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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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1989.01.20 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da [Axl, Slash, Steven/Drunk Fux]

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1989.01.20 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da [Axl, Slash, Steven/Drunk Fux] Empty 1989.01.20 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da [Axl, Slash, Steven/Drunk Fux]

Post by Blackstar Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:41 am

1989.01.20 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da [Axl, Slash, Steven/Drunk Fux] 1989_012

Transcript (excerpts):

If you go in for that celeb iam son of thing, the Drunk Fux will play the Teaszer on Tues., Jan. 24, and they usually attract one or two firearms and flowers.


Riki Rachtman opened his new Thursday club, Bordello, at part-time gay bar Peanuts. This time, DJ Joseph mixed in a little funk with the rock & roll, and people were literally howling for “Brick House” and “You Dropped a Bomb on Me.” That is, when they weren’t howling for the costumed dancing girls who gyrate on raised disco platforms in their scarifies. Motley Crue’s Tommy Lee came with cutie Dan Reed (who has the girls going wild), and were joined by the Faster Pussycats and three Guns N’ Roses: Axl, Steven and Slash. Apparently, GN’R is on a spending spree until they record their new album: at least four of the five have bought groovy pads in the last two months — Slash’s, a historic Hollywood home, is reportedly the best. Meanwhile, Axl is real proud of his amazing, ridiculous car stereo system, which can be heard a block away. Installed in his old Jeep truck, it includes three amps, each of which alone could run a nightclub PA.


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1989.01.20 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da [Axl, Slash, Steven/Drunk Fux] Empty Re: 1989.01.20 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da [Axl, Slash, Steven/Drunk Fux]

Post by Blackstar Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:42 am

Ad for the Drunk Fux show in L.A. Weekly, same date:

1989.01.20 - L.A. Weekly - L.A. Dee Da [Axl, Slash, Steven/Drunk Fux] 1989_013

Posts : 14407
Plectra : 94532
Reputation : 101
Join date : 2018-03-17

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