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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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New layout on band member quote

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New layout on band member quote Empty New layout on band member quote

Post by Soulmonster Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:12 pm

I am considering making band member quotes a bit more fancy. Check it out here:

I will change the pictures and colors, of course, but it should give a hint of what I am trying to do. It will hopefully spruce up the quotes and make it more difficult to copy-paste our content.

What do you think?

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New layout on band member quote Empty Re: New layout on band member quote

Post by puddledumpling Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:05 am

I'm not exactly sure what I think. The compartmentalization is space-consuming. I understand your concern re. cutting and pasting out of A4D. I like especially the pictures and these pages could begin to resemble a hodge-podge tumblr like this one: if a style isn't laid out and adhered to. I'm trying to imagine Tommy's page more fleshed out. Quotes in a side-bar in a thread when the site has a side-bar isn't attractive. My only inclination is that the quotes shouldn't take up as much space as the pictures and pictures of Tommy in particular aren't as plentiful as they are of BBF, DJ and of course AXL.

Would you want posters like me to attach pictures?

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New layout on band member quote Empty Re: New layout on band member quote

Post by Soulmonster Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:21 pm

The style will be worked on, right now it is just a test of a new way of presenting quotes from band members.

And yes, of course I would appreciate A4D members contributing by posting pictures and other content Very Happy
Band Lawyer

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New layout on band member quote Empty Re: New layout on band member quote

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