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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

Please feel free to look around the forum as a guest, I hope you will find something of interest. If you want to join the discussions or contribute in other ways then you need to become a member. We especially welcome anyone who wants to share documents for our archive or would be interested in translating or transcribing articles and interviews.

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Announcing the Unofficial Chinese Democracy Music Video Contest

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Announcing the Unofficial Chinese Democracy Music Video Contest  Empty Announcing the Unofficial Chinese Democracy Music Video Contest

Post by msrocknrolla Sun May 27, 2012 7:49 am

Are you a Guns N Roses fan? Do you love Chinese Democracy? Are you creative?

This contest is for you!

The winner will be awarded $100 and fleeting internet fame. As part of your reward, your video will be promoted in a marketing campaign by my marketing organization (which is quite good).

Simply chose any Chinese Democracy song and let your imagination run wild! The contest is open to all GNR fans of the current line-up. Your video theme could be inspiring, edgy, poignant, enigmatic, funny, etc.

In other words, what does the song mean to you?

Show us your artistic side.

If you don’t already have this program, download Windows Movie Maker (free). If you have a Mac, you need iMovie or a more advanced editing suite. They’re both fun and easy to learn.

Everyone can enjoy sharing and viewing their work. Please email to register.

Please Follow the Guidelines Below to Enter:

YouTube Channel: Gunners (GNR Fans)

Contact Email:

Registration Deadline: June 4th
Music Video Deadline: June 18th
Award Announcement: June 25th

Number of Participants: 20+. We need at least 20 people to register for the contest.

Instructions: Email your video to and include your name, username, your local GNR Website, and the song track name in the body of the email and in your video end credits.
Save your files in this format as: songtitle_firstname_lastname.Youtubefileformat
Example: Scraped_Johnny_Rocket.wmv

Caveat: I am not affiliated with GNR or UMC. If anyone from the UMC or GNR disagrees at any point, the contest will end and no prize money will be awarded. Violence, nudity, or illegal activities are not acceptable. Don't injure yourself or others. Failure to follow the rules and guidelines may lead to disqualification.

Why am I doing this challenge, you ask? Because this contest is dedicated every gunner across the globe with much love. Keep the faith. Peace.

Finally, allow me to thank Guns and Roses and especially Axl Rose; without whom none of this would be possible.

MsRocknrolla usually hangs out at but please send your questions to

Apologies in advance for the typos.

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Join date : 2012-05-08

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Announcing the Unofficial Chinese Democracy Music Video Contest  Empty Re: Announcing the Unofficial Chinese Democracy Music Video Contest

Post by Soulmonster Wed May 30, 2012 10:26 am

This is a really great idea. Thank you for posting this here. Any A4D member who sends in a video will receive 500 plectra! And if a A4D member should win the contest that member gets an additional 1000 plectra!
Band Lawyer

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