1991.11.08 - L.A. Weekly - Choice Entertainments (Axl)
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1991.11.08 - L.A. Weekly - Choice Entertainments (Axl)
“That benefit took every minute of my life,” moaned L7 bassist Jennifer Finch two nights after Friday, October 25’s super successful, sold-out Nirvana-L7-Sister Double Happiness-Hole benefit for pro-choice at The Palace, which she and L7 also helped produce. (In the interim, she’d also played a big show in San Francisco.) Tickets sold so fast for the Palace benefit, it was almost impossible to get one in advance of the concert. (Guns N’ Roses singer Axl Rose did, but no one seems to know whether or not he showed up.) Basketball star Michael Jordan attempted to buy a ticket at the door, but no one recognized him, and he was turned away. Redd Kross bassist Steve McDonald and his girlfriend, actress Sofia (daughter of Francis Ford) Coppola, worked their way in by spending hours registering voters at a table in the lobby. Socially conscious all-gal quartet L7 play lots of benefits, but they’d always wanted to play one for pro-choice, an issue Jennifer and singer-guitarist Donita feel needs more of an “awareness platform.” They mentioned this to writer-activist Sue Cummings during an interview, and a few months later Sue matched them up with pro-choice activists in the Fund for the Feminist Majority.
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