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2008.08.20 - TMZ - Interview with Steven

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2008.08.20 - TMZ - Interview with Steven Empty 2008.08.20 - TMZ - Interview with Steven

Post by Blackstar Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:59 am

G'N'R Drummer Debuts Cry-nese Democracy

November rain came three months early, as Guns 'N' Roses drummer Steven Adler broke down in court this AM after pleading "Not guilty" to drug charges.

Adler -- who told us he's already used up his scratch from "Sober Living" to pay for rehab and lawyers -- was busted last month for allegedly being high as a kite.

The judge said Adler must stay in the Pasadena Recovery Center -- and that clearly pissed Adler off.

So after court, our guy told Adler the BEST THING EVER -- he hoped Steven's sobriety would come before Chinese Democracy.

Transcript of the interview outside the courtroom:

TMZ: How you doing, Steven man?

Steven: You know, I’m doing all right…

TMZ: They’re sending you back to Pasadena?

Steven: Going back over to Pasadena… (?)

TMZ: Now you’re gonna be on the Dr. Drew show this year or no?

Steven: Yeah, I did the show three months ago.

TMZ: You get paid good money for that?

Steven: No. Whatever I got paid, I had to - because the Sober House VH1 people and Dr. Drew had me arrested, all the money that I got paid I had to pay to my lawyer and for this rehab stuff. So, basically, I really made nothing, but… a very difficult time in my life now.

TMZ: Oh, I’m sorry about that.

Steven: It could be worse. There’s always jail (?).

TMZ: It could always be worse. It could always be jail, man.

Steven’s attorney: It will be okay, Steven. Don’t worry about it. [To TMZ] We got him under control.

TMZ: Just a day at a time, right?

Steven: I’m just looking forward to getting this over with and taking care of it, and going back to working again.

TMZ: I’ve heard you’re working right now on projects.

Steven: Well, I’m not working on my house right now.

Steven’s friend: He’s working on sobriety right now.

TMZ: I guess that’s the most important project.

Steven’s attorney: He’s working-

Steven: Yeah, (?) that and then work.

TMZ: Well, hopefully that will come out before Chinese Democracy.


Steven: (Crosses himself, laughing)

Steven’s attorney: He’s working on the most important thing in his life, which will give him life.

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