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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Soulmonster Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:31 pm

December 2, 1992.

Estadio Nacional.

Santiago, Chile.

01. It's So Easy
02. Mr. Brownstone
03. Live and Let Die
04. Attitude
05. Double Talkin' Jive
06. Civil War
07. November Rain
08. Patience
09. Bad Obsession
10. You Could Be Mine
11. Sweet Child O'Mine
12. Welcome to the Jungle
13. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
14. Don't Cry
15. Paradise City

Axl Rose (vocals), Gilby Clarke (rhythm guitarist), Slash (lead guitarist), Duff McKagan (bass), Dizzy Reed (keyboards) and Matt Sorum (drums).

In Chile, there were, like, 500 kids at the hotel at any given time. [Raw Magazine, 1993]

1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Rightarrow Next concert: 1992.12.05.
1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Leftarrow Previous concert: 1992.11.29.
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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Wed Mar 20, 2019 5:07 pm

The Orlando Sentinel, December 4, 1992:

1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile EKbUxtle_o
Guns 'N Roses told to stay in Chile for drug investigation

Members of the rock group Guns ’N Roses have been ordered to stay in Chile until a probe is completed into why traces of cocaine were found in the clothing of one of the band members, police said Thursday.

A court ordered an investigation after police said a tube of cocaine was found in an article of clothing when it was being cleaned in the hotel laundry in Santiago.

The group had been scheduled to leave Chile for Argentina Thursday.

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Wed Mar 20, 2019 5:12 pm

Tallahassee Democrat, December 5, 1992:

1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile SXkgQnFU_o
Chile detains Guns Ν’ Roses

The members of Guns Ν’ Roses have been ordered to stay in Chile for an investigation into why traces of cocaine were found in the clothing of one of the band members.

Police said remnants of cocaine were found tucked away in a tube in an article of clothing when it was being cleaned in the hotel laundry. The private plane that brought the group to Chile from Colombia on Tuesday will be searched for drugs, investigators said.

A performance by Guns N’ Roses on Wednesday left about 10 people injured, police said.

The group was scheduled to leave Chile for Argentina at noon Thursday but is not allowed to go until the probe is complete, police said.

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Wed Mar 20, 2019 5:23 pm

Reuter via The San Francisco Examiner, December 4, 1992:

1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile RbWWZssu_o

Guns N' Roses cleared in Chilean drug search


SANTIAGO, Chile, - U.S. rock group Guns N’ Roses has been allowed to leave Chile after a search for drugs aboard the group’s private plane turned up nothing, police said Thursday.

Detectives had earlier found traces of cocaine in the clothes of one of the band members, court officials said, prompting a lower court to order investigations into the rock group’s activities.

Detectives found cocaine traces in a tube tucked into clothes belonging to a member of the heavy-metal band on Wednesday night. The discovery was made when the clothes were being cleaned in a hotel laundry, detectives said.

The controversial, six-man rock group was due to leave Chile for neighboring Argentina on Thursday night, about nine hours later than originally scheduled.

At a Guns N’ Roses concert Wednesday, 10 people were injured in disturbances and 178 people were arrested for public disorder and alcohol and drug abuse, police said.

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:07 pm

The Record, December 4, 1992:

1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile SQJ94jGq_o
Guns N’ Roses concert sparks fan stampede

SANTIAGO, Chile - At least five people were hurt and 169 were detained during a concert by the American rock band Guns N' Roses, police said Thursday.

Police said hundreds of young fans without tickets tried to break into the Santiago National Soccer stadium for the concert Wednesday night.

A 16-year-old girl was trampled and rushed to a hospital in serious condition. A policeman was injured in the head by fans who threw rocks and beer cans at him, police said.

Police detained 159 people for reckless behavior, drunkenness, or drug use.


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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Thu Mar 21, 2019 11:18 pm

Excerpt from an article in the Calgary Herald, Dec. 6, 1992, about the band's stay in Argentina:
Guns Ν’ Roses arrived from Chile, where 178 fans were arrested at its Wednesday-night concert after violence broke out among the audience, angered by the late start of the show. Rose walked off stage twice and threatened to cancel the concert as bottles and other objects showered the stage.

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Fri Mar 22, 2019 12:37 am

Craig Duswalt wrote:The next day we left for Santiago, Chile. And it didn’t get any easier.

Guns N’ Roses went on two hours late that night, and during the show, specifically during the song “Civil War,” bottles were randomly thrown on the stage. No one got hit, and normally Axl would have just left the stage, for fear of getting hit. He had been hit before with objects, as had most of the members of the band. But this night Axl did not leave the stage, probably because he knew something bad would happen. More than 85,000 people were there—the biggest concert ever in that stadium in Santiago.

However, unrelated to the show, something bad did happen. Fifty people were arrested outside the stadium, and through no fault of the band, a teenage fan sustained numerous injuries at the concert and died two days later. Rumor had it that she had snuck out of her house to see the concert, because her parents wouldn’t allow her to go.

So sad.

Chilean media reported that Axl was drunk prior to the show. They also reported that drugs were discovered in the band’s hotel rooms. This was not even close to true. Axl very rarely drank on the road. He might have had a glass or two of champagne on occasion, but that was it. Axl hardly drank on this entire tour. He was focused on getting his life straightened out.

Plus, both Doug and the manager of the Sheraton San Cristobal hotel denied the accusations.

But officials from the Chilean Department of Investigation came to our hotel floor and checked the rooms for drugs. Luckily nothing was found, but that was a scary moment for all of us on the tour. Specifically, when they were checking my room I kept envisioning that someone would plant drugs in my mattress, and that I would go to jail in Santiago for the rest of my life, and Midnight Express came into my mind again. Damn, I hate that movie! I swore the next time a drug search took place in my room, I would be much more prepared.
Source: Craig Duswalt, Welcome To My Jungle, BenBella Books, May 2014.

Craig Duswalt was Axl's personal assistant at the time.

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Sun Mar 24, 2019 2:05 pm

Argentine TV news report:


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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Blackstar Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:35 pm

From Efe via ABC (Spanish newspaper), December 9, 1992:
Murió la niña chilena herida en un concierto de Guns N' Roses

Santiago de Chile. Efe

• Guns N’ Roses. Myriam Henríquez Reyes, la adolescente chilena de 15 años que resultó gravemente herida en un recital del grupo Guns N' Roses, murió horas después de que le fueran retirados los aparatos que la mantenían artificialmente con vida, informaron fuentes módicas. La menor fue aplastada por una valla que cayó bajo el peso de una multitud durante la presentación de la banda de rock estadounidense, en el Estadio Nacional de Santiago y desde entonces se encontraba en estado de coma. Los médicos del hospital El Salvador, en cuya Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) permanecía ingresada, determinaron hoy su muerte cerebral, tras practicarle un segundo electroencefalograma, cuyo resultado fue negativo. Posteriormente, los padres de Myriam Henríquez autorizaron que le fueran desconectados los aparatos que mantenían activas sus funciones respiratorias y cardíacas. La joven, estudiante de secundaria en un colegio de Santiago, expiró pocas horas después.

Miryam, que por primera vez en su vida asistía a un espectáculo de estas características, sufrió una encefalopatía hipotóxica, además de lesiones en la columna vertebral, al ser aplastada por una valla del estadio.

La única presentación de los Guns N' Roses en Chile, en la que según la prensa su cantante, Axl Rose, actuó embriagado y drogado, provocó centenares de detenidos y cuantiosos daños.

Chilean girl, injured at a Guns N’ Roses concert, died

Santiago, Chile. Efe

• Guns N 'Roses. Myriam Henríquez Reyes, the 15-year-old Chilean teenager who was seriously injured at a concert by the band Guns N 'Roses, died hours after she was disconnected from the devices that kept her artificially alive, sources said. The minor was crushed by a fence that fell under the weight of a crowd during the appearance of the American rock band at the National Stadium in Santiago, and was in a coma since then. The doctors of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the El Salvador hospital, where she remained hospitalised, determined her brain death today after performing a second electroencephalogram, the result of which was negative. Subsequently, the parents of Myriam Henríquez authorised the disconnection of the devices that kept her respiratory and cardiac functions active. The girl, a high school student in a school in Santiago, expired a few hours later.

Miryam, who for the first time in her life attended a show of this kind, suffered a hypotoxic encephalopathy, in addition to spine injuries after she was crushed by a stadium fence.

The only Guns N’ Roses concert in Chile, at which, according to the press, singer Axl Rose appeared drank and drugged, resulted in hundreds of arrests and significant damages.

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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

Post by Soulmonster Fri Jan 12, 2024 6:48 pm

We played Santiago, Chile. And I remember we played it where they had Amnesty International. During the military coup in 1985 about 20,000 people were murdered in that stadium. We're playing to that same stadium where those people are actually buried in and around that stadium. In the ground there. So no-one had told Axl that piece of information and I remember him going, "I don't want to fucking play here." And then the military… there was security there. The chief of police, or whoever he was, said, "We will use force if you don't do the show." We said, "What kind of force?" "We will have to shoot and kill the singer" (laughs). He said it in Spanish. Maybe he fucked up the way it came out. “You got to play the show, finish the show.” And he did a great show that night. It was fucking perfect. It was… I said, "Doug, you need to tell Axl that part, because he needs to know" (laughs). Fucking… Yeah.
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1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Empty Re: 1992.12.02 - Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile

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