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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2010.03.30 - Televen - Interview with Dizzy, Bumblefoot and Frank

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2010.03.30 - Televen - Interview with Dizzy, Bumblefoot and Frank Empty 2010.03.30 - Televen - Interview with Dizzy, Bumblefoot and Frank

Post by Blackstar Sun 18 Jul 2021 - 1:43

The short interview starts at 1:28 minute mark.


Interviewer: Hi guys, welcome to La Bomba, welcome to Televen y a Venezuela!

Bumblefoot: Thank you so much, thank you.

Interviewer: You have a [?] with your last album, Chinese Democracy, how do you feel with all your fans in Latin America and Venezuela?

Dizzy: Ah, we love them, so that's why we are here.

Interviewer: What are you gong to do after Latin America, do you have another project, what is next?

Bumblefoot: What is next? You have no idea, you never know what is next with this thing, anything can happen.

Dizzy: I wanna go home and get a little R&R...

Interviewer: With your family or your friends?

Dizzy: Yeah, with our family and friends, and then, uh, I don't know. Maybe we will head somewhere else in the world.

Interviewer: Recently, in your last shows, some people have complained for the delays. What's the reason? Can you explain to your friends in Venezuela?

Frank: Well, uh, about the delays...there's a lot of reasons why there's delays, but the main thing is, when the band is ready to play, we play. So we're not gonna go one second before this band is ready to play. And when we are ready to play, we're gonna play a great show.

Dizzy: Hello everybody, what's happening? Rock and roll.

Interviewer: Rock and roll?

Bumblefoot: [laughing] I'm just gonna laugh into the mic.

Interviewer: Ok, thank you bye.

Frank: Hello Venezuela!

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