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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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What's in store for GN'R in 2011?

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What's in store for GN'R in 2011? Empty What's in store for GN'R in 2011?

Post by Soulmonster Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:49 am

After a great 2010 I expected 2011 to follow suit with more touring and perhaps even some new music. Then MSL entered the stage and claimed that GN'R had huge plans but that they might not happen, at least partly because of Doc McGhee not being able to get a US tour going. Now Axl has tweeted the following:

"Contrary to anyone's claims there are no concrete plans nor were there ever for a tour, a relaunch or sponsors (n' certainly not to replace anyone in the band) beyond a collection of random ideas thrown out by various individuals w/out any real foundation or negotiations in place other than our prior involvements (which wouldn't take a rocket scientist to put together). And 4 the record Doc McGhee is no longer involved w/either myself or GN'R."

"N' b4 it's twisted "prior involvements" has nothing to do with old GN"R."

So this doesn't look promising for 2011. I hope they get a manager with integrity that can make realistic plans that can start soon. I want the band to continue now, they are on a roll. Either tour, release finished music or make some new music.
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What's in store for GN'R in 2011? Empty Re: What's in store for GN'R in 2011?

Post by Soulmonster Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:15 am

It looks better now with a few tour dates set in SA in October and possible US dates later i 2011 or 2012 now that the lawsuits with Azoff are settled. A new record, unfortunately, seems to be further off in the distance.
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What's in store for GN'R in 2011? Empty Re: What's in store for GN'R in 2011?

Post by Soulmonster Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:02 pm

I wish he could just finish the remaining old material and get it out quickly. Either as a separate release or bundled with a re-release of CD. And then start writing new music with the current touring line-up.
Band Lawyer

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What's in store for GN'R in 2011? Empty Re: What's in store for GN'R in 2011?

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