2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
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2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
About Slash's recording with Mike Hartung while in Oslo:
Mike og «en helt vanlig fyr» med livvakter spilte inn gitar i Oslo forleden
– Han er en helt vanlig fyr med unik gitarlyd, avslører Mike Hartung.
Hartung fikk tidligere i vår henvendelsen mange studiofolk drømmer om: Kan du spille inn noen gitarspor for Slash fra Guns N´Roses?
Og slikt er ganske spesielt selv for en rutinert studiodeleier og lydtekniker som Hartung, for det er ikke hver dag en som han velger å legge ut slik info på Facebook. Innspillingen sammenfalt med bandets opptreden på Tons of Rock i juni.
– Fortell oss hvordan dette ble en realitet?
– I utgangspunktet fikk jeg en e-post fra et større amerikansk selskap om at de så etter studio til en artist, men de sa ikke hvem det var. Etter hvert fikk jeg vite at det var Slash.
– Ble du starstruck?
– Nei, dette er en jobb som alle andre. Fra min tid som tekniker i L.A., ble jeg ganske vant til å møte berømte musikere. Men for all del; Slash er Slash.
– Var det nødvendig å tilnærme seg denne innspillingen på en annen måte enn vanlig?
– Nei, ikke egentlig. Jeg fikk en del spesifikasjoner på forhånd og gjorde en del undersøkelser. Også rigget jeg studioet med forsterkere og kabinetter etter ønskemål. For meg er det poeng å være 200 prosent profesjonell i alle settinger og denne var intet unntak.
– På hvilken måte skiller en session med Slash seg ut fra andre?
– Svært lite, vil jeg si. Det eneste er at han kommer med livvakter samt en gitartekniker som stiller inn forsterkerne etter hans spesifikasjoner. Deretter satt vi i to timer og spilte inn gitarsporene som vanlig. Det vil si: hele tiden ha som mål at det ferdige innspilte er best mulig. Noen spor beholder vi slik de er, andre går man inn og reparerer. Helt normalt.
– Ingen primadonnanykker eller sær oppførsel?
– På ingen måte. Slash er meget profesjonell og han har en fantastisk lyd i gitaren som kun er hans. Og den ligger i fingrene. Han hadde med egne gitarer og egne effektbokser. Du må ikke glemme at selv om han er en stjerne, er han også en helt vanlig fyr. Hans arbeidsetikk og tilnærming til materialet er hundre prosent profesjonelt. Det var meget inspirerende å jobbe med ham.
– Hadde han sære krav til utstyr?
– Nei, men de var meget spesifikke. Jeg lånte forsterkeren til Knut Schreiner, og så brukte vi kabinetter som jeg har tatt med fra USA i sin tid. Forsterkerne sto svært høyt på, så de måtte stå i et eget rom. Han sa til meg etterpå at han hadde vært meget komfortabel hos meg. Det er et fint kompliment å få.
– Kan du røpe hvem han spilte inn for?
– Beklager. Det er hemmelig. Eneste jeg kan si er at det er en større amerikansk artist.
Source: https://www.kontekst.no/mike-og-en-helt-vanlig-fyr-med-livvakter-spilte-inn-gitar-i-oslo-forleden/
Last edited by Soulmonster on Sat Jul 01, 2023 7:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
Soulmonster- Band Lawyer
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Re: 2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
I will translate to English later. The interview is with Mike Hartung who was responsible for recording Slash while he recorded guitar in Oslo. The final question is about who Slash recorded guitars for, but Hartung wouldn't say except that it is a "big American artist",
Soulmonster- Band Lawyer
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Re: 2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
Slash was in a studio again in Germany, but with Michael Schenker.
Blackstar- ADMIN
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Re: 2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
I wonder what he is up to...
Soulmonster- Band Lawyer
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Re: 2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
- Recording guitars for an Axl track
- Recording guitars for his 1.987th guest appearance -- this one for the next Carrie Underwood album
- ?
- Recording guitars for his 1.987th guest appearance -- this one for the next Carrie Underwood album
- ?
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Re: 2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
Soulmonster wrote:I wonder what he is up to...
June 24, 2013, right after Glastonbury concert
Slash - Hey Ax, great show man
Axl - Yeah, you too, really nice
Slash - Hey, not to put pressure on you or anything, but did you have a chance to listen to those...
Axl - [interrupting] Oh man, sorry, not yet, you know, so much going on right now, life is a mess
Slash - Yeah, sure
Axl - Yeah
Slash - It is just that I have sent you that and never got an answer, it's been three months now man and...
Axl - [interrupting] Look man, e-ve-ry-thing- on this tour is going great, you know very well that I don't like being pushed, please don't start now
Slash - Oh! Sure! Sorry man! Please take your time and listen to that whenever...
Axl - [interrupting] Look man please stop or I won't listen to shit! This just takes away the fun in being an artist... You keep pushing it... I am so tired, I am going to the hotel now
Slash - Oh sure, thanks Ax, sorry Ax
June 24, 2013, 5 minutes later
Slash gets his phone and sends a written message
30 seconds later a reply appears on Slash's phone
Slash dials a number
Two seconds later someone answers the call
Slash - Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyles, man, how ya doing?
Myles - Hey man, I am great, where are you?
Slash - Ah... we just... we just did Glastonbury
Myles - Wow, cool
Slash - Yeah
Myles - So what's up
Slash - Listen, I have been writing some cool shit and I have about 7 riffs and two songs that I am really into right now
Myles - Yeah?
Slash - Yeah man. Wanna check it out?
Myles - Sure!
Slash - That's great. Give me a minute here... yes... attach it... yes... done! Just sent it to you. Let me know if you like any of those
Myles - Will do man
Slash - Great
Myles - Yeah
Slash - Send my best to the miss
Myles - Will do
Slash - Be good man
Myles - You too
June 26, 2013, 9 PM California time, international phone call
Myles - Hey man
Slash - Hey!
Myles - Listen. I loved riff# 3 and... let me see... and riff#5. Yeah, riffs #3 and #5. Just loved them
Slash - Wow that is great
Myles - Yeah. I wrote a song for riff #3... it is called Spring Sunshine... Just a working title, you know how I roll... and... yeah... let me attach it... I am sending it to you... right... now!
Slash - Got it!
Myles - Give me a call later
Slash - Sure man, see ya
Myles - See ya
June 26, 2013, 10 PM California time, international phone call
Slash - Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyles!
Myles - Hey man good to hear from you. So what do you...
Slash - [interrupting] I love it! I was playing the intro and I did some minor changes to it and the rest is really cool. Loved the chorus!
Myles - Great!
Slash - Listen. I tell you what. I am gonna book some studio time somewhere to record it properly and I will send it to you
Myles - Great!
Slash - Yes. Once I record it and send it to you do you think you can you get the boys and record something on your side
Myles - Sure can! Will send a message to them tonight
Slash - Great!
Myles - Yeah! See ya man
Slash - See ya
June 26, 2013, 10:05 PM California time
Slash - Fernando?
Fernando - Hey Slash
Slash - Hey man I wanna ask you something. Did you by any chance heard anything from Ax about those ideas that I sent him last...
Fernando - [interrupting] Listen man, I love you, but I told you three times not to push him and...
Slash: [interrupting]: Oh, yeah, sorry, won't do, it is all cool, thanks, sorry to bother you
June 26, 2013, 10:10 PM California time
Slash - Josh
Josh - Yeah?
Slash - Can you book some studio time next week
Josh - Will do. Just you? Same old, same old?
Slash - Yeah, just me, always the same man
Josh - Duff?
Slash - No, just me again
Josh - Ok, great, I will let you know
Slash - Thanks man
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Re: 2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
@ludurigan if any of these conversations happened, it was before this:
Blackstar- ADMIN
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Re: 2023.06.29 - Kontekst - Mike and "just an ordinary guy" with bodyguards recorded guitars in Oslo the other day [about Slash recording]
Blackstar wrote:@ludurigan if any of these conversations happened, it was before this:
Oh no, no that photo is from the day Axl and Slash were together to record the new Axl song for the Bugs Bunny cartoon, a track called "Bunny Rocks", Axl wrote the lyrics for it (and played rhythm guitar!) and Slash just did the solo. In the photo you can see clearly that Axl is pissed off because the engineers asked Slash to re-record Axl guitar parts
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