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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa)

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2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa) Empty 2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa)

Post by Blackstar Sat May 20, 2023 10:33 pm


Frank: My personal favorite Guns N' Roses song-

Dizzy: Boy, that's a tough one.

Frank: -that would be You Could Be Mine.

Melissa: My personal favorite Guns N' Roses song would have to be Coma.

Dizzy: I gotta go back to my first favorite, which was Nighttrain.

Melissa: Having rituals before the show-

Dizzy: I like to get a little loose, so I have me a, like, a shot of Jägermeister, which is my favorite drink.

Frank: Be kind of alone and quiet, maybe have like a little glass of wine.

Melissa: To get all, like, jacked up on sugar and like, ready to go.

Dizzy: The excitement exists within the fans obviously then, and we do this for the fans.

Frank: I can't imagine what the fans are feeling, if they're feeling half of what I'm feeling, they're losing their minds.

Melissa: I'm one of you guys and I'm up here experiencing this in the same way you are.

Dizzy: We're pretty pumped, man.

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2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa) Empty Re: 2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa)

Post by Blackstar Sat May 20, 2023 10:41 pm

Another promo clip posted on the same day with production manager Dale "Opie" Skjerseth talking about the stage setup:


Opie: Hello everybody. Welcome. My name is Dale Skjerseth. I'm the production manager for Guns N' Roses and we're here in Detroit, MI, to present the opening of the tour.

We picked Detroit for several reasons. It's a very good venue to rehearse in. It's a good relations and it's a good place to start in Rock City. The show is 2 hours, 2 1/2 hours to 2:45. It'll be our first night, so they'll be fresh. They're gonna probably wanna try everything. It's a good venue to try it all and that's pretty long show for all the hits.

The opening and the presence of all of our being here, and that's, that's the gag, you know, And in respect to the organization, it's come together, it's been a journey and it's been fantastic. And it will even be as a greater event, you know, because now it's their show. We're on the stage. They're on the stage and doing their thing, which we'll be fantastic. We're gonna have a great show. That's what we're going to have and every bell and whistle that you could think of of Guns N' Roses will be here for the fans. It will be a fantastic evening for everybody.

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2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa) Empty Re: 2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa)

Post by Soulmonster Tue May 23, 2023 2:45 pm

Transcribed the first of these.
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2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa) Empty Re: 2016.06.23 - GN'R Social Media - Where Do We Go Now…? (Dizzy, Frank, Melissa)

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