Scrap Bar.” (laughs)

Stern: Okay (laughs).

Robin: (Laughs) “No, mom!”

Stern: Alright. Listen here, Slash –

Robin: But we do want you to wear condoms anyway, no matter what you do.

Stern: Yeah.

Slash: Well, that’s a given, but, you know, that’s not what the deal was.

Stern: Yeah. I heard you’re on Michael Jackson’s thing there. What’s his story? What’s he with all those Macauley Culkin for? What’s going on there?

Slash: I don’t know. He didn’t try to [beep]

Stern: Whoa, wait a second. Oh, man hold that (?). Alright Slash, I gotta go. Hey, listen, have a good time in Hawaii. I’m glad you watch the TV show. And I’m telling you, we’re big fans. Every day when I go running, I got Guns N’ Roses on the headphones. As I run, man. I’m with you, guys.

Slash: Really? You’ve got shades on, too?

Stern: Got the shades, got the whole thing.

Slash: Alright.

Stern: I love the band, and, you know, thanks for calling in. I appreciate it. And don’t worry about it.

Slash: Are you saying you’re gonna cut me off just like that?

Robin: But we gotta go! (laughs)

Stern: I gotta do commercials and stuff. I’ve got band business.

Slash: No, this is being fun (laughs).

Stern: I’ve got band business.

Slash: Yeah, right, right, right.

Stern: Put one of those babes on the phone, I won’t hang up. Let me talk to one of them.

Slash: (Laughs).

Stern: Let me talk to one of those girls, those young girls. What is it, Gary? What is it?

Gary: Well, we have Malika on the phone.

Stern: Oh, she –

Slash: No, wait. No, no.

Stern: I’ve got Malika on the phone.

Slash: Malika?

Stern: Yeah, Malika from Sam Kinison’s wife, Malika.

Slash: She’s on the phone?

Stern: Yeah.

Robin: Yeah.

Stern: Well, she’s a friend of ours.

Gary: She’s getting tired, if we don’t get through, you know.

Slash: Can I talk to her?

Stern: Yeah, sure. Hold on. Malika?

Malika: Yeah?

Stern: Hey, listen. First of all, Slash is on the phone and he wants to say something.

Malika: What does he want – he’s not making sense.

Stern: He’s not what?

Robin: He’s not making sense.

Malika: He’s not making sense. I’ve been listening to it for the last 15 minutes.

Stern: Yes he is.

Malika: What do you want to say, Slash?

Slash: Malika, I just wanna say hi. I didn’t know I wasn’t making sense.

Malika: You’re drunk, aren’t you?

Slash: Am I drunk? No, I just got into one of those situations where I was like, “Okay, how do I answer this question?”

Stern: Right. Alright, wait. This isn’t going well. I thought that you’d want to hear from Slash, Malika.

Malika: Huh?

Stern: I thought you’d want to hear from Slash.

Malika: I do. He’s a good friend of mine.

Stern: Oh. Well, he just wanted to say hi, and I’m just –

Malika: He just sounds like he’s drunk.

Stern: Yeah, but, you know, I think he just wanted to say hi and offer his condolences.

Malika: Oh, let’s not fight (?)

Stern: No. Right, Slash?

Slash: I don’t know. That was real heavy all of a sudden. Anyway –

Stern: Yeah, I know.

Malika: Slash, how are you and how is your girlfriend?

Slash: Okay – We... Oh, hello.

Stern: Alright.

Slash: I’d just woke up -

Malika: (Laughs) I woke up. You’ve been up all night, I can tell.

Slash: It’s not all night. I’m three hours ahead, like earlier than you.

Malika: Where you’re at?

Slash: I’m in Hawaii.

Stern: Slash, you were a friend of – Slash was a friend of Sam’s, right?

Malika: Yeah, he was his very good friend.

Stern: Right. And I’m sure Slash just wanted to say how badly he felt.

Malika: Yeah...

Stern: That’s all.

Malika: Well, everybody took it bad. I mean all, you know...

Slash: (inaudible)

Malika: Except, I mean, Sam loved you, Howard.

Stern: I know. Hey, you know what, Malika, let me say goodbye to Slash and then we can talk. Let me do a commercial thing, alright? And then I’ll come back and talk to you for a while. Alright? Cuz I’ll make this (?).

Robin: Yeah, we’ll talk to you.

Malika: (?) I woke up just for this.

Stern: I know. Give me a second, okay?

Malika: Alright.

Stern: Alright. Hold on.

Malika: Okay.

Stern: Make sure who’s on what line.

Slash: Hello?

Stern: Hold on. Slash, I gotta go.

Slash: Huh?

Stern: I gotta go.

Slash: Okay. Am I drunk or is she drunk?

Stern: No, no. Malika is not drunk. You’re drunk.

Robin: (Laughs) I don’t know who is drunk.

Stern: I don’t know that he’s drunk. I don’t know that anybody’s drunk.

Malika: I just woke for this, Slash.

Slash: Hi hi!


Robin: Oh, jeez (laughs)

Stern: I know I’m on ludes.


Robin: Howard is drunk.

Slash: No, she’s drunk. I’m drunk? Come on.

Stern: I’m on ludes! Slash isn’t drunk, and Malika isn’t drunk.

Slash: Okay.

Malika: I’m doing heroin (laughs).

Stern: Slash, is anybody drunk here?

Malika: (Laughs) No.

Slash: Do you get anything out of that, you guys?

Malika: (Laughs) Slash, you’re cracking me up.

Slash: Hi hi. What –

Stern: I know Fred is on mushrooms.

Robin: (Laughs) I’m about to take care.

Malika: (Laughs)

Stern: Yeah. Alright, Slash...

Slash: Why did she say that?

Malika: (?)

Robin: (?)

Stern: Slash, she’s only – she doesn’t know what you’re doing.

Robin: You’re sensitive, Slash!

Stern: Slash, you’re getting too sensitive, man.

Slash: Huh?

Stern: You’re too –

Slash: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know.

Malika: Oh, Slash, come on...

Slash: It’s just that I’ve known her for a really long time. Where’s she calling from?

Malika: I’m calling from L.A.!

Slash: What? What the [beep] –

Stern: Wait a second, Slash. Slash! I gotta go.

Slash: Okay. Well, what do I do? Can you just keep me on the line?

Stern: Yeah, okay. If you wanna hold on through the commercials, fine. Then you’ll be able to hear us talking to -  

Slash: I just wanna talk to her (?)

Stern: You wanna talk to Malika?

Slash: Yeah –

Malika: Yeah –

Stern: I’ll tell you what. Slash, hold on. Gary will take Malika’s number or a number where you can be reached and Malika will reach you. But I wanna talk to Malika after you, okay?

Slash: No, you talk to Malika, but I wanna talk to her. Malika, I wanna talk to her.

Stern: Alright, hold on. Gary – Malika, hold on. Hold on.

[Beep sound]

Stern: What the hell is going on (laughs).

Robin: He is crazy with that phone (laughs).

Stern: Do me a favor. I really got to go take a nap.

Robin: (Laughs).

Stern: Take... Freddie – [cut]

Last edited by Blackstar on Sat Oct 19, 2019 9:18 pm; edited 4 times in total

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Blackstar Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:00 pm

I think this more likely was in April 1992, not May, because they talk Axl's fleeing from the police and the cancellation of the second show in Chicago (April 10) for that reason, but they don't mention the Freddie Mercury Tribute which was on April 20 - I assume they would have, if the interview was after that.
Also Sam Kinison passed away on April 10, and from the conversation it sounds like it was recent.

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Surge Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:13 pm

Nice work. I agree with this. I had April or May, but my reasoning here is that the Tribute show would have turned up in the convo in any other interview if it was before or after. It wasn't exactly a secret that they were gonna play that show if I'm not wrong. Stern's interview style is different.

Kinison's wife also may have not been able to do this if this was say April 15, and if it was done on that date, Slash would have had to bring up the tribute show and going to London, wouldn't he?

I also checked the Countdown interview from May 1992, and there Slash says he was in London for a while, and also rehearsed for the Tribute show. I'm not sure there's time for a Hawaii trip in there too.

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Blackstar Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:41 pm

Surge wrote:Nice work. I agree with this. I had April or May, but my reasoning here is that the Tribute show would have turned up in the convo in any other interview if it was before or after. It wasn't exactly a secret that they were gonna play that show if I'm not wrong. Stern's interview style is different.

Kinison's wife also may have not been able to do this if this was say April 15, and if it was done on that date, Slash would have had to bring up the tribute show and going to London, wouldn't he?

I also checked the Countdown interview from May 1992, and there Slash says he was in London for a while, and also rehearsed for the Tribute show. I'm not sure there's time for a Hawaii trip in there too.
Yes, this makes sense also, so I'm leaving the date as is.

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Soulmonster Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:52 am

Massive effort there, @Blackstar! Smile

The interview section, when moved into Microsoft Words, now consists of 1264 pages containing 1.2 million words (!).
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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Soulmonster Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:00 am

Axl had sex with Savannah at Scrap Bar in April 1992. Renee then dumped him and he took off to Hawaii. So early May is not unlikely at all.
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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Blackstar Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:55 pm

I found out the exact date of this: April 30, 1992.

So I'm going to update the title.

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Blackstar Sat Oct 19, 2019 9:09 pm

Blackstar wrote:I found out the exact date of this: April 30, 1992.

So I'm going to update the title.
Oh, it turns out that it was a another Slash interview on April 30. I found an incomplete audio where they discuss the Los Angeles riots mostly.

So I'm changing the date back to May.

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Blackstar Sat Oct 19, 2019 9:20 pm

Okay, they mention in the April 30 interview that this phone call from Hawaii was the night before.

So I'm changing the date again to April 29 Very Happy

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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Soulmonster Sun Oct 20, 2019 6:03 am

Haha Smile
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1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash Empty Re: 1992.04.29 - The Howard Stern Show - Phone call from Slash

Post by Blackstar Sun Oct 27, 2019 1:32 am


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