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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

Please feel free to look around the forum as a guest, I hope you will find something of interest. If you want to join the discussions or contribute in other ways then you need to become a member. We especially welcome anyone who wants to share documents for our archive or would be interested in translating or transcribing articles and interviews.

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1989.06.02 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl)

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1989.06.02 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl) Empty 1989.06.02 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl)

Post by Blackstar Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:40 am

1989.06.02 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl) 1989_019

Transcript (excerpt):

Then there’s bands like Guns N' Roses, which ruled the local circuit before cashing in on those big bucks. And we really don’t mean to rag on poor Axl Rose, who certainly has enough trouble without our reporting every unflattering detail of his life. The guy probably divides his time between assisting the Junior Blind, driving a chuck wagon for Meals on Wheels and volunteering in Barbara Bush’s literacy campaign, and all we ever hear about are his public scrapes and scraps.

Like, for instance, the recent altercation between Axl and an armed member of the fairer sex at Club With No Name. The fragile flower had a knife; some say it was self-defense that had Axl grabbing the little lady by the hair and kicking her in the stomach. We guess you could call it a happy ending: after investigating, the police have decided not to press criminal charges against either party.

Then there was the matter of the Melrose Avenue tiff between Axl and the doorman at used-clothing emporium Aaardvark; perhaps Axl wasn’t on the list.

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