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Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy

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Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy Empty Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy

Post by Soulmonster Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:21 am

Raz Cue - early manager of GN'R - has posted an open letter to Duff on his webpage:

Raz Cue wrote:Hello Duff, Raz Cue here. How’s it going, buddy? Long time! First let me say, your fans have been very kind and supportive of my book. For that, I am forever thankful. It was fun while it lasted.

Never the less, I feel compelled to ask you a few questions. Remember, not too long ago, when you said this?

“I’m sure stuff was going on, Harvey Weinstein stuff and all that, but we hated that! If we saw that stuff going on around us, we didn’t allow it to happen around us. We were still good dudes,” he says. “None of our friends said, ‘Grab her by the p****.’ You know what I mean? Who would say something like that? And I don’t mean to be political against the dude who said that; it’s just an idiotic, stupid thing to say, for any man. And that’s the way I’ve always thought. So ’80s, or now — I could’ve written ‘Last September’ in the ’80s.”

C’mon man, seriously? You can’t utter such absurdities and expect to go unchallenged. The hypocrisy coming from someone that is a member in good standing of your cesspool of an industry means I am compelled to call “radishes” on this one.

You had a heroin dealer in your band. Still consider that the profession of a “good dude?”

Remember that song your band did, about killing one’s girlfriend to shut her up? According to the lyrics, we were told to “take it for what it is.” A joke. Is it okay to make light of domestic abuse, but not to poke fun at a certain type of women who has so little self-respect that she’ll let a famous rich dude do whatever he wants? You ever meet any women who fit that description? More than one? A thousand?

What about all the credible allegations of abuse - mental, physical and sexual - leveled against your singer, by several women in his life?

Are you familiar with the #littlemichellelives thing going around? We all knew Michelle was fifteen. Hell, she barely looked her age. Forcible or statutory, you still got a rape. We can all agree that there are different, conflicting, versions of what transpired in December 1985. But every version has a fifteen-year-old girl getting tossed naked from your band’s rehearsal studio into a filthy alley, where she was left shaking, sobbing and wailing from the utter brutality inflicted by your singer, Axl Rose. Does a “good dude” treat another human being like this? Do the other “good dudes” help hide the perpetrator of crimes against a child, then aid in a coverup so that everyone’s dreams of becoming rock stars won’t get smashed like windshields in a riot? How would your life have changed if your world class singer was thrown in to the pokey, before GNR signed a recording contract?

Do you wish the victim would just shut up and go away, so as to not interrupt your virtue signaling? Does it annoy you that she was scarred for life? Do you feel pestered by her seeking some sort of acknowledgment, apology, or even gratitude for “taking one for the team” so that you guys could live your dreams? I know, what a little bitch. Right?

Personally, I am sick and tired of being preached to about acceptable morals and virtue from the narcissistic, privileged and dimwitted members of the entertainment industry who have celebrated, amplified and cheered our country’s moral, ethical and spiritual decay.

I miss being able to freely and openly joke around about anything my twisted brain finds amusing. Sadly, our culture has been hijacked by arbiters of outrage. The perpetually offended paragons of virtue incessantly shaming whoever does not conform to "politically correct" do’s and don’ts is not a healthy construct. If laughter is the best medicine, then why are we cutting off the supply?

Donald Trump cracks me up almost every day. He is without a doubt the most punk rock, anti-establishment president in our great nation’s history? We “The Deplorables” knowingly and eagerly elected an outsider and disrupter to deliver a magnitude 8.0 shakeup to the corrupt, inefficient and power mad “Swamp.” Where we go one, we go all. MAGA!

Right on, take care, and tell Axl I said “Hey.”
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Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy Empty Re: Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy

Post by Soulmonster Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:26 am

Not sure if it is fair to post this here, but here is Michelle's story. She doesn't go in much detail about what happened, but basically claims she was raped by Axl:

My name is Michelle and in 1985 while I was still 15 yrs old my boyfriend at the time went crazy and not only raped me but begged other people to touch me. I was 15 and he was 23 his name is Axl Rose. I was heartbroken, soul broken and stained for life! I refused to go to court because I was harrassed by the band daily. They were like family to me and I didn’t want them to be punished for what Axl did. The charges were dropped and I had to heal through the most horrible things. They got signed a month after and since then, they have not let it go, they have lied about me in there books and four new books by Stephan Davis, Mick Wall, Razor Cue, and Vicki Hamilton have also told my story and lied, painting me as something I was not. Duff Mckagen jumping on the MeToo movement is sickening! If he could just tell the truth, it would be healing, instead he lies and lies. Watch his interviews on this new album and song. He is asked some serious questions, and skirts the subject, saying that the 80’s we’re different, women were sexually aggressive and even he fell prey to it He says that you just can’t compare the 80’s to now because women were so sexually aggressive. He also says that his band were good guys and would never have put up with a grown man like Weinstein touching a young girl without consent!! You can imagine how infuriating this is to me and should be to other survivors and leaders in this very important movement. I’m working with a journalist now in ending my silence telling my story. My story that has been told in lies in every Guns N Roses book ever. Please research Duff Mckagen and stand with me against liars who would prey on a 15 yr old girl to get there fame, then lie about her. Little Michelle Lives is my new battle cry!!

Again, this is her side of the story. Axl and Slash denies this account of what went down, and the charges were dropped. With no corroborating evidence it is word against word.
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Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy Empty Re: Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy

Post by Uli Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:16 pm

Seems a little strange to have a go at Duff for this.
I mean, first of all they all have "calmed down" a bit since the old days. Second, it was not Duff's job to "watch over" his band's singer all day & night...
And to expect from Duff to distance himself from Axl right now (with a reunion hardly anybody had believed to ever happen) seems ridiculous.

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Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy Empty Re: Raz Cue calls out Duff for hypocrisy

Post by Soulmonster Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:40 pm

Uli wrote:Seems a little strange to have a go at Duff for this.
I mean, first of all they all have "calmed down" a bit since the old days. Second, it was not Duff's job to "watch over" his band's singer all day & night...
And to expect from Duff to distance himself from Axl right now (with a reunion hardly anybody had believed to ever happen) seems ridiculous.

I agree completely. I don't think Cue expects Duff to renounce his relationship with Axl or anything like that, but perhaps to admit that they weren't all nice. I think Cue is reacting on Duff's attempts to revise history by arguing that they weren't bad at all, or at least not as bad as other people who have become victims of #metoo.

I think there is a point here. It must be possible to find that balance between accepting that they did stupid things while in their early days, and owning up to that, but also explaining why it happened through the particular environment in which they lived, and to point out that this was a long time ago and that they have changed and matured since then.

What I fear is that if they sort of hide it under the carpet, or try to make light of it, it comes across as either trivializing what happened and which wasn't okay, or even implying that there might be more and worse things that we don't know about.
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