1992.09.DD - M.E.A.T - Guns N' Roses Exclusive: The Dirt On Montreal, Axl And More! (Gilby)
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1992.09.DD - M.E.A.T - Guns N' Roses Exclusive: The Dirt On Montreal, Axl And More! (Gilby)
The dirt on Montreal, Axl, and more!
Dateline: Thursday August 20th, 3:00 pm. The call comes in to M.E.A.T Central from the management of Guns N' Roses — “Would you be interested in interviewing the band, in say..... just a couple of hours?". No problem, I reply, dropping all in my way to accommodate this short notice (like I'd blow it off!). Thus begins the biggest scoop for M.E.A.T of the year — the latest on the world's biggest rock act, including their version of the Montreal fiasco. 8:00 pm, and the call came from newest Gunner, guitarist Gilby Clarke.
How you doin'?
“I'm doing good. I'm just a little tired right now. We just got in from shooting a video. We did two actually — we did one for ‘Yesterdays’, and one for ‘Garden Of Eden’. Whether they both come out or not, we don't know. But we did two. We did start 'em.”
Two in one day? That's a lot of work!
’’Yeah, but these are cool — they're back to like the basics, you know, just the rock 'n' roll band stuff, it's cool.”
That's a change from your latest videos, with their death overtones - heavy and all. What's the meaning of all that?
“Yeah well, you know what? Most of us don't know the meaning either! I have no idea what they mean (laughing). You know, it's so strange, 'cause you're doing all the parts and stuff, and you don't even think about that. And then you see the finished product and you go, ‘Wait a minute, she just died — Why?' (laughs) You know, I have no idea!”
Yeah I've never really gotten that—its' a weird thing.
“Well, supposedly we're doing a movie in which a lot of the questions from the other videos and stuff are gonna be answered. Ever since I've been in the group we've been filming and, at the end of this tour, we’re gonna put it together — basically, we're going to make it up later (laughs).”
I didn't know that [making a movie]. That's an interesting thing.
“Yeah, the movie’s going to be awesome! Right now we're calling it a documentary. In the end, basically, what we're going to do is tape a lot of shows, and we have a film crew that deals with us backstage; in the hotel; in the plane — and we're just going to put it all together and make something out of it when it's all done."
Well, let's get to the questions at the top of my page. You just joined last November — tell me what it's like to join the world's biggest rock band after coming from your own band, Kill For Thrills.
“My band wasn't that big of a band — it was a weird L.A. band which released two records for MCA and did a small tour. We were on down time when I got the call for this, which pretty much put the band at an end.”
Are you a permanent member?
“I'm a member right now — you know, as permanent as anybody in this band. It's like a day to day, month to month, year to year thing. I'm not going anywhere right now. When I first joined it was kind of like they only had two weeks to finish up the tour. At first I was just doing it for the tour, but, as time went on, it definitely became different."
Huge change in your life?
“It's a big change. It's kind of strange in the way, that, as a musician, I've been in a lot of bands, made a lot of records, done a lot touring, but it's like this is what I've been working for, for so long. I always wanted to be in a band. My idols were always the Beatles and The Rolling Stones — it's like a big thing, a big goal. It's like I've spent my whole life preparing for this so like now that it's happened it's like I don't question it — I accept it. It's like I don't want to jinx it. I'm really happy with these guys — I never really thought of it before. Izzy and I knew each other from a long, long time ago. We were all in local bands together, and him and I were so similar in so many ways — a lot of my friends were like, ‘God, what an obvious choice,' 'cause back then it was like the two of us were so similar. It was kind of interesting.”
Izzy's leaving the band wasn't really a comfortable thing, I'd guess, for the others.
“No. The timing, I guess, wasn't a very comfortable thing. I mean, now it's okay, because it worked out good for everybody. It worked out good for Izzy because he's gonna make his own record. He really wasn't happy anymore being in the band, therefore if he wasn't happy, they weren’t happy, and now they've got someone who is. Now they can tour and not worry about problems. Now they can make videos and not worry.”
He was a bit of a loner, I guess.
“Yeah, well that's Izzy! I mean, you know, he never really wanted to be in the world's biggest rock band. He was always kind of like a club kind of rock guy. You know it just didn't go where he wanted it to go. So everybody's got to do what they wanted to do. Hopefully, it'll work great for both sides."
How do you feel you're fitting in? What's your role? What are you offering?
“Here's how I feel about it: It's like, to me, Izzy was a big part of this band, and the band wouldn't have got to where it got without Izzy. You know, if I had been the guitar player from the beginning, they wouldn't be where they are today. But I think it was one of those changes that needs to be done, and I'm like the right guy from now on for the future. You know, it's like my comparison is (chuckles)... I don't know if this is arrogant or what, but the Stones changed — everybody loved Brian Jones — but they switched to Mick Taylor, and they made some great albums with Mick Taylor. To me, my goal is to bring something like that to the greatest band in the world and add something. That's what I want to do — I want to just definitely make my presence known, and that's what they want too.”
You started playing shows in America?
“Yeah. We had a lot of American shows. My second set of shows was at Madison Square Gardens (laughs). I was like dreaming all my life, you know — it's just one of those musician dreams! To make it real in two weeks, was like...”
You just got a call to come do it?
“I got a call from management and I went down the next day. They had a lot of guitar players in mind, but I was the only person that they actually asked to come down. I played with them for a week, and then they told me that I got it. I took the next week and learned like 50 songs, and just went out with them. We played our first date within two weeks of me walking into rehearsal. I'll tell ya' — it was one of those things where it just worked out — I walked in, we all got along, so that wasn't a problem. Only it was a matter of musicianship, but when they saw that I was learning everything, that certainly was a relief for them.”
Chemistry. Gotta have it no matter who you are.
“Yeah, I know (chuckles). I have a lot of respect for these guys — it's like they could have any guitar player in the world, and they went back to their roots and took somebody from where they came from. You know, that's great.”
That’s really cool.
“That is really cool. They could have anybody. There was all the rumours about David [Navaro, Jane's Addiction], you know but, uh, this is what they wanted — that takes a lot of guts.”
Being so big, they probably love the idea that they can get somebody they're so comfortable with, somebody from the root. Stating on the ground floor...
“Yeah, exactly, I'm happy about it. I try not to talk about it too much 'cause I don't want it to stop. No jinxing the idea!”
Speaking of jinxing, I hope that what I have to talk about now won't jinx Toronto. You had a pretty bad experience in Montreal, and I've heard every rumour, like Axl tossing down his mic in disgust at his voice, and Duff yelling ‘French Sucks" which incited some of the audience. So what really happened, from the band itself?
“Okay, you want the dirt? Okay, here's the skinny, and the whole situation. We were so bummed because we had to take a little more than a week off because of Axl's throat. We had done two solid months of touring, and then went right into the Metallica tour. We changed PA systems and everything when we got back to America, and it killed Axl — man, we did two weeks and he was gone! We had to take time off and fix him, and the PA.
“Come Montreal we were all set — he was back in full voice. We go to do our first show and we're at our hotel, just about to leave, and we get the call — James from Metallica had an accident. He burnt himself very badly, he's in the hospital, their set was cut short, we have to hurry up and get there so like nothing's gonna happen. We have to prepare to go on stage early. So we get there, and the Metallica guys are all bummed, and we're all bummed because we know there's not going to be a next show the next night.
“So we get on stage the first show from not playing in a while, and our whole PA and monitoring system was changed — everything. I don't know whether it was they didn't have time to set up, or what, but we get up on stage and Axl just could not do it, you know, as the PA was fucking up. It's like every song, it was getting progressively worse, and it wasn't just him — he was looking at each one of us and he could see it in our faces, 'We can't hear anything!’ It was to the point where we almost looked at each other and said, 'This night is jinxed! (laughs) It's like whatever happened to James happened; their set got cut short, and we can't play anymore. Axl, if he'd finished the night, we'd be done for the rest of the tour. And the rest of the band — we were having a terrible time because we couldn't play the way we're normally accustomed to playing, and so it was just a jinxed night and he just said, you know, ‘Your money will be refunded — we really apologize.’ You know what happened — it was out of our control."
So how many songs in did you get?
“We only played like six songs and the problem was like the minute we walked on. It was like, ‘What the Hell is going on here?' We still don't know what happened — we still don't know if it was the rush because, you know, there was going to be such a long delay that they didn't get everything set up in time. We just don't know what it was, but it wasn't Axl's voice — he was in full voice... he was fine. It's just that as each song was going by, [the PA] was progressively getting worse — he couldn't sing anymore.”
But doesn't the band feel somewhat of a responsibility to please the fans, and keep on playing?
“My responsibility is to myself, then the band, and then to the fans. We would never do anything that would hurt our fans, but we've got to do things for ourselves. And we have to do things in our best position not to have things like Montreal happen. We really do try, but this thing is so unique that there really is no control at certain points. I think the fans know that going into it — I think they know they're not going to get a planned out stage show every time we play. They come for the excitement of what can happen."
And the element of danger?
“Yeah exactly — and there is (laughs). And that's not our fault, but that's how it goes."
But the aftermath.... you weren't in the band during the St. Louis thing?
“No (laughs), but my tech was there, and I've seen a lot of the footage. (laughs)”
So you know the whole....
“Yeah, I know the whole story and believe me, with that on our side, it's like we know the worst can happen – but Montreal! We had no idea! We went backstage and it was like we were - Axl was thinking what with Metallica not playing a full set, and we didn't get to play a full set, it's like the only thing we could do was to do a full refund and you know, we'd schedule another show. I mean it kind of sucks 'cause the people that came out came a long way, but it's like one of those nights!”
You know if Frank Sinatra walked out and did that nobody would say shit. If it was like Billy Ray Cyrus, nobody would say shit. But you guys are playing in front of a pent up, metal thirsty, ready-to-explode audience waiting for you guys to play, and, when you quit, they went berserk, man.
“I saw the aftermath. I actually took a walk around because we were backstage — we were trying to like iron out problems, and maybe like go back on, and like we heard what was going on and stuff, and we kind of like stayed in an area. Afterwards, I like walked around the place and saw the damage and everything."
I guess you could as you're the not so well known face.
“Yeah (laughs). Well, there was nobody left — there was nobody around. I just wanted to see it, you know. They've been through it before.”
I personally don't think the band should be held totally responsible. Obviously these things happen. Maybe things — security — should be more prepared in situations like this? But, from many different viewpoints, people are pointing the finger at the band to be held responsible. How do you feel about this?
“Although I wasn't there for St. Louis, we have to share in the responsibility — the same way that anyone who was at the concert has to share that responsibility for what happened. Whether it was in our control, or not, we have to share responsibility because we were there. But, you know, we wouldn't have handled it that way — if I was in the audience, I wouldn't have done something like that. It's the same old thing — it's like a few bad eggs spoil the whole bunch. Like what can you do? I never would have expected it to happen in Canada! (laughs) Never, never, would we have expected it to happen there! I mean, you gotta understand that we tried to do everything possible not to make that happen 'cause we have the St. Louis thing right behind us. We know what fans are capable of, so it's like we really did try — it wasn't like we didn't remember what was possible. We take those precautions going into every show when we hire security you know, trying to get the best people in every city. So you know, that was just one of those things, beyond our control."
I heard too that Axl was like cheesin' out on Metallica that night.
“No. That's untrue. We're fine — we're starting up again. The reason we had to postpone dates was because of James — it wasn't Axl's throat. We're going to do all the make-up dates. You know this thing isn't going to stop us - we're going to keep going.”
Word to me is that Metallica got a replacement to play guitar while his hand gets better.
“That’s what I heard. I don't know how he is at this point, but what they're gonna do is get another guitar player, and he's gonna sing. He can't play guitar — he's done for quite a while. Yeah, it was a really bad accident." [note: James received 3rd and 2nd degree bums]
Wow, that’s really sad 'cause he's a good guy.
“Yeah, you know they're great guys who don't deserve any of that.”
But when you're playing with those pyros man, you gotta...
“Yeah, they're scary, you know - we have 'em too, and we try to stay away from them.”
It's really too bad, you guys had to cancel your Vancouver show altogether....
“Yeah, that was supposed to be the first date back, but that's when the seriousness of James' accident came out. I just heard, though, that we may be able to reschedule it down the tour.”
Are you apprehensive about coming back to Canada?
“Oh, no, not at all, because that was a few fans in Montreal you know — I don't think things like that happen every day. I've been on tour almost a year, and they've been on tour almost two years, and these things don't happen all the time. We didn't stop playing in America ‘cause of the same thing. I mean, we do give our fans credit — they're not all like that. And we certainly hope something like that isn't going to happen again.”
It's not like trouble surrounds you guys or anything....
“It certainly finds us though."
But think of all the bands at stadium status. You have your unfair share of this stuff!
“Yeah, but see then again you've got to look at the other side of it. Maybe the band is blessed because somehow, some way, we overcome. I mean, losing the members of the band, and to come back to be put together and still be a rock 'n' roll band, and then things like the St. Louis riot, and then to still come back and then, after Montreal, we're gonna come back and finish this tour — a tour that nobody thought would ever even happen. We haven't played a lot of dates.... (laughs) you know, we really — both bands — are trying more than ever to finish this thing.
Will you ever get back to Montreal, you think?
“I don't know at this point. I mean, you know, we're gonna have legal problems and stuff first of all."
Are you getting it up the ass from Montreal?
“I... you know what, uhm, being the new guy in the band and stuff, I don't do any business. I really don't know what's up with that. We have so much trouble just trying find out what's going to happen. I don't think it's going to be a problem. I haven't heard any bad news about it, yet.”
Do you think you'll ever do a cross Canada tour?
“We've never really discussed it, but one of the problems with the band selling as many records as it does everywhere in the world, is just to get everywhere. Our schedule is so hectic - I mean I thought we played every country in Europe, but we missed a few. America we've pretty much hit everything, but now we're going to hit South America, Australia, and elsewhere. We did the pay-per-view so that we could reach the people we weren't going to reach physically, but it's almost impossible — we'd be on tour for five years per album if we played everywhere we sold records. It's our goal to get everywhere, but it'll have to come in stages. Canada's very big for us, that's why we're not ignoring it.”
Incidents like Montreal really give the general public a negative perception of you guys. Just what is the public perception of the band, and is it distorted after something like this in the news. How do you feel?
“You know it goes in and out with the public's perception. Obviously if the band was just Joe-normal people in a Joe-normal band, nobody would come see us. We'd still be playing clubs. There is a lot that is within this band — like the personality that Axl is. He's not a guy that sits around and takes shit. If he has a problem with something he takes it upon himself to confront it. Slash.... all the members — we are the way we are. We all just do what the band does, but the trouble finds us just because the band is so big at this point. Every little thing that goes wrong is so highly publicized (laughs). Nobody wants to hear about Guns N' Roses being nice guys for donating money to charity and stuff like that - which we do do. They don't want to know that part. It's very strange. It comes with the territory, and we wouldn't be here if we didn't know that.”
There must be promoters who won't book the band?
“Oh yeah, on this tour! Myself, I'm from Cleveland, and Cleveland wouldn't take the show of us and Metallica together. Atlanta, Chicago... in America a lot of band's wouldn't take the bill."
People must think you guys are like a time bomb waiting to go off.
“I think a lot more positive things come from this band than negative things, you know. I think the music in itself is a positive force. It think there's too much for this band to offer to let the negativity get in the way. Sure it will depress us for a little while, but not too long.”
I've received some really negative letters towards GN'R since the Montreal gig. Are you afraid of this stuff, and stuff that we read about concerning Axl Rose's unstable condition in RIP and Rolling Stone, going against your band?
"Firstly, for any kid to express himself is great, good or bad 'cause that's what this band is all about — freedom to express yourself all the time. And for Axl - first of all, he is a human being, and he's going to go through stuff in the public eye. Imagine if yourself, or the kids who wrote the letters, were in the public eye 24 hours a day. It's a heavy burden to have, as for every wrong movement you do there it is on the news. And it's not easy to accept. This band hasn't been this big for a long time — it's still a big thing to them - and Axl has had a lot of problems in his life and he’s just overcoming them now, and the reason for doing Rolling Stone and RIP was for himself - to get it off his chest. It's up to an individual to take it however way they want. He didn't do it to get anyone's sympathy - he did it for himself."
But you must admit it reflects on the band?
“Sure it reflects on the band, but then again we are a band, and I'll stick by them. They'd do the same for me. But like I said, every little thing - every little thing - counts. It's amazing. But then again if he wasn't the personality he was then, you know, would anyone even come to our show, or buy our records? It's not why he is the way he is — it's just part of him, and us.”
Just how well do you know Axl? Is he like what we read about?
“I had known the band before when they were local, and knew Axl in a casual manner as we were in bands and stuff, but over the years I'd lost touch with everybody. But I'd read all the stuff, and then when I got into the band I had an idea of what he was going to be like, but being around him I got my mind changed after getting to know what he's really like."
You're in a unique position, coming into the band this late in the game. So is the public getting the true picture, or a distorted one, on G N' R?
“Sometimes they do, sometimes not. I do see many things getting blown out of proportion. One of the things I got from this band was a tremendous respect that I didn't really know existed within this band. The way they've dealt with themselves; the way they've dealt with the record company, the public — everything. It's amazing! The sacrifices I made in my career I thought were normal for a musician and his career but these guys have never ever sacrificed. They took the attitude of ‘This is what we play, and this is what we do - if it sells records, great; if it doesn't, so what.’ Obviously they want to be the biggest band in the world, but they've stuck to their guns, and did it their own way. When they got to the top it was like they were free as could be. But as far as does everybody get the truth — naw, 'cause in media you'll never get everything. I mean, you're in the media and look what you heard about Montreal. It wasn't even close.”
I've also read in the media — Details magazine to be exact - Faith No More stories where the band are saying some pretty negative things about you guys. Why the hell even have them on the bill then?
“They're not too crazy about our band. The reason we got Faith No More on the bill was this: When this whole thing originally came together, the idea was to have us, Metallica, and Nirvana all together on the same bill. It was going to be our way of bringing a really broad spectrum of music together that we still had something in common with. I feel that our audiences are very close — people who have our record have Metallica and Faith No More records. It was just something that was the right bill. But if they're not crazy about the band then that's up to them, but we're not going to kick them off the bill just because they don't like the band. I can’t slag someone for having their own opinion about something 'cause I'll tell you if I like or don't like someone too. I don't know how it affects the concert, but it certainly doesn't affect us."
Speaking of affect, what do you feel is G N' R's affect on heavy metal and hard rock music?
“I think this band is beyond just being a hard rock, heavy metal band. It is, and always was, just a rock 'n' roll band. And with rock 'n roll there are no laws. So if we want to have a song like 'November Rain’, and then a song like 'Garden Of Eden’, then we can. Hopefully, what's coming up next, will be taking this band to another plateau. The whole thing with the two Illusion records is not that it's a burying of the past, but that there was so much material that should have made Appetite. This is kind of like 'Here you go — Guns N' Roses from the past to now.’ Coming up is Mach 2... or 3. This band has ideas and stuff to hopefully go beyond what the Beatles and Stones, or any of the bigger bands from before, have done. We're now at the freedom part where we can do exactly what we want with everything. For instance, the movie we're going to do, and everything."
I'm finding that not as many bands as I thought there would be are trying to be musically like Guns N' Roses.
“You know why? This isn't something you can be, you know. This is something that took the original five guys years to create. I think it's really hard to imitate. When I came in I couldn't possibly be Izzy - I just have to be myself, and find what I can add to the band, therefore the new stuff is going to be different. I can't say it's going to be like the first record, but it is going to be heavier. You don't know where it's going.”
Is the band presently writing?
“No — we haven't had the time. But this little vacation (laughs) we've been doing some individual writing, but we have a year of touring ahead of us. One of the reasons I'm in the band is because I can write. Izzy was one of the major songwriters of the band, so it's a big hole to fill. In my last band I was the songwriter, as well as the guitarist and singer. I did everything.”
But now you'll have an instant platform to millions for your music!
“I'm just lookin' forward to being able to write stuff with people like Slash, Axl and Duff. I mean, just imagine! I'll be able to write a song, and hear Axl sing it, and Slash play on it. To me, that's what I'll be lookin' forward to. I'll look at the people buying part of it later (laughs). I don't ever think too much about the selling part. That's the really cool part about Guns N' Roses — we really are a band. We do care about what each other thinks."
Guitar wise, what is your relationship in the band? Are you given any room to solo, and do your own thing?
“I play a little bit of lead, but my role is generally rhythm. Slash is the lead guitar player. What's going to be in the future I don’t know, but I just had to fill a spot when I came in. So at this point I'm the rhythm guitar player - one of the reasons for bringing me in is that I always was a rhythm guitar player. Just because I am that doesn't mean I can’t solo, it's just that Slash is the guy that should be soloing now with Guns N' Roses. One of the reasons I got the job is that when Slash goes into a lead, he feels comfortable with me playing the rhythm part.”
I guess you don't know this, but I've never really dwelled much on the drug thing with the band, but the fans would like to know just what is the status on the band's partying these days.
“The heavy stuff that used to keep us from doing the stuff we used to do is gone. I mean the band still parties, but differently - I mean, we almost carry a circus with us for after shows. When we're done we go back and have a different party each night with theme parties. It's just a different thing — it's part of the freedom we have 'cause of where we are. One night was a seventies night - we had twister boards, and girls dressed up like Go-Go dancers and stuff. And another night we had a harem thing. We've had casino nights — everything. It's like now we get to party in style (laughs). We make our own parties - it's great! If you work your ass off all these years to get to this point, you have to take advantage of it. And that's what we’re doing.”
That's really cool! Do you have fans at these parties?
“I'll tell 'ya... during the down time before our show — which, depending on our tardiness, is about an hour and fifteen minutes - we have these video screens on during that time, and the cameras are aimed at the audience for them to entertain themselves with, and we watch our fans via this before the show. And, you know, for the wildest people we see we get our security people to go out and get them — even if they're at the farthest seat away - and put them right up front. We can only see so far, so when we look down we want to see people who are totally into it, and not someone who got a free ticket from a record company. By the end of the show we feel out the crowd, and pick out the wildest people having the best time from the front, and they're the ones who are going to be the ones backstage. It's cool! It's something I didn't know they did before I got in the band, and I really respect them for it.”
It must be hard to keep personal contact with your fans?
“It is — definitely the personal level is harder. When we became a stadium band we knew a lot of thought had to go into it, so we made choices to try to keep the fans as close as possible. We designed the stage ourselves. For the people in the back we have those big screens so they can see what's going on on stage. We try in that respect to make it a big production. And we're always adding things all the time, or improving it, to make sure that the audience always gets what we do. We're learning things too. It's still the six guys who are playing, and we're trying to entertain them.”
I hear that the guys in your band really love Toronto.
“I know they like the town — I don't know exactly what went down, but they sure had a good time!”
So overall the change in your life must be mindblowing!
“Just the attention thing is strange - you know, it's strange to be recognized when you're walking around 'cause you work your whole life and people don't recognize you for anything, and now it's definitely a little different. It's great that these guys chose someone from their beginnings to become part of them. I'm really happy for it, and I'm enjoying it. I've been up and down so many things, and anything can still happen."
Have you had any personal highlights?
The Queen thing was something! It was really special to just be a part of that. To just come down and pay your tribute to Freddy, and to help AIDS awareness, was just an incredible thing. Getting to meet everybody was great too — there was so much pressure on those three guys (remaining members of Queen) and I couldn't believe they handled it the way they did, which was with class and style. They were unbelievable — it was a very emotional day. When we came back just to play the place ourselves we asked Brian to come up and play with us."
So, like Queen, will Guns N' Roses last for years, if not the test of time? I mean, I hope this isn't unwarranted, but it seems like this band is on the verge of splitting every few months.
“It's not an unwarranted question. We don't really know either. I mean we certainly make plans for the future, but this is a very volatile rock 'n' roll band (laughs) and whatever happens is going to happen. If you were to ask the band six months before Izzy left 'Is the band going to be together as it is now?’ the answer would have been ‘yes'. But things come up. We have every intention of being around forever. The band's only made four records - there's so much more to do. With Izzy leaving, it was just like a relief situation. He wasn't happy, and therefore it wasn't a happy situation. Not to slag on anybody, but now it is different."
But the fans want the band to last!
“I was on the other side just a little while ago, just listening to the music, so I can understand the fan's feelings.”
I guess that guys tell you that you're the luckiest motherfuck on the face of the earth!
“I get that, and you know what? I don't argue with them. I do feel lucky, but now it's time to make a future of it.”
So, congrats on your gig, and good luck with the rest of the tour— and try to avoid any more trouble!
“Thanks — we've learned our lesson. We didn't mean to piss off anybody, but shit happens.”
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» 1994.06.DD - Argentinian TV - Guns N' Roses Special (Gilby)
» 1992.08.14 - The Province - Big Time Rock Is No Bed Of Roses (Gilby)
» 2008.09.26 - Billboard - Best Buy Snags Guns N' Roses Album Exclusive
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