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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2020.02.01 - GN'R Reddit - Fernando Lebeis shares band photo (and argues with fans)

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2020.02.01 - GN'R Reddit - Fernando Lebeis shares band photo (and argues with fans) Empty 2020.02.01 - GN'R Reddit - Fernando Lebeis shares band photo (and argues with fans)

Post by Blackstar Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:14 am


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Axl sounded horrible. Why doesn’t he ever prepare properly for shows that follow a long layoff?

You’re insane. The 4th time seeing them since they got back together and it’s the best he sounded. And all the other times were great.

Deleted user
How rude. Not sure why you need to throw out personal insults.
Go listen to Better and then come back here, with a straight face, and honestly tell me you think he sounds great? He sounds like he's about to die on stage.
Axl is WELL KNOWN for sounding horrible the first few shows of any leg of a tour and then improving as the tour goes on. To deny this and says he always sounds great....lfmao.....that's just blind fangirl worshiping and not facing reality.
Honest question. Have you ever heard Axl sound bad?

Rude? How’s This-go fuck yourself. Afford a ticket with your broke ass and go to a show. Bootlegging that shit on you tube isn’t the same maybe when your county check clears you can find one to make sitting in the rafters.

Yet here you are, talking about the same person you claim someone else to be obsessed with. No need to feel bad for someone my dude, just keep on scrolling and bother no one... life will surely hold more happiness versus the latter.
Super psyched for 2020!!!!

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Fernando - it’s weird that my post caused you to respond. But you have no problem with GnR “fans” telling people to go fuck themselves and calling people rude vulgar names.
Hopefully you are having a bunch of three hour meetings with Axl to convince him to give his fans what they really are desperate for. New material and not more laundry towels, toy trucks and fake tattoos. Rick Dunsford has released more GnR original material in the last decade than Axl has.
GnR is one of the most popular rock bands in the world right now. Strike the iron while it’s hot. A GnR album in 2018 would have sold 4-5 million copies. A 2020 album will still sell 2-3 million albums. Fans are desperate for new GnR material. But two more years of touring the same old songs, with sooooo many covers from other bands and GnR will keep losing momentum.
You guys made so much money on this tour. Why not do the real fans a favor and release an album and drop a few covers and play some new GnR songs on leg 38 of the NITL tour?

It’s ok, we will be fine. Thanks for your worry.

Deleted user
That says it all. "We"
Since you consider yourself part of Guns N Roses......I'm literally laughing out loud as I type that piece of rubbish.....what do you feel is your greatest accomplishment with the band?
Writing songs for Appetite? Or for Illusions? Hhhmmm. "We".....
Was it convincing Axl to wait over a decade and spend 13 million dollars to release Chinese Democracy? Was it convincing him to release it for FREE on Myspace before the album dropped? Was it convincing him to sell it to Best Buy instead of Walmart or a traditional release? Was it convincing him to NOT promote the album once it was released? Was it convincing him to have the band continually add covers to the setlist instead of original material that HE WROTE? Was it releasing a bloated $1,000 box set, that featured seven versions of one song? Was it releasing a 30 year old B-side as a single instead of new material? "Let's release a new song like every band in the world does.....OR......sit down, this will blow your mind. Let's release a 30 year old song that wasn't good enough to originally make the album!!!!" Or is it turning the band into a brand like Kiss, and focusing on releasing toy trucks, laundry bags, stickers (sucking your fans dry for every last penny) instead of music? Was it partnering up with guys like Walker to scrub YouTube of GnR fan videos (something no other band does) or with Jim/Mojo to spread hate on the internet? Who was the genius who let Fox air the Sweet Child performance where Axl sounds horrible? Still going after Rick and Tom - the only people who have shared GnR music over the last decade? Which one is your proudest moment?
The sad thing is that all you care about is making money. Not one fuck given about fans.
I hope you and your family are kissing the ground that Slash and Duff walk on. They allowed you to continue to hit the lottery of life and keep getting richer and richer.
The arrogance is off the charts. "We"........unbelievable. Keep those three hour meetings going, bro. Maybe we'll get leg 58 of the NITL tour, three more covers from other bands, and a new GnR bandana, coffee mug and GnR line of sandals (instead of, you know, new fucking music).

Where’s the fire?

@fleibis please could you tell us if we might see an album this year? ????

Fleibis! ????????

Last edited by Blackstar on Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:16 am; edited 1 time in total

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2020.02.01 - GN'R Reddit - Fernando Lebeis shares band photo (and argues with fans) Empty Re: 2020.02.01 - GN'R Reddit - Fernando Lebeis shares band photo (and argues with fans)

Post by Blackstar Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:15 am

In another thread (February 3, 2020) about the announced 2020 tour:

Lol who gives a fuck. Same tired setlist with an out of shape, under achieving Axl. Time to hang it up boys. Make yourselves useful and hit the studio and release some more music to add to your tiny catalogue.

I mean we have Slither, Shadow, Dead Horse, Locomotive, and now You're Crazy which US hasn't really seen yet... More than enough to get me there again

Slither is a cover, so is shadow technically, dead horse, locomotive and crazy are old even tho they are doing them after a long time of not doing so...How bout some actual new guns n roses songs. They have them made according to Slash, but are just being put on the back burner until they feel like releasing them. WTF is that.

How bout, you don’t like the show, don’t go. Plenty of people are happy to go and are just thankful that they are BACK TOGETHER. I swear this entire fan base is becoming so spoiled with this band. They don’t owe us a thing

Hell yeah! Well said, but careful the 5 to 10 of them don’t like being poked, they bite. Oh and they downvote. It’s kurazyyyyyy out here.
I am going!!! Marks 20years of working for Guns. Oof. What a ride.

Posts : 13835
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Join date : 2018-03-17

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