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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

Please feel free to look around the forum as a guest, I hope you will find something of interest. If you want to join the discussions or contribute in other ways then you need to become a member. We especially welcome anyone who wants to share documents for our archive or would be interested in translating or transcribing articles and interviews.

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1988.05.DD - Creem Close-up Metal - Britmetal (short Guns N' Roses notice)

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1988.05.DD - Creem Close-up Metal - Britmetal (short Guns N' Roses notice) Empty 1988.05.DD - Creem Close-up Metal - Britmetal (short Guns N' Roses notice)

Post by Soulmonster Sat 26 Mar 2022 - 11:51

1988.05.DD - Creem Close-up Metal - Britmetal (short Guns N' Roses notice) Uten_201


Guns N' Roses have landed the opening slot on Motley Crue's European tour, although they'll do well to avoid Hamburg's red-light district, the Reeperbahn, in their time off-considering the trouble they got into there last time! But they won't be coming to Britain: great Danes Pretty Maids have got the job. (The Crue Tour is on hold-Ed.)
Band Lawyer

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