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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2016.12.14 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch - STL lawyer weds Guns N' Roses axeman (Richard)

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2016.12.14 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch - STL lawyer weds Guns N' Roses axeman (Richard) Empty 2016.12.14 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch - STL lawyer weds Guns N' Roses axeman (Richard)

Post by Blackstar Tue 30 May 2023 - 15:07

STL lawyer weds Guns N' Roses axeman

By Joe Holleman

Wedding bells were rocking this weekend for a local lawyer, Stephanie Howlett, and Guns N' Roses guitarist Richard Fortus.

The couple was married Saturday night at Basso restaurant in the presence of about 25 of their closest friends — including Howlett's boss, Clayton attorney Travis Noble.

"He paid for the wedding, his gift to us. It was wonderful," she said.

When contacted Wednesday about honeymoon plans, the lawyer noted she was driving home to west St. Louis County from a court date in Callaway County.

"We spent about 10 days together in Brazil in October, and Richard has been on the road on tour since September," she said. "So Richard wanted to enjoy some time at home."

Fortus, an STL native, joined Guns N' Roses in 2001. The band will return to play in St. Louis in July 2017 — 26 years after the infamous "Riverport Riot," in which lead singer Axl Rose's leap into the crowd spurred mosh-pit mayhem that injured 60 people.

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