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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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The day when Duff's wife left the bass player at the table to go to the bathroom with two Brazilian MTV VJs

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The day when Duff's wife left the bass player at the table to go to the bathroom with two Brazilian MTV VJs Empty The day when Duff's wife left the bass player at the table to go to the bathroom with two Brazilian MTV VJs

Post by ludurigan Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:06 pm

On the video below, two former MTV Brazil VJs -- Gastão and Fabio Massari -- talk about one day in December 1992 when MTV Brazil was invited to "have lunch with Guns n' Roses" to do interviews with the band etc

The lunch took place in a restaurant "probably" located on Rua Bela Cintra in downtown São Paulo, Brazil

Duff was there, along with Dizzy, Teddy Zig Zag, and about 15 other people from the GN'R "crew". Matt Sorum arrived a bit later and was also interviewed

The Brazilian MTV VJs say that the lunch was very "relaxed" and that Duff and his (then) wife were sitting by their side at the table

At some point Duff's (then) wife asked the two Brazilian VJs if it would be possible for them to smoke pot somewhere in the restaurant where nobody would see them

Gastão and Fábio Massari said yes and went to the bathroom to smoke a joint with Duff's (then) wife

A few minutes later Duff was knocking on the bathroom door to check what was going on  Very Happy


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