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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2005.01.30 - Q104.3 New York (via HTGTH) - Interview with Tommy [excerpts]

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2005.01.30 - Q104.3 New York (via HTGTH) - Interview with Tommy [excerpts] Empty 2005.01.30 - Q104.3 New York (via HTGTH) - Interview with Tommy [excerpts]

Post by Blackstar Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:24 am

Excerpts transcribed by htgth:

Out of the Box: Where are the... Are the tracks pretty much done and they're just trying to find a date to release or there're a few more things to do?

Tommy Stinson: The artwork, all those little things like that, getting all the, you know... The particulars, the little bits done...

Out of the Box: Right

Tommy Stinson: ... so they can actually get a release date and put it out.

Out of the Box: So the music is done?

Tommy Stinson: The music's done!

Out of the Box: Oh, okay.

Tommy Stinson: It's been done... For a while.


Regarding the 2002 tour Tommy says: "There was a problem with the promoting aspect of that tour... They pulled the plug on it and I can't really go into it ".

He adds that "it wasn't our fault" and also "His [Axl's] slate and our slate is clean".

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