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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2018.05.18 - - Q&A Discussion with Guns N' Roses Manager Fernando

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2018.05.18 - - Q&A Discussion with Guns N' Roses Manager Fernando Empty 2018.05.18 - - Q&A Discussion with Guns N' Roses Manager Fernando

Post by Blackstar Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:39 am

We've moved all the posts from this afternoon's Q&A with Guns manager Fernando to this thread.  
This thread is not an official Q&A with Fernando, it was created to make it easier to see some of Fernando's responses.  
We don't know if and when he'll be back but we certainly appreciate him coming here and answering what he can.
As always, please adhere to the rules of the forum.  We do not tolerate personal attacks or abuse; lashing out and telling others where to go will result in immediate suspensions.  But we really don't expect anyone to act like that and ruin the party.
This thread shouldn't be used to vent or sound off against the band or anyone in particular.  It's meant to hopefully have a few questions answered.  There are many other places on this forum and the rest of the web to sound off if that's what you want to do.  

The Seeker:
For those not keeping track - Fernando took the time to rate a few of my comments with "laughy" faces and then immediately left the thread.
He won't be laughing much longer

Your material continues to be stale my man.
I tried to log in many times yesterday and it was an issue that Downs was trying to assist me with, but it got too late.  Which then created another whirlwind of assumptions.
Some of the persons here understood my tweet, the rest didn't and it kind of sucks.  I did not tweet to start a war, but to solely raise concern.
Coming to a forum or answering questions etc, just doesn't work because me typing in a forum becomes news and shines a different light on the band and sets too many ways for the band to "fail" in the eyes of the unknown persons in the world that doesn't truly understand our little world.  I respect the die hard fan(s), they are the first to arrive and last to leave. I sympathize and help at every turn to every fan, the dedicated 24/7 fan to the fan that came to see GNR for the first time.
(let's see how many people take me saying "I respect..." as ammunition to paint me out to be a person of narcissistic tendencies.)
I still miss that one guy that got banned.  

Greeting to @tsinindy already you  are famous, you appear in every social media ✌:lol:

Yeah, kind of sucks NME decided to ignore the coolest thing said, where he pointed out how we met in St. Louis with his son and how cool and cordial the meeting was.

Yess😀 he now is famous:headbang:

Let me know if he needs a manager? hahahaha too soon?

Hmmm, is that how you raise concerns with people you respect?  Is that how you raise concerns with you colleagues at Live Nation?  Is that how you raise concerns with Axl?  I doubt it.
You've punched-down here, dude.
But by all means clarify what you meant for "the rest" whom you say didn't understand your tweet?

I don't have to raise any concerns with Live Nation or any colleagues because we have an understanding of being productive and constructive.  Do you fail to see any truth behind what I said?  
How I speak with Axl or the rest of the guys is obviously different than me typing on a social media outlet.
I do apologize for the number of fans within all communities that failed to understand my tweet and automatically assumed being personally attacked.    
I feel if we keep talking about this it'll end up on a never cycle of my thoughts versus your thoughts and we would both go mad.

Hi, Fernando.  Thanks for stopping by to clarify things.   I know this is a long shot, but hey, worth a try, since you're here and all.  Are you able to give us any indication if there's new music from Guns on the horizon?  Near or distant future?  Even a hint?  We're love to know.

That's the question, eh!  We just released a brand new single!
Yes, I am sure there will be.  

@Fernando I have a question: Has the band/management discussed releasing a similar box/package of previously unreleased music for the UYIs or CD as you are now doing for AFD?

The guys feel really happy with how the box was put together and everything that is included within it, will that open other opportunities for the guys to release more stuff? I don't know, but it's always a possibility.

Let's get the important info here!!!!
Dear Fernando,  Do you prefer Mac n' Cheese or Mac n' Cheese balls?

Before or after a heavy workout?

Would you kindly ask Slash Duff and Axl if they can play Locomotive or The Garden on the next leg? Thanks
- the entire fanbase

Now do you mean the ENTIRE fanbase or just some?

I said this yesterday and I want to man up and apologize for it.  It was a class-less comment and I give @Fernando all the credit in the world for stopping in today and interacting with us a bit.  I was serious about the appreciation of your courtesy in St Louis and you gained a lot of respect from me today as well.  Sorry for a couple things I said yesterday in the heat of the moment.

Thanks man, it is in my nature to help where and when I can.  

@Fernando, is the story about Izzy joining rehearsals/soundcheck at some point during NITL true or false?

I am not going to comment on my friend Izzy, I love and adore him.  So I would just ignore questions pertaining to him, ok?

Hi Fernando, if you're here for a little Q/A session, my question is very simple: I missed the Paris show last year, but I'm attending the one next month. Would it please be possible to sell the exact same exclusive T-Shirt that was on sale last year for this show? I would buy a few just to wear for the upcoming 10 years (no joke). I really dig this design. Thanks in advance for your answer ; )
Also, if you released blu-rays with UYI shows with the same quality as the one which recently surfaced, I'd buy them in an instant. It can't be too hard to make this happen, right?

I could possibly have one made for you.  Our new tour line is pretty fucking sick.  Sorry I get super psyched about our clothing lines, fun fact; did you know I overlook the entire design team and the direction on anything and everything we do?  

This is brilliant. We either behave and hopefully Fernando will stay here for a while and give us some valuable answers, or some of us insult him severely like in 2008 and Axl will come instead :lol:

I am on phone calls throughout the day, so I may at times stop responding.

@Fernando Any info on if Shadow of your love will be played in Europe? and If the lithographs will return? Also, another leg before/after Dubai? Wink

Lithos will return, they rock no?

In all seriousness though...
Don' take anything to heart that you read here.  There is always something for us mere mortals here to disagree with and argue about.  The band are active and despite who is there or isn't there we should at least be grateful that DJ Ashba has gone.

It's not taking it to heart, it's just such a downer to read such hatred directed at people I know, love and respect; based on misinformation.  It isn't right and as you say, we are a tight community that loves the band, then we should remain strong together and fix issues with creativity and productivity versus name calling and tossing shit everywhere.  shit's not cool! haha

@Fernando some guy posted that Slash, Axl and Izzy are all guesting on Alice Coopers next album, is that true?  

[Fernando laughs]

I respect Nando for coming in clearing the air a little. But if someone is a worthless troll they're not worth comment on the public space of the Internet. Or handle it directly, or get in an MMA ring with him or something (would pay to see).

We live in a scary world nowadays, things are being done and said that changes the course of one's life in a moment's time.

Clothes bore me. Who in TB overlooks the entire music recording and releasing team? Can you put him on? :lol:

Clothes has been part of GNR's footprint since the beginning.
Who in TB overlooks...? Me.  Hello. *hold music*

Now that's a question I'd like a genuine answer to. You'd think Axl would want Slash to be stockpiling his best riffs/ideas for the next GNR album, wouldn't you?  

The entire band is very supportive of one another.  

@Fernando Does Axl know how important it is to us diehards to see the AFD5 back onstage together again?

So the importance of one outweighs the importance of another?  Just trying to understand.

I love the lithos. But will anything be done to keep the scalpers from buy them all? I've heard so many stories of fans waiting in line for hours, not being able to get their hands in a single litho because of scalpers not even going to the show.
And how's Axl doing?

We limited the quantity one person can purchase.  I wasn't made aware of the issue until the MSG shows.

Regarding the ultimate kick-ass AFD box with old demos....are there any plans for releasing (pre-)AFD related live videos? Marc Canter is a good guy!!

We can agree to disagree.

Don't you think the misinformation is in part GNR's fault? I mean, you guys basically disappear until you have something new to sell. It's been 10 years since CD. Slash's return was great but he's now preparing for a new Conspirators release. People are confused. Some of them express themselves with anger, some are trolls, some are clueless fans who hate the fact of being clueless.

You can place blame, you may be right or you may be wrong, depends on who you ask or how much a person knows.
I don't feel that it's right that you only hear from us when we have something to sell, we try and voice any and all accomplishments or future endeavors.  Be a tour or an award. (Award, be a contest winner or a fun activity.)  

Many of us would like to see the AFD line up together on the stage.

I would like a lot of things, however I know what it's within my responsibility, in order to achieve such want.
It's not fair or just to say the things said (here and there) because the band doesn't consist of members you feel better suited, I think that's up to the guys in the band, no?

Hi Fernando,
As a longtime diehard GNR fan, I can tell you we respect all that you do!  Thanks for all you do!  When will the Troubadour show from 2016 be released on DVD?  I was there and it was awesome!  I'd love to see a GNR gallery or exhibition of memorabilia again in LA in celebration of the new Boxset.  I'll be at the Berlin show!  See you all there!  -Kevin B.

Unfortunately I don't think this will ever see the light of day.
Our vision for that show was directed as a trip to the past, no phones just pure music, love and being there/bragging rights like back then was.

A straight answer would be nice to put it all to rest, a clear message sent rather than letting the community get washed up in wishful thinking and wait to see what in the world is going on with this band.
The band has become a brand to sell posters and shirts instead of a band, creating and celebrating their music.  These responses of self back-patting have only solidified that fact.

Comments such as these suck.  Just because you don't get an answer you hoped for or a clear understanding so you are fully satisfied, doesn't mean you should label the band or brand as a money grabbing entity.  
So you ask for information, "any information" and the information I am sharing falls under such category.  Just because I manage the band, doesn't mean I decide when and what the band does on their creative process my dude.  
Just an observation from an insider versus the latter.  

Gordon Comstock:
@Fernando is there any plans to release new music in the future? I don't mean remastered songs like 'Shadow Of Your Love' or 'Crash Diet' or any other old demo we've been listening to for years... will songs like Atlas Shrugged or The General ever be released? Is there a plan to re-write Chinese-era songs with Slash and Duff? Are they writing anything new from scratch?
I know you can't give specifics but it'd be nice to know if 'something' is in the works. Smile


Really want to thank Fernando for taking some time out of his day to answer some questions and clear the air.   A lot of times things can be taken out of context or misinterpreted so I'm glad we're all getting a chance to understand where we're all coming from.
I'm glad to see everyone being respectful and friendly.  Please remember that we do not tolerate personal attacks and anyone looking to spoil the mood will be shown the door immediately.

Out of likes today sorry but well said. 👍😎

Did I use up all of yours?  I hope so!  I am only here for the likes.

I miss those days. I think that's why it's so special when we see concert footage from the early years. It's capturing a part of our youth and for me I liked it better before phones and social media took priority. I'm sure it's been asked but I'll go back and read. Hoping for another US leg of the tour and thanks again Fernando. As always when you get so many together on such a forum, there's differing opinions and at times it becomes heated but ultimately we are all GnR fans. Or I hope.

GNR will continue to tour for the years to come.  

I've got a question for Fernando:
Can we expect more stops on the European tour this summer or should fans plan according to what has already been announced?

There will be more dates being announced this year, but not in Europe.

- Gotta run fam, be back later.

@Fernando What was your reaction when Axl asked for Slashs number? :lol:

Back then, I thought it was a test and at the same time, as if a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders.
One thing that bothers me was what one poster said about the leak of CD and how I did it.
If someone can find me that idiotic post I would like to clear the air, as a lot of attacks and negativity stems from it, so it seems.

Hello @Fernando Just wanted to know if those gnr toy scale trucks you had on your instagram a week ago will be sold to the public or if they were just custom made for gnr staff and crew? Really liked it. Thank you.

Yeah, it'll be available to the public.  That was a sample that now rests at Axl's.  

@Fernando was Shadow of Your Love fully remastered from an original tape from the 80's, or some parts were recorded recently? Steven Adler claimed that is not his drums on the track.

From the original tapes.

Hi Fernando, will you be pimping out gnr for the new bond song?

Should I use my influence?


[Topic question: What are your expectations for the upcoming leg?]

Mine is to make it through it, alive!

Are the band members thrilled or has it become just a regular job?  

Fuck yeah we are.  We have a blast when we are out and all together.  
I didn't mean it to sound less than enthusiastically psyched!

Can we expect some songs we haven't heard from this lineup on the current tour? Like illusion deep cuts?

Not going to comment on the setlist until it becomes public! Smile

Hello again Fernando 👋🏼
Since you’re back again so soon on MyGNR I take it as a good sign that we didn’t manage to piss you off enough to leave and never come back :lol:

Ha, nah you didn't, not that it really truly matter, right?  However, I feel it's only a matter of time.

Last edited by Blackstar on Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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2018.05.18 - - Q&A Discussion with Guns N' Roses Manager Fernando Empty Re: 2018.05.18 - - Q&A Discussion with Guns N' Roses Manager Fernando

Post by Blackstar Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:19 am

Around the same time, Fernando also posted on HTGTH:

Quote from: The Prez on April 30, 2018, 06:48:15 PM
AFD remastered? What's the point of doing that? Huh

Quote from: johnreed3344 on April 30, 2018, 08:19:36 PM
i agree - wouldnt excite me
who knows what this could be? Just from Instagram and social media there has been a little buzz with fernando and Duff had dinner at Axl's last week. interesting

Who knows!

Quote from: Executioner on May 09, 2018, 02:54:18 AM
The last 3 or 4 ACDC albums have all been the same nothing of major quality more rock by numbers most of the songs don't get to see another tour yeah we know Angus has written some classic tunes back in the 70s and 80s with Malcolm but him and Axl writing together doesn't float my boat their styles are completely different and most Acdc fans want straight forward Rock not some Elton John type anthems mixed with Aerosmith

Well, glad it isn't about you. People tend to lean towards shit and then when questioned, their usual response is; well Axl doesn't do this and that and this and that and this... so on.
Just let shit be man, stand behind or next to the artist(s) you respect, or cared for at one point rather than throw stones.
ACDC fans were hating on Axl until they heard it firsthand, so, just let it go and if it happens, great. Hope you like it, if you don't; all good just know the process on creating was amazing.
We kind of tend to forget that everything is a process and if Axl is part of something, the process is more about the friendship and love of people involved than the need to create something loved and accepted by everyone. To us, that's just a bonus.
Personally, the love we found within the ACDC family is priceless.

Quote from: allwaystired on May 08, 2018, 07:14:39 PM
Does this seem bizarre to anyone else, or just me?!
"The original lineup of the band"....surely they've got that wrong?

Yeah, that's a quote that was added later, the GNR line up has not changed. With exception of adding Beta to back vocals. ha

Quote from: gunns1 on May 17, 2018, 04:49:45 AM
Would be good to find out if any new additions were made to this track [Shadow of Your Love] *cough fernando*

Haha... please take care of that cough. Grin

Quote from: allwaystired on May 17, 2018, 08:07:05 PM
Go on....give us a hint! I'll buy you a pint!

Why don't I buy us both a pint and we just chat about other things?

Quote from: pilferk on May 16, 2018, 04:13:12 PM
[...] On the pulling back of OIAM [=from the Appetite box set], I'm much more OK with it...because it's the artists decision. AXL is uncomfortable with it being out there, now, so it's the ARTISTS ART, and thus my feeling is they get to make that call.
But IF Axl had never decided to pull it back, and it was in this collection, I would feel the same way I did about UTLH. It's about framing the art in the context and time it was created.

Quote from: allwaystired on May 16, 2018, 04:48:28 PM
Ultimately we don't know whose decision this was - it could well be the record company that called time on the song.
I think though in a lot of ways it opens up floodgates. There's a LOT of their material that in the current climate of people looking for things to be offended by that could at anytime be deemed as unacceptable. It's So Easy, You Could Be Mine, Pretty Tied Up, Back Off Bitch to name just a few. All of those songs could at any point attract the attention of those looking to revise the past and tell us what we should and shouldn't be offended by.

It was a band decision, collectively.

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