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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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New quote test

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New quote test Empty New quote test

Post by Soulmonster Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:28 pm

This is just a thread for me to test out different layouts for quotes.

The Gilby thing did piss Axl off. But Gilby was pissed off too. He was shocked when he was fired, because there was no other reason behind it other than Axl had made up his mind. And of course I had to be the f**king messenger of bad news, which was f**ked for me because Gilby and I are really close. You don't play with people like that.

I hooked up with Gilby and rightly so, because Gilby didn't deserve that kind of treatment — especially when he covered our ass so we could complete the world tour when Izzy quit. I wasn't mad at Gilby. I can do what the f**k I want! And if he wanted to work with me after all of this shit...

We (Slash and Axl) just had a really rare, heated conversation a couple of days ago, where everything that I've had brewing — you know how quiet and laid-back I am — I just let everything out. He sort of listened to me. I said everything I could possibly say that I didn't agree with. So that's about it.
- Douglas Morgan

My traditional values – as far as Guns is concerned or just in general, having to do with integrity and music sense and so forth – haven't changed. Everybody grows in their own way and when we all get together in a room, we know each other very well... but you want to get to where there's a meeting of the minds. And it's like pulling teeth actually to do that. But the guys in the band and I call ourselves the "bricklayers", the guys who really do a lot of hands-on work. And then there's the lead singer who has a whole other vision of his own. You just have to deal with it. You can't, like, stress out – I have no intentions of quitting the band or anything like that – and the only reason I'm doing a solo project is just to sort of get away from that for a while because Guns doesn't have to record now or next year. They can do a record whenever.
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New quote test Empty Re: New quote test

Post by Soulmonster Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:55 am

Made a few changes. There are restrictions to what can be done here at forumotion, so I had to settle for the same design as before. But the coding is much simpler and will prevent mistakes and more easy going ahead. I have also made the citation stand out more, and it is now made into a link taking you straight to the interview database. I will  probably do some more tweaking, especially make the background image lighter to make it easier to read.

Any thoughts?
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New quote test Empty Re: New quote test

Post by Soulmonster Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:41 am

Just lightened the background image.
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