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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe)

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1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) Empty 1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe)

Post by Blackstar Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:23 pm

Many thanks to @spookeend for sharing this with us.
Check out his great GN'R collection here:


1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) 0PKSTfjD_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) MzbpsEYE_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) 1Dc9q1SO_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) ZsXuMoKj_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) ReHUnEpu_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) IuyNOnwj_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) RQTVV6Q3_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) MN5sdS1p_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) V6jfg086_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) AEpScI2e_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) ZyEW7ZKb_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) VqPj5l0H_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) Lq6jIJkJ_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) LjQnAt4B_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) 7wYCfa1Z_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) Zt0g551E_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) F0doxMwf_o
1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) 0pgbkGVz_o



1   AXL
They (the fans) don’t like it when I let them know they don’t own me. Sometimes I don’t even own myself!
Axl, 1992
I wasn't told I had a real father until I was 17. My real father was my stepdad, as far as I knew. But I found some insurance papers, and then I found my mom’s diploma, with the last name Rose. I was never born Bill Bailey. I was born William Rose. I am W. Rose because William was an asshole.
Axl, April 1992
I must say that Axl has fucking balls.
Duff, January 1990
Axl is not a person who wants to spend even one second in a police station if he can avoid it.
Slash, June 1992
Yeah, I’m real spoiled. I’ve spoiled myself.
Axl, April 1992
I came with a nice big package of defects. So I do past-life regression therapy work with a homeopathic doctor.
Axl, June 1992
I said don’t pick the mike-stand back up, motherfucker!
Axl to his roadie, onstage in San Francisco, October 1991
Hey, check it out... I’m having one of those irrational temper tantrums you keep reading about in the press.
Axl, as above, October 1991
Axl is just another version of the Ayatollah.
Slash, 1986
He’s a bit eccentric, one of a kind. You've just got to kind of go with it. We get along really well. He’s, you know, a different kind of cat.
Matt Sorum, September 1991
How the fuck did I get so fucking important?
Axl, 1992
Axl’s so fucking great. Anything he does or says, it’s just because that’s the way he really is. He's beyond real, you know. I’ve never seen anyone dare to talk shit to him, ever. I love that.
Matt Sorum, 1991
I’ve been accused of thinking my shit doesn't stink. And it does, and maybe sometimes it stinks a lot worse than other people’s.
Axl, April 1992

Axl might seem like a pain in the ass to everybody involved, but at the same time he’s as dedicated to it as I am... even more so in many ways.
Slash, 1992
I sing in about five or six different voices that are all part of me, it’s not contrived...
Axl, June 1987
Axl isn’t really 24, he’s a million years old... he’s seen everything.
Izzy, 1986
Well, as you can see, being a fucking psycho basket-case like me does have its advantages.
Axl, October 1991
I pretty much follow my own internal clock, and I perform better later at night. Nothing seems to work out for me until later at night. And it is our show. I don't want to make people sit around and wait... it drives me nuts. That hour-and-a-half or two-hour time period that I'm late onstage is living hell, because I'm wishing there was any way on earth I could get out of where I am and knowing I'm not going to be able to make it. I’m late to everything. I’ve always wanted to have it written in my will that when I die, the coffin shows up a half-hour late and says on the side, like in gold, ‘SORRY I’M LATE’.
Axl, April 1992
Every day there was a different story on the radio in the US about Axl dying. There was even one report that I’d shot him!
Slash, 1988
In the press Axl gets all this shit which I feel sorry for him about. Sometimes he asks for it, but a lot of the time he doesn’t... there are times when I can’t believe the shit he does, and a lot of the time he can’t believe the shit that Slash or myself do, or Izzy does.
Duff, September 1991
The way I've been attacked has been strange. The press has actually helped me get my head more together.
Axl, 1992
Axl’s just naturally late. It can get pretty tense at times, particularly when you’re supposed to be onstage and you're sitting there, literally counting the seconds, thing 'Man, we've just had a riot in St. Louis. Now we’re in Texas. What the fuck is gonna happen here?’
Izzy, October 1991
Axl, lyrically, is brilliant in my eyes. Some of the shit that goes through his head is like, WHOA!
Duff, September 1991
Some people say I got a chip on my shoulder.
Axl, 1987
Homophobic? I think I've got a problem, if my dad fucked me in the ass when I was two. I think I’ve got a problem about it.
Axl, April 1992
In a lot of ways he (Axl’s) the most normal guy in the band.
Duff, 1991
Axl wants to do stuff his way, at his pace, in his time.
Izzy, October 1991
If Axl was the nicest, quietest guy in the world he’d never sell any records.
Gilby Clarke, 1992
He ain’t EVER going to lose this anger!
Duff, May 1988
My growth stopped at two years old. And when they talk about Axl Rose being a screaming two-year-old, they’re right.
Axl, April 1992
Some of Axl’s lyrics are fucking hilarious!
Slash, March 1989
I’m around a three-year-old baby now and then, and sometimes after a few days it’s just too overwhelming for me. My head is spinning because of the changes it's putting me through.
Axl, April 1992
Before he used to be one or those guys who, if he thought someone was looking at him weird, would just haul off and smack ’em. And sometimes, y’know, the people he went for weren’t even looking at him.
Izzy, October 1991
Generally, if I’m late I’m suicidal...
Axl, June 1992
Me an’ Axl are so unalike that we attract each other.
Slash, July 1991
The relationship between most lead singers and most lead guitar players is very sensitive, very volatile. It’s just very, very intense. It has major ups and major downs, there’s always big mood swings and arguments. Singers and lead guitar players are very temperamental, everyone wants to have their own way. To be a lead guitar player or a singer, you have to have a real big ego! But somewhere within all this intensity and this friction, there's a chemistry. And if the chemistry is right, as with Axl and me, then there's something... a spark, or a need... that holds it together. But you fight too...
Slash, December 1988
The biggest fights are between me and Axl. But that's also what makes it happen.
Slash, July 1991
Okay, there were some security guys - we're talking about front-line house people, right? And the guys are fucking standing there with their arms on the stage watching the band, okay? And there was this gang of guys, and they’re taking pictures and shit. And Axl says to the security, ‘Are you gonna do anything about it?' And then he says, ‘Well, if you're not, I will!' That’s Axl, bam, right in there. And we kept the suspense beat going, but when he got back onstage it was just like, ‘Fuck this’ and he threw his mike down. That’s just the way he is, alright?
Slash, August 1991, referring to the infamous St. Louis riot
I went to a clinic thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was take one 500-question test... you know, filling these little black dots. And all of a sudden I'm diagnosed manic depressive! Let’s put Axl on medication... Except the medication didn’t work. The only thing it does is help keep people off my back cos they figure I’m on medication.
Axl, 1989
I guess I like who I am now. I'd like to have a little more internal peace. I’m sure everybody would.
Axl, April 1992
We love to take care of women – we love to treat them great... but right now we don’t have any money so we treat them like shit.
Izzy, 1986
I was raised in a family where if a woman wore pants she was going to hell!
Axl, April 1992
I remember saying that I liked seeing two women together, and there were letters from lesbian organisations saying, ‘How disgusting!' I can be as disgusting as the next person, but it wasn't meant to be disgusting. I think women are beautiful. I don’t like to see people used. If I’m looking at a men’s magazine and I look at the surface, I might be able to enjoy it. But if I know that this person is really messed up and that person’s messed up and they’re being used by the person who set up the photo session, then it’ll turn my stomach.
Axl, April 1992
All the guys had their girlfriends in the ‘Sweet Child...' video, and I cut all my scenes out. There was one picture of my hand on her (his girlfriend’s) ass and that was it. I’m not into drawing attention to the personal side.
Slash, May 1992
It took me all that time (two years) to create the situation and for my life to evolve to the point where it was proper for me to call her.
Axl, June 1992, referring to his relationship with model Stephanie Seymour
I can't handle having a girlfriend. I can get laid any time.
Slash, June 1988
I don’t get horny when I write songs, and I’m not really that emotionally affected by women... I’m one of those people who's probably made himself hardened to falling in love...
Slash, December 1988
I’ve being doing a lot of work and found out I’ve had a lot of hatred for women. Basically, I’ve been rejected by my mother since I was a baby. She’s picked my stepfather over me ever since he was around and watched me get beaten by him. She stood back most of the time. Unless it got bad, and then she’d come and hold you afterward. She wasn't there for me. My grandmother had a problem with men. I’ve gone back and done the work and found out I overheard my grandma going off men when I was four. And I’ve had problems with my own masculinity because of that. I was pissed off at my grandmother for her problem with men and how it made me feel about being a man.
Axl, April 1992
Sometimes there’s these girls backstage going, ‘I love you’. I feel like saying, ‘Honey, if you knew me, you would hate my fucking guts’.
Axl, 1989
There’s a lot to say for the period of time when you start to lose the excitement of chasing chicks. You start going after really bizarre girls, like librarians and stuff, just to catch 'em, to say ‘I finally went out and caught a girl that wouldn't be my normal date’.
Slash, 1987
Relationships with the opposite sex can be really fucked up now, because of the position we're in. Everybody’s trying to get a piece of something.
Slash, May 1992
In L.A. it's real hard to find a wife.
Duff, 1992
I’ve been hell on the women in my life, and the women in my life have been hell on me. And it really breaks me down to tears a lot of limes when I think about how terribly we’ve treated each other. Erin (Everly, the former Mrs. Rose) and I treated each other like shit. Sometimes we treated each other great, because the children in us were best friends. Rut then there were other times when we just fucked each other's lives completely up.
Axl, April 1992
Y'know, I detect a little bit of anti-feminism shit going on too (on ‘Use Your Illusion'), because the songs that are about women that are really negative are like really fucking hard. I can see girls going. 'What assholes!' But then, y'know , our angle is just like, 'This is true you fucking cunt’. This is the way it was and we put it down on paper. But you know, these feminist groups will be like... d’you know what I'm saying?
Slash, August 1991
...It's hard for me to go and pick up chicks sometimes, cos I resent the fact that I'm getting laid cos I’m in a band.
Slash, June 1988
I don't leave my girlfriends lying around where my guitars are!
Slash, December 1988
I spend more money on women than I do on anything else!
Slash, June 1992
We can’t walk down the street any more, or pop into a liquor store, without getting hassled. I guess it's the classic scenario, almost a cliche. I suppose every band’s gone through it. And people who are just rock fans or people who would love to be in our shoes are sitting there going, ‘Well, that’s a small price to pay'... which to tell you the truth it is.
Slash, July 1991
We’ve adapted to it a little bit better than we had maybe a year ago when we started to get really big. Then it really screwed with us, now it’s better.
Slash, 1991
It’s not like it used to be. I used to be able to hang out at a bar all day and not be noticed. Now? Oh, I hang out at a bar all day and get hassled.
Slash, 1992
It's like walking around in Toonville, being a whole human being and walking around with all this shit going on around you. Ridiculous. But I'm used to it.
Slash, July 1991
Being famous is like living in Toonville, it's like being in a fucking cartoon. The only good thing about being famous is when you’re onstage, everything else is just bullshit.
Slash, June 1992
I have a really hard time swallowing the concept of being any kind of rock fucking star.
Slash, August 1991
People recognise me really easily, but I don’t think about it. I don’t have the outgoing personality of, say, David Lee Roth. I used to be pretty social on the road, but it’s more difficult now because we have security around us all the time... and when we do duck them we get into trouble! A few times I’ve ditched security and gone out on my own, but ended up with problems. There was one occasion when Duff and I went out by ourselves and got a couple of hotels rooms just to hang out. But I ended up in a huge fight with (comedian) Sam Kinison and Duff nearly got arrested for punching him out!
If I go into a rock bar or a strip joint then I know that I'm going to get recognised and deal with it, because I wanna drink. But in restaurants or other places where you wouldn't expect recognition people still come out of the woodwork and get very pushy for autographs. But I never pull Rock Star Attitude trips and always oblige. Yet if you’re trying to have a conversation with someone and you get a piece of paper shoved under your nose it can be a difficult situation. Sure, there is a lack of freedom, but I won't complain about it, because the only reason I'm here is the fact that I’m doing what I enjoy.
Slash, October 1991
I think Guns n’ Roses will take it’s natural course, even though it could all end tomorrow night. Still, I think we’ll take a long break and then come back and do it again. That’s what it feels like could happen. But then again, two years ago I never really thought this tour could happen. Frankly, I didn’t think any of us would have this much of a future.
Izzy, 1991
I really think that the next official Guns n' Roses record, or the next thing I do at least, will take some dramatic turns that people didn’t expect and show the growth. I don’t want to be the 23-year-old misfit that I was.
Axl, 1992
Someone recently suggested that I was going to die very soon and I just said to them, 'Yeah, I’m going to die next week, and it’ll be on your doorstep!' Sure, Guns n’ Roses lives a little bit harder than the rest and there is a self-destructive element about this band. But the will to survive is infinitely stronger... about twice as strong... and that will ensure we’re gonna be around for some time to come.
Slash, 1988
When this Guns tour is all over I wanna do something very quickly rather than sit around. I’ve an idea for a project in my head, a solo album. But whether I do it or not depends on Guns n’ Roses. If we go straight into the studio then I won’t worry about it. If not then I’ll want to keep busy and I’ll do something else. What’s gonna happen with the next Guns album? We want to keep it real simple, just record nine or ten songs.
Slash, October 1992
In a lot of ways they remind me of the way we were when we were just starting out. They have the choice of how they want to do things though, and there's enough people around for them not to fuck up.
Steven Tyler, Aerosmith, September 1991
What do I think of Guns n' Roses chances of surviving? Hey, it’s not my gig to weigh up other people's chances of living or dying, baby... that's what people do to me. I used to be Number One on the list of the next guy to turn into a zero, so I wouldn’t dream of doing it to them. I ain't gonna judge 'em... I wish 'em all the luck in the world. They're good guys. What can I tell you? I really feel for those guys right now 'cos it ain't the Baby Doll Lounge they're playing anymore. Where they're dealing from, it’s like Jaws out there every night.
Keith Richards, Rolling Stones, October 1991
A part of me is really pulling for those guys to come through because, Goddammit, right now rock’n'roll desperately needs at least one reasonably young, genuinely charismatic band with real talent, a real sense of what’s going on around them and how to express it right, real guts... and who look good. A band who can move the reality of rock 'n' roll away from this MTV-era obsessed with ritualised, coiffed bullshit and bring it back home and make it genuinely exciting again.
Iggy Pop, October 1991
To be honest I can understand exactly what Guns n' Roses are doing. They just do what they want to do and they don’t give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks. That’s the kind of rock’n’roll band I understand!
Angry Anderson, Rose Tattoo, 1989
Touring with Guns n' Roses is like touring with Michael Jackson... although I think I've seen Michael Jackson more times on this tour than I have Axl.
Bill Gould, Faith No More, June 1992
I'm getting more and more confused about who's in Guns n’ Roses and it's blowing my mind. There’s Dizzy and Iggy and Lizzy and Tizzy and Gilby and Giddy... shit man, onstage now there’s a horn section, two chick back-up singers, two keyboard players, an airline pilot, a basketball coach, a coupla car mechanics...
Roddy Bottum, Faith No More, June 1992
When we started we wanted to he the coolest, sexiest, meanest, nastiest, loudest, funnest band. There was a group consciousness of rape, pillage, search and destroy! Axl
We didn't have any money, but we had a lot of hangers on and girls we could basically live off. Things were just too easy. Izzy
We're the kind of band we liked when we were kids, definitely a people's band. Slash
In the beginning we'd throw parties and ransack the girl's purses while one of the guys was with her. Axl
We were two years on the road. When they finally dropped me off at the airport I had no place to go. Slash
My favourite cartoon characters are Metallica and Slash. Axl
It was success that screwed us up. Slash
Every night's a ****** party, man. Chicks, beer, you name it. Take any chick you want, man. It's like being in a candy store. Matt Sorum
I was raised in a family where if a woman wore pants she was going to hell! Axl
I have to take a security guy with me on the road now, cos they're scared I'm gonna die, or something. Slash
Axl is just another version of the Ayatollah. Slash
... The only real rock 'n 'roll band to come out of LA in the last ten years. Axl
A bottle (of Jack Daniel's) a day for five years, that's what I was doing... you have really bad breath in the morning - you know, you can't have sex in the morning till you've brushed your teeth, which is a real ******* drag. Slash

Last edited by Blackstar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

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1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) Empty Re: 1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe)

Post by Blackstar Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:28 pm

The clippings in the front and back pages of this were probably mostly from the British press. 
The quotes inside were taken from the book Guns N' Roses: In Their Own Words by Mark Putterford, Omnibus, 1992.
This program was probably also done locally, like the 1992 Europe one here:

Last edited by Blackstar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) Empty Re: 1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe)

Post by Soulmonster Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:36 pm

Some quotes here we don't have in our archive. Interesting.
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1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe) Empty Re: 1993.05.DD - Use Your Illusion Tour program (Europe)

Post by Blackstar Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:43 pm

Yes, I have the book and there are some more in there that we don't have. I intended to transcribe them and post them all in the "Unidentified Quotes" thread. I'll do it sometime. Very Happy
If I have to guess, they're mostly from British outlets, as the author of the book is British.

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