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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2009.02.28 - MySpace/Blabbermouth - Slash's Wife Calls Axl Rose A 'Loser'

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2009.02.28 - MySpace/Blabbermouth - Slash's Wife Calls Axl Rose A 'Loser' Empty 2009.02.28 - MySpace/Blabbermouth - Slash's Wife Calls Axl Rose A 'Loser'

Post by Blackstar Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:59 am

Slash's Wife Calls Axl Rose A 'Loser'

Perla Hudson, wife of former Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash (real name: Saul Hudson), has responded to a newly published interview with GN'R singer Axl Rose in which he describes the top-hatted axeman as "a cancer."

Addressing the possibility of a reunion of Guns N' Roses' classic lineup, Rose said in a friendly chat with his pal, songwriter Del James, that was posted on AOL Music's web site, that it was "highly doubtful for us to have more than one of the alumni up with us at any given time."

"I suppose (former bass player) Duff (McKagan) could play guitar on something somewhere but there's zero possibility of me having anything to do with Slash," Rose said.

"In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed, avoided — and the less anyone heard of him or his supporters the better."

As a post script to a message posted earlier today (Saturday, February 28) on her official MySpace blog, Perla wrote, "Have any of you seen that angry shit that Axl had to say about Slash? I just wish he was man enough to talk shit to Slash's face! ...LOSER!"

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2009.02.28 - MySpace/Blabbermouth - Slash's Wife Calls Axl Rose A 'Loser' Empty Re: 2009.02.28 - MySpace/Blabbermouth - Slash's Wife Calls Axl Rose A 'Loser'

Post by Blackstar Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:00 am

The post on Perla's MySpace blog:
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mama's Laid Up.
Current mood:stoned

Hi Everyone!
Im laid up in bed right now, because i had a hernia surgery yesterday...and IT SUCKS!!

I had a really bad fall as a child ice skating that pushed one of my vertabrae 90% forward, which causes all of my internal organs to push up into my stomach...
after having gained 100 lbs with London, and 80 lbs with Cash, and both being delivered C-Section,(but my punanee was saved!!) my stomach muscles are super-weak. I could do 100 sit-ups every day and it wouldn't make a difference.
Since i'm being open and honest here, I'll let you know, that I've even had a tummy tuck, but that was three years ago.
Now, prior to surgery, had a tear in my muscle and my intestines were pushing through, which is what a hernia is so im all fixed and patched up and laid up in bed. Thank god for Erin and Draden! Draden is my nurse today, and Erin is typing this!
Slash is being an awesome dad..he took the boys to soccer today and he's keeping them busy for me while I recover. The Dilaudid isnt working for the pain, anybody have any ideas??
Send me some sugar, and good wishes!

P.S. BTW have any of you seen that angry shit that Axl had to say about Slash? I just wish he was man enough to talk shit to Slash's face! ...LOSER!

Posts : 13842
Plectra : 90805
Reputation : 101
Join date : 2018-03-17

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