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2012.01.11 - MamasFallenAngels - Interview with DJ

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2012.01.11 - MamasFallenAngels - Interview with DJ Empty 2012.01.11 - MamasFallenAngels - Interview with DJ

Post by Soulmonster Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:39 pm

I haven't had time to listen to it but apparently he claims he has written 12 songs for the new GN'R record and that the new record is their main focus.


Big Robbo: Hello Mama's Fallen Angels, this is Big Robbo and I am here with DJ Ashba of Guns N' Roses and of course SIXX:A.M.. Got a lot to talk about with DJ as you know he's a guy that's got a lot of irons in the fire, always very busy creating and recording music. But first I want to start off DJ with, your moving out of LA after 20 years that's going to be kind of weird?

DJ: Yeah man, it's time, I'm excited about it.

BR: Yeah I think that with the way that people share things now, of course, SIXX:A.M. is really on the cutting edge of getting things out digitally and making sure that the social networks are updated. With the way things are shared now with the writing and even recording of music it's not, you know, you don't have to be in LA and be in a room with the guys to be creative.

DJ: Absolutely I think that's the beautiful part about, you know, the internet and all that, you know, you literally have the world, you know, in your living room on your laptop, you know, and that's so... that's what's so powerful about the internet, you literally can pretty much live wherever and run multiple companies without much, if any, overhead and it's really cool because it's giving a lot of new young bands an opportunity to be heard by large audiences by building up their fan base on Facebook's and Twitter's and all that and it's allowing, you know, just entrepreneurs to kind of pursue their dreams, you know.

BR: Yeah, it makes it, like you said with the new bands, it makes it pretty cost-effective if you don't have a... if you don't have a lot of bank backing you up and you can't break into the Whisky and the Rainbow like, you know, bands did it back in the day traditionally. Facebook's a great way to do stuff like that.

DJ: Absolutely.

BR: I wanted to talk about the not-so-new album now, but the newest SIXX:A.M. album, This Is Going To Hurt. Seeing it, you know, and doing research for the interview today, DJ, have seen you vehemently call it not a soundtrack but definitely a concept album based on some of the art that Nikki had. When I listened to the album when it came out for first few times I thought, "Wow, this is really, really dark," as I continue to listen to it I said, "You know, it's gone from dark to me to inspiring," is that something that it takes place in the writing? Did that have a lot more to do with the artwork or how exactly did that come about?

DJ: You know, I mean, first of all that means a lot to me and I know it went to the other guys too, because, you know, SIXX:AM, we always try to go against the grain and we try to write about subjects and topics that a lot of people turn a blind eye to or just, you know, are maybe kind of scared to touch upon. We'd like to kind of make people think and hopefully inspire and hopefully help people and really, you know, kind of screwed up situations in life and, you know. SIXX:AM is definitely, you know, it's one of those bands where, you know, we've never looked at it and I think, you know, the photography that Nikki does is so inspiring. You know, we got inspired by some of the photos he shot, he got inspired by some of the songs we were writing, so he would set up different photo shoots, you know, just off the basis of him being inspired by, say, a lyric that we came up with or whatever the case may be. So it definitely is a... they go hand in hand for sure. But I just don't see it as a soundtrack. I see the Heroin Diaries was definitely a soundtrack because the storyline followed the book and the narration kind of it, it took me on a musical journey and if you read the book and you listen to the album, they very much are... you know, they go definitely hand in hand. But I think, you know, the photography definitely inspired the music and the music inspired the photography and I think, you know, the end result was something super positive that we're all proud of.

BR: yeah, and it's something that's still, you know, on that positive note, DJ, which is obviously they're, like, I said it took a few listens but I finally got it. That's what rock and roll is, you know, it's the music of rebellion, you know, it speaks to the, you know, the outside of the outcasts and I think that that's something that SIXX:AM captures really, really well.

DJ: Yeah, I mean, I think the probably the most magical thing about what we are doing, maybe without even knowing it, is we didn't set out to cram a new band down anybody's throat. This is literally a side project from Motley Crue, Guns N' Roses, all the things we do in our daily lives and this is kind of an escape from all that. Like. all the songwriting I do for different bands, I have to kind of write, you know, in the vein of that band, you know, so this is something that we have an open canvas as artists and we can be true artist and paint outside lines, we have every color and the rainbow to paint with and it's just a project where we just go for it, you know. Right or wrong, because we don't care. We never did care if radio played the song thing and I think that is the key to anything in life, whether it's a, you know, if you're an artist or if you're a musician or if you're an actor and actress or well, you know, you work at McDonald's, I think if you did, you're true to your heart and you do what you do because you love to do it. If you love what you do you'll never have to work a day in your life. I think that is the key, just writing for yourself and not trying to follow what other people are doing or try to, you know... I think if you're just true to yourself other people sense that and they get that, you know, and I think that's when you're at your lowest [?] form, that's when you're you're a true, true artist, and you're being true to your craft, I think.

BR: Yeah. I had to become a DJ Ashba expert before the interview today because, you know, kind of nervous, haven't talked anybody of your caliber before, and that's one thing that [?] all the young people out there that are going to hear this interview, going to read it in print at all our outlets, that's one thing that DJ really says is, you know, you never ever give fucking up, you know, it's just this... it's all the first thing you can possibly do DJ?

DJ: Absolutely and I mean, you know, I never thought it was that hard to succeed at anything in life, like, I never looked at things as dreams, I always looked at things as realities and if somebody else is out there doing it, in my eyes I was like, "Well, we're all human, we're all equal, there's no reason that I can't do it, too." It just solidified the fact that it can be done in my eyes. So we made it very touchable, no matter what goal it was. And whether it's a brand new shiny car that some guy drives by in, well, he bought it, it can be done. So there's no reason I can't have it. So that's always been my mentality and going after things and, you know, you've got to believe in yourself, you know. If you don't truly believe in yourself you can't expect somebody else to. So, I think it's a lot of the key to success, is just being true to who you really are.

BR: Yeah, and it's it means a lot coming from you, I think, DJ, to the people like... I said here, read this, because you're somebody that has played the stadiums and been adored by millions of people and you're also the same guy that was dropped by a record label, probably dropped by more than one so. I think that-

DJ: Oh yeah. Absolutely and I think you have to fall to learn, you know, you... definitely I don't know one person that successful that hasn't taken a hit or two, you know, and has scraped his knees along the way, you know, but you learn every time you fall and you don't make the same mistakes twice and, you know, eventually you stop falling. I actually should say that I don't think you ever stop falling, you know, I mean, I try things every day and not everything turns into gold, you know, and... but it's fun, you know, it's... you have to fall to enjoy the success, you know. I think if everything just fell in your lap nothing would really mean that much so, you know. So I love the fact that the hardship I've been through, and for somebody who doesn't maybe know a lot about me, they may be like, "Wow, he just had life handed to him," but they don't realize I've been playing since I'm nine years old, you know, and I actually, you know, you know, I've taken a lot of bumps and bruises and eaten a lot of ramen noodles for many years to get to where I am. But I never lost sight of my dream, you know.

BR: Right. And for the folks listening, you know, if you're in that bar band and you're the guy that's getting booed, remember there's somebody in the back of the arena saying, "Man, DJ really didn't nail that solo, did he?", so- [laughs]

DJ: Right. Exactly.

BR: DJ, I know you just got back home and you're busy with the move and everything else so I hate to even broach this subject, but you just returned with Guns N' Roses for a great tour, tour of the year by the way, congratulations.

DJ: Yeah, thank you.

BR: I know that Motley Crue's got the... obviously Nikki's going to be busy in February in Las Vegas and it's been said several times before, even though you kind of broken out of that mold with SIXX:AM, that it's not a touring band, it's not that kind of entity, and we've already talked about how you can share and grow your music now online, but are there any tours planned for SIXX:AM? Is there any kind of, like, mini thing, I know that we have an EP we need to talk about, too, but is there anything lined up-

DJ: Yeah, you know, we definitely have a lot of big things up our sleeves and... But until things are etched in stone we we don't want to give anybody in any sort of fall so... When the time's right, absolutely. Everybody's going to know what we're up to and doing and you can be rest assured we're always up to something, you know and... But yeah, I mean, as far as February, I believe, we have some Guns dates booked. I know Motley's playing a whole month in Vegas. So definitely, if you're in Vegas, go check out Motley Crue. It's a mind-blowing show and it's just awesome, you know, to see these guys up there, you know, after, what, 30 years of being together as a band. That itself they should win a medal for. But yeah, everybody who hasn't seen them, and if you have seen them, definitely go check out this tour because they got a lot of new tricks up their sleeve for the Vegas stuff, so I'm excited. I can't wait to go out check it out.

BR: Yeah, yeah, me too.

DJ: And SIXX:AM, we do have some stuff, I can't, you know... just for March and we've been talking about some certain things, but nothing's in stone yet. But, you know, everybody will be first to know once we have it locked down.

BR: Right, right. Wanted to talk about the item, mentioned it earlier, there is an acoustic EP that was kind of released-

DJ: Yeah.

BR: I almost think of it, almost, kind of, like, a Christmas gift, or around that time of year, it's got an unreleased song and you can get that stuff, like I said, we'll put the links to all these things up. But was that-

DJ: Yeah.

BR: Was that something that was planned, DJ or were you guys just sitting around with acoustics and decided to strip those songs down? How did that come about?

DJ: You know, it's something, we just kind of got on the phones and we're like, "Man, it would be great," because we had a couple acoustic versions of, like, Life Is Beautiful and, you know, I think, I believe, Pray For Me, and Accidents [Can Happen] and certain different things. And, you know, I don't know really, I believe, you know, it's kind of Nikki's idea. Like, he kind of brought it up and it would be like, "Yeah, it would be be great to do a couple of acoustics up a new record and let's let's package it," and you know, "give it away for Christmas." I think, you know, that we've had such amazing fan... we have amazing fans and we've had such an amazing support from the fans, you know, and we know we haven't been touring, everybody wants us to tour, and it was just kind of our way to say thank you for, you know, hanging in there and, you know, and supporting the band, so we can continue to make music for you guys, you know. So it was just one of those things. We put it together and once it started coming together we realized, "Wow, this thing is really cool because they're completely different versions of these songs," and it just gave people a different perspective on that song which is kind of neat to listen to.

BR: Right, right. I pride myself on not being a journalist. I told Michelle and Constance many times that I wasn't, but here is my, here's my fringe journalists question, DJ, and I'm just going to throw it out there and you can respond anyway..

DJ: Sure.

BR: Three words: New Guns record?

Dj: Hehehe, I can't give anyone a definite date or anything because, again, I can't give anyone false hope, but I can say it absolutely is our main priority. And I cannot wait to get...I mean, Axl has tons and tons of stuff recorded as it is, I mean, he sits there in his hotel room and play me hours of stuff. And I've written, you know, over 10 songs, for -- I think 12 songs now -- for him that he really likes and I think that once we all, now that we are off tour, we're gonna kinda start talking about, hey, let's piece together what we feel would be the next best Guns N' Roses record. You know, it's absolutely everybody's goal to get out an album, you know, within a reasonable amount of time. That is everybody's focus, you know.

BR: Right. DJ, like I said, I told the girls I wasn't going to keep you long and I'm going to keep to that, I like to keep my word, I know you're a very busy guy, I just want to say first, real big pleasure and honor for us. We've been fans of your music in all its forms for a long, long time. We really do appreciate you taking the-

Last edited by Soulmonster on Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:17 am; edited 16 times in total
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2012.01.11 - MamasFallenAngels - Interview with DJ Empty Re: 2012.01.11 - MamasFallenAngels - Interview with DJ

Post by Soulmonster Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:52 am

Here's the interesting part:

Interviewer: I am just gonna throw it out there and you can respond any way you like. Three words: New Guns record?

Dj: Hehehe, I can't give anyone a definite date or anything because, again, I can't give anyone false hope, but I can say it absolutely is our main priority. And I cannot wait to get...I mean, Axl has tons and tons of stuff recorded as it is, I mean, he sits there in his hotel room and play me hours of stuff. And I've written, you know, over 10 songs, for -- I think 12 songs now -- for him that he really likes and I think that once we all, now that we are off tour, we're gonna kinda start talking about, hey, let's piece together what we feel would be the next best Guns N' Roses record. You know, it's absolutely everybody's goal to get out an album, you know, within a reasonable amount of time. That is everybody's focus.
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2012.01.11 - MamasFallenAngels - Interview with DJ Empty Re: 2012.01.11 - MamasFallenAngels - Interview with DJ

Post by Soulmonster Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:18 am

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