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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

Please feel free to look around the forum as a guest, I hope you will find something of interest. If you want to join the discussions or contribute in other ways then you need to become a member. We especially welcome anyone who wants to share documents for our archive or would be interested in translating or transcribing articles and interviews.

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1990.09.07 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl)

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1990.09.07 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl) Empty 1990.09.07 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl)

Post by Blackstar Fri Aug 30, 2019 1:25 pm

1990.09.07 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da (Axl) 1990_030

Transcript (excerpt):


Rumored by otherwise reliable authority at X- Poseur 54 was that Guns N' Roses main bad boy Axl Rose would take the stage with his real-life younger brother, S.C. Bailey, and S.C.'s band, Dr. Whiskey. But according to S.C., also a singer, "as far as he knows" his brother's never even seen him play. Others are obsessed about the filial connection. Insists S.C., "Our relationship is confidential." Listen to his song lyrics for evidence that, unlike his brother, S.C.'s a college graduate with a pre-law degree from Purdue University. While Dr. Whiskey may attract hangers-on and sycophants — yes, he actually used that word in conversation — S.C. admits that the one thing Dr. Whiskey hasn't attracted is label interest.

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