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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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1997.10.20 - The Gazette - [Untitled] (Axl)

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1997.10.20 - The Gazette - [Untitled] (Axl) Empty 1997.10.20 - The Gazette - [Untitled] (Axl)

Post by Blackstar Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:48 pm

1997.10.20 - The Gazette - [Untitled] (Axl) 1997_111




Axl Rose, the frontman for the band Guns ’N’ Roses, has decided to take up the guitar.

The band is short one axe-player, or whatever the jargon is, because this guy Slash finally parted ways with the group.

Rose had promised his dwindling legion of fans another album within the next year, but it’s not going to happen, insiders now say. That’s because he’s busy learning the guitar - he’s serious about this, I guess.

A mouthpiece at Geffen Publicity, the band’s PR agency, says this: “They haven’t even begun recording any new songs and the soonest it will happen is the fall of next year.

At the moment Axl is far too busy learning to play guitar and doing lots of reading.”

(That would be English literature, which the people around him are claiming with a straight face is Rose’s new passion.)


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