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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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1995.01.DD - Unknown TV program - Interview with Slash's Snakepit (Slash, Matt, Gilby)

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1995.01.DD - Unknown TV program - Interview with Slash's Snakepit (Slash, Matt, Gilby) Empty 1995.01.DD - Unknown TV program - Interview with Slash's Snakepit (Slash, Matt, Gilby)

Post by Blackstar Tue 20 Aug 2019 - 5:06


Slash: It’s a sort of look at life in a completely different angle. It’s like happy hour all the time.

Eric Dover: If you’d like to see us, you know, cheeky guys, hanging out playing, doing our video and whatnot, Selection 380. And I’m not really from England.


[Clip from Beggars and Hangers On video]

Matt: This is a song, like, about people that hang around you and cling on, and –

Dover: It means a lot of different things to a lot of people.

Slash: Yeah.

Matt: (?) Disconnect your phone number once every couple of weeks (laughs).

Slash: We just had all these extras come in and played the hangers-on, the beggars and hangers-on type of persona. So we found the most extreme version of what we would consider beggars and hangers-on to be. So there’s a lot of characters in the audience, and we had to play the song on a little tiny stage in a small club for everybody. And it was cool, because that was the first time we’ve ever been on stage as a band – you know, live.

Matt: But yeah, it was real simple, but that’s what – this kind of way we’re trying to approach this band. It’s just like, we get together, we play, we go out on tour. It’s gonna be the same thing, back to basics.

Slash: We’ll be working until - what? August, right?

Gilby: End of summer.

Slash: Yeah, end of summer. And so everything that’s going on with our respective bands – he [Gilby] is finishing his tour, Matt and I obviously have to go back and deal with Guns. But we’re rehearsing with Guns anyway at the moment. And when August comes around, he’s got a project – Eric’s got a project that he’s doing. So when August comes around, we’ll just get on the phone and go, “So what’s up?”

Matt: This is an opportunity for Slash to really express himself in more of a blues manner. I mean, I think it’s some of the bluesiest style of guitar playing that he’s ever done; which has always been a thing that he’s wanted to do with GN’R, but we tend to go more kind of hyperactive usually or whatever, you know? (laughs).

Slash: Yeah.

Matt: It’s just great for what we do and I think when we came to do this, we didn’t want to do Guns N’ Roses. We didn’t want to be Guns N’ Roses without Axl. So our deal was to –

Slash: - just do our own band, yeah. We just - you know, we’ll never grow up. That’s what we do, you know? Just a bunch of idiots.

Gilby: (?)

Slash: No, I’m saying it on my behalf, okay?


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