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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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1995.02.DD - Italian TV - Interview with Slash

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1995.02.DD - Italian TV - Interview with Slash Empty 1995.02.DD - Italian TV - Interview with Slash

Post by Blackstar Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:39 pm


Interviewer: Slash! Hi Slash. Nice to meet you. Benvenuto in Italia. Hi Eric.

Dover: Nice one.

Interviewer: Thanks very much. My friends, this is Slash and this is Eric Dover. We’ll talk to Slash about his new musical project. He has a new band called Snakepit. What can you tell us about this new project, the Snakepit project? How did it come about?

Slash: Basically it was just a bunch of us guys, some good friends just making music. And all of a sudden  it was like, “Oh, let’s go make a record,” you know? (laughs) So we did.

Dover: (?)

Slash: Yeah, it was really very laidback, very – there was no pressure, no hassle. We just sort of made it and then I went to the record company and I said, “Here,” and that was it (laughs).

[Translation into Italian]

Interviewer: Eric, what was the experience like working with Slash in this new album?

Dover: Very enjoy-able (laughs). I mean, it’s the best way to put it. We all get along well. We like a lot of the same things, we like watching a lot of the same things on TV monitors, that sort of thing. So it was great.

[Translation into Italian]

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