2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
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2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
Source of images (except the one with the text):
Transcript (Italian):
The second life of Guns n' Roses. Axl, the irreverent legend of the grunge-tinged 90's, portrayed through the hyper-realistic lens of Sante D'Orazio. Thirteen years later. After the excesses of sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll. Because, "Strong is not he who never falls, but he who falls and rises again."
Regardless of what it may look like from the outside, I have gone through a lot of shit in my life to become who I am, just like everyone has. These photos, the journey that it took to make them, and the story that put them together are a metaphor for what it takes to still be on your feet, and that goes for me, for you, and for Axl Rose. Last spring I was in New York, minding my own business and, as usual, socializing. I don't know how that happened, but every night I would walk out of a club just as Axl walked in and I'd miss him by a few moments. I started getting invitations to parties and other events where he would be. This went on for a few weeks, but it had been thirteen years since I had heard from him. I didn't know if I felt like seeing him.
Our lives had drifted apart in 1993, in the midst of chaos. Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll had gotten us wasted, and when the smoke wore off, we scattered to different corners. No one dared to step outside their shell anymore in fear of catching a bullet between the eyes. I have two pictures of Axl at home: one is a vaguely festive portrait hanging next to mine, also vaguely festive; in the other he holds a skull between his legs, in a kind of a "memento mori." Then I got a phone call from an old friend who had been with him and had become, back in the day, a kind of surrogate mother, caregiver, and family to him. Beta. Hearing her voice brought a lump to my throat. Same with her. "Please come to the recording studio. Axl wants to see you." I went there with my son, who is twelve years old. In our case it had been thirteen years. "Don't talk," I said. "I don't want to cry in front of all these people."
Next thing I knew, we were in my kitchen and I set about making pasta for everyone. He immediately noticed his picture next to mine. It had been there waiting for him for thirteen years. Beta had confided to me that he also kept the photos I had given him hung in the house. Soul mates, even in our personal stories. Axl had disappeared for all those years, and I had disappeared along with him. Grief, disappointment and inner problems had been persistent. I had found myself in an ocean of shit, feeling lost, not wanting to be found. Until one day, all of a sudden, you wake up and feel like life is coming back, but even that was not easy. No one forced us out, we needed a change, but we couldn't do it on our own. For guys like us, transitions are hard.
Both of us being Aquarians, we decided to burn it all down and start over. And, when the smoke wore off, he was alone, with the gasoline can in his hand and I with the matches. And we changed in the only way we know. The fire started crackling inside again. It was time to return to the muses, who had started calling again. I never forgot the saying, "Strong is not he who never falls, but he who falls and rises again." I asked him what he had done creatively during those years. " About 30 or 40 lawsuits, lawyers and hassles. How could I be thinking about songs! What about you?" I had lost my family and estate in the divorce. I had tried to ease the pain by doubling and tripling the doses of everything I could get my hands on. I had turned away from crowds, love and life. "Did you think I still wanted to photograph women all dolled up!" We had both dropped the curtain on life and decided to survive in the shadows.
Now, as I'm writing, Axl has just wrapped up his tour in Europe. He has finished the much-anticipated album and is about to start the American tour. In the meantime, my first retrospective exhibition will open at the Kunsthaus in Vienna, followed by one at the Haus der Kunst in Munich with three books in progress. To those who doubted us, we would happily respond in unison with a "Fuck you!" Comebacks are always inspiring, and when I was asked to choose a feature story for this magazine, I said, "Axl Rose." Thirteen years had passed without pictures, interviews, articles... I went back to it all, putting my balls on the line along with him and this magazine, which I have deep respect for. I had to succeed, for them and for me. Plus, I found out that I had been the last one to photograph him, thirteen years earlier.
On July 29 I landed early in London, the city Axl had chosen as his base for the European tour. I also arrived early at the hotel, and whose car was in front of mine? That of Axl and his entourage returning home after an after-party night spent on the road. For many people it was breakfast time, for us it was bedtime. I was now in the vortex. Fasten your seat belts, put on your parachutes and helmets if you have them, because there are no rules here, there never were!
The day gave way to the evening and we had to get on a helicopter to reach the concert venue. Still with camera in hand, I watched Axl waiting to hear the muses' call. The venue was packed with kids half our age waiting impatiently. Each night was so great! This is the story of art, be it music, painting or whatever. The story of those who have a chance to be different, to explore the unknown. Human nature generally prefers all that is familiar, what is known. But these are things for mere mortals. Axl reminded me of Bob Dylan, who had been booed in London when he decided to change direction; and of Johnny Cash, who had been dumped by his label after he had brought it to success. The opportunists, the proponents of the status quo, the detractors of change... Talent is forever, and that trip confirmed it for me. Let's keep in mind that there is no heart in the industry, it's all about the money and no one cares about the victims. So let's do this! One night, Axl brought a ten-year-old boy on stage. He knew all the words to Guns N' Roses songs, unbelievable! Hearing the songs from that era I went back in space and time, and all the years that had gone by were undone. I got another lump in my throat, I admit it, but it was great!
The show came to an end, the hours had flown by, and it was time to go back to London. At breakfast/sleep time the sun was shining. Breakfast for us came at 7 p.m. with Bloody Mary's instead of orange juice. Then a Jack Daniel's to get going and off we went again. After the third day, I realized I needed to sweep away what I had become to get some shots. My trip included seven days of concerts, dinners, and parties. Not bad, right? But not if you are on a mission, and for me that work was important. I had gone down to the front lines. I had to photograph my friend Axl after thirteen years of self-exile, I had to do it, and I had even put money into it. I'm on day eight and I don't have any pictures or interviews. I'm screwed - but I'm having fun! I have to get down to serious work! On the ninth day I have to get it done.
Like the magicians, I had to pull a rabbit out of the hat. But we needed inspiration, both of us. I called a friend, a beautiful six-foot Ukrainian woman, and asked her if she would like to be photographed with Axl. She showed up in high heels, raincoat, tights and bra. I had thought of a series of four to five shots, and it turned out to be a whole album. From what I understand, they're still seeing each other. I'm a great friend, am I not? Everybody's had an opinion about me and Axl, even you. By nature, everybody wants you to fall down when you're at the height of success. By contrast, they are ready to root for you when you come back from the brink. I have my own theory. In my opinion, it's a matter of egocentrism. When you are at the top, they want your downfall because you represent what others are not. But if you come back from the darkness, you represent the hope they have to pull through. Everyone criticizes, but few have the balls to try. Keep that in mind when listening to Axl's new material. By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who don't move forward are going to miss out. If you keep yourself open, you will be amazed. Change is a good thing. And yes, even Axl has changed. Both in his music and in his clothes. He even put on a suit, and it looked good, too!
I've been in the fashion business far too long and had to buy a couple of suits, but Axl (being as compulsive as he is, like me, after all) has never had one. Then he takes me into a room where the bed has been removed and... what do I see? Not just five or six sets of outfits. There were even full stands, a showroom of clothes he bought on the trip. Giorgio Armani, Dior Homme, Alexander McQueen. A whole showroom! "What are your fans going to think," I asked him. "They can't afford such things!" "You're wrong," he replied. "The leather stuff I used to wear was custom made and much more expensive than Armani and such." I asked him who recommended it, but there was no one there. I immediately went out and got a pair for myself as well. Even for the pictures no one followed us. Axl put on his own clothes, styled himself. As a young man, Axl did his shopping in used clothing stores in South Chicago and Lafayette, Indiana. It was all ghetto stuff. I used to dress like a pimp instead. Then, when I started to throw in some Liberace, they said I looked like a rock star. Thank you very much. I thought about it for a moment and said, "Yes, it's Liberace and you know what? When I die I want you all to come to my funeral dressed as Liberace. And then do the bar tour!" I enjoyed it in life and I want to continue to do so in death. I think Axl is enjoying it too, I certainly am!
Sante D’Orazio
Transcript (Italian):
- Spoiler:
The second life of a Guns n’ Roses. Axl, mito dissacrante dei Nineties grunge, ritratto dall’occhio iper-realista di Sante D’Orazio. A trediei anni di distanza. Dopo gli eccessi di sex, drugs & rock ‘n’ roll. Perché: “Non è forte chi non cade mai, ma chi cadendo si rialza”
Indipendentemente da quello che può apparire da fuori, ne ho ingoiata di merda in vita mia per diventare quello che sono, come tutti del resto. Queste foto, il percorso che ci è voluto per farle e la storia che le ha messe insieme sono la metafora di quello che ci vuole per restare ancora in piedi e questo vale per me, per voi e per Axl Rose. La primavera scorsa mi trovavo a New York: pensavo ai fatti miei e, come al solito, socializzavo. Non so come, ma ogni sera mi capitava di uscire de un locale proprio quando entrava Axl e lo mancavo di pochi istanti. Cominciai a ricevere invite a feste e serate dove ci sarebbe stato anche lui. La storia andò avanti per qualche settimana, anche se erano tredici annni che non avevo sui notizie. Non sapevo se avevo voglia di vederlo.
La nostre vite si erano allontanate nel 1993, in pieno caos. Il sesso, la droga e il rock ‘n’ roll ci avevano fatto sballare e, quando I fumi si sono placate, ci siamo sparpagliati in angoli diversi. Nessuno ha più osato mettere il naso fuori dal proprio guscio, nel timore di beccarsi una pallottola tra gli occhi. A casa ho due foto di Axl: una è un ritratto vagamente natalizio che sta appeso vicino al mio, anche questo vagamente natalizio; nell’ altra stringe un teschio tra le gambe, in una specie di “memento mori”. Poi ho ricevuto la telefonata di una vecchia amica che era stata con lui e che ai tempi era diventata, per lui, una specie di surrogato di madre, assistente e famiglia. Beta. Sentendo la sua voce mi è venuto un nodo in gola. Anche a lei. “Per favore, vieni agli studi di registrazione. Axl vuole vederti”. Ci sono andato con mio figlio, che ha dodici anni. Nel nostro caso ne erano passati tredici. “Non parlare”, ho detto. “Non voglio piangere davanti a tutte queste persone”.
So solo che ci siamo ritrovati nella mia cucina e che mi sono messo a preparare la pasta per tutti. Ha subito notato la sua foto vicino alla mia. Era li che l’aspettava da tredici anni. Beta mi aveva confidato che anche lui teneva le foto che gli avevo regalato appese in casa. Anime gemelle, anche nelle storie personali. Axl era sparito per tutti quegli anni, e io con lui. Il dolore, la delussione e i problemi interiori avevano persentato il conto. Mi ero trovato in un oceano di merda, mi ero sentito perduto, non volevo essere trovato. Finché un giorno, tutt’ a un tratto, ti reisvegli e senti tornare la vita, ma anche questo non è stato facile. Nessuno ci ha costretti a uscire, avevamo bisogno di cambiare, ma da soli non ce la facevamo. Per i tipi come noi le transizioni sono difficili.
Entrambi acquari, abbiamo deciso di bruciare tutto e ricominciare da capo. E, quando il fumo si è dissolto, è rimasto lui, con la tanica di benzina in mano e io con i fiammiferi. E siamo cambiati nell’unico modo che consciamo. Il fuoco ha ripreso a scoppiettare dentro. Era il momento di tornare alle muse, che avevano ripreso a chiamare. Non ho mai dimenticato il detto: “Non è forte chi non cade mai, ma chi cadendo si rialza”. Gli ho chiesto che cosa aveva fatto di creative in quegli anni. Più o meno 30, 40 azioni legali, avvocati e fastidi. Come potevo pensare alle canzoni?! E tu?”. Io avevo perso la famiglia e il patrimonio con il divorzio. Avevo cercato di calmare il dolore raddoppiando, triplicando le dosi di tutto ciò su cui riuscivo a mettere le mani. Avevo rinunciato alle folle, all’amore e alla vita. “Pensavi che avessi ancora voglia di fotografare femmine tutte agghindate?!” Entrambi avevamo calato il sipario sulla vita e avevamo deciso di sopravvivere nell’ombra.
Adesso, mentre scrivo, Axl ha appena concluso la sua tournée en Europa. Ha terminato l’album tanto anticipato e sta per iniziare la tournée americana. Intanto verrà inaugurate anche la mia prima retrospettiva alla Kunsthaus di Vienna, ne seguirà un’altra alla Haus der Kunst di Monaco con tre libri in corso. A chi ha dubitato di noi, risponderemmo volentieri all’unisono con un “Vaffanculo!” Il ritorno è sempre di grande isprazione e, quando mi hanno chiesto di scegliere un argomento per questa rivista, ho risposto: “Axl Rose”. Erano passata tredici anni senza fotografie, intreviste, articoli… Io ho ripreso tutto, mettendo le mie palle in prima linea insieme con lui en con questa rivista, di cui ho profondo rispetto. Dovevo riuscirci, per loro e per me. Più ho scoperto che ero stato l’ultimo a fotografarlo, tredici anni prima.
Il 29 Iuglio sono atterrato presto a Londra, la città che Axl aveva scelto come base per la tournée europea. Sono arrivato presto anche all’hotel e di chi era la macchina di fronte alla mia? Quella di Axl e del suo entourage che tornavano a casa dopo una note post-party passata in giro. Per molti era l’ora di colazione, per noi era ora di andare a letto. Ormai ero nel vortice. Allacciatevi le cinture di sicurezza, mettetevi il paracadute e il casco, se l’avete, perché qui non ci sono regole, non ci sono mai state!
Il giorno ha lasciato il posto alla sera e bsognava prendere l’elicottero per raggungere il locale del concerto. Sempre con la macchina fotografica in mano, osservavo Axl che aspettava di sentire il richiamo delle muse. Il locale era stipato di ragazzini con la metà dei nostri anni che aspettavano impazienti. Ogni sera era così grande! Questa è la storia dell’ arte, che sia musica, pittura o che so io. La storia di chi ha la possibilità di essere diverso, di espolare l’ignoto. La natura umana in genere prefersisce tutto ciò che è famigliare, quello che si conosce. Ma queste sono cose per i comuni mortali. Con Axl ho ricordato Bob Dylan, che era stato fischiato a Londra, quando aveva deciso di cambiare direzione. E di Johnny Cash, che era stato scaricato dalla sua label dop che lui l’aveva portata al successo. Gli opportunisti, I sostenitori dello status quo, I detrattori dei mutamenti… Il talento è per sempre e questo viaggio me l’ha confermato. Teniamo persente che nell’industria non c’è cuore, si pensa solo ai soldi e delle vittime non si cura nessuno. Allora facciamo così! Una sera Axl ha fatto salire sul palco un ragazzino di dieci anni. Conosceva tutte le parole delle canzoni dei Guns N’ Roses, incredibile! A sentire i brani di quell’epoca tornavo indietro nello spazio e nel tempo e tutti gli anni che erano passata venivano annullati. M’è venuto un altro nodo in gola, lo ammetto, ma è stato grandioso!
Il concerto è arrivato al termine, le ore erano volate e bisognava tornare a Londra. All’ora di colazione/della nanna brillava il sole. Per noi la colazione è arrivata alle sette di sera a base di Bloody Mary al posto della spremuta d’arance. Poi un Jack Daniels per mettersi in moto e di nuovo via. Dopo il terzo giorno, ho capito che dovevo spazzare quello che ero diventato per fare qualche scatto. Il mio viaggio prevedeva sette giorni tra concerti, cene e party. Non male, vero? Ma se si è in missione no, e per me quell lavoro era importante. Ero sceso in prima linea. Dovevo fotografare il mio amico Axl dopo 13 anni di esilio, lo dovevo fare e ci avevo messo persino dei soldi. Sono all’ottavo giorno e non ho né foto né interviste, sono fottuto… Ma mi sto divertendo! Devo mettermi a lavorare sul serio! Il nono giorno ce la devo fare.
Come i maghi, anch’io ho dovuto estrarre un coniglio dal cilindro. Ma avevamo bisogno di ispirazione, tutti e due. Ho chiamato un’amica, una bella ucraina di un metro e ottanta e le ho chiesto se le andava di farsi fotografare con Axl. Si è presentata con tacchi alti, impermeabile, collant e reggiseno. Avevo pensato a una serie di quattro-cinque scatti, ed è venuto un album intero. Da quell che ne so, si vedono ancora. Sono proprio un amico… Ognuno si è fatto un’opinione su me e Axl, anche voi. Per natura tutti ti vogliono al tappeto quando sei al Massimo de successo. Per contro, sono pronti a fare il tifo per te quando riemergi dal baratro. Io ho la mia teoria. Secondo me è questione di egocentrismo. Quando sei in alto, vogliono la tua caduta perché rappresenti ciò che gli altri non sono. Ma se torni dalle tenebre rappresenti la speraza che hanno di farcela. Tutti criticano, ma pochi hanno le palle per provarci. Tenetelo presente quando ascolterete il nuovo materiale di Axl. Per natura l’uomo preferisce quello che conosce, ma chi si ferma lì è perduto. Se vi mantenete aperti, vi stupirete. Cambiare fa bene. E sì, persino Axl è cambiato. Nella musica e nei vestiti. Si è messo persino un vestito, e stave anche bene!
Sono stato nell’ambiente della moda fin troppo e ho dovuto comprare un paio di completi, ma Axl (da ossessivo qual è, come me del resto) non ne ha mai avuto uno. Poi mi porta in una stanza dov’è stato eliminato il letto e… cosa vedo? Non cinque o sei vestiti. Addirittura stand interi, uno showroom di abiti che si è comprato durante il viaggio. Giorgio Armani, Dior Homme, Alexander McQueen. Uno showroom intero! “Cosa penseranno i tuoi fan”, gli ho chiesto. “Loro non possono permettersi certe cose!” “Ti sbagli”, mi ha risposto. “La roba di pelle che mi mettevo un tempo era fatta su misura e costava molto più di un Armani o simili”. Gli ho chiesto chi lo consigliava, ma non c’era nessuno. Sono uscito subito a prenderne un paio anche per me. Anche per le foto non ci ha seguito nessuno. Axl si è messo I suoi vestiti, si è disegnato da solo. Da giovane, Axl faceva i suoi acquisti ne negozi di vestiti usati di South Chicago e Lafayette, nell’Indiana. Era tutta roba da ghetto. Io invece mi vestivo da magnaccia. Poi, quando ho iniziato a mescolare un po’ di Liberace, dicevano che assomigliavo a una rock star. Tante grazie. Ci ho pensato su un attimo e ho detto: “Sì, è Liberace e sapete cosa? Quando muoio voglio che veniate tutti al mio funerale vestiti Liberace. E poi fate il giro dei bar!” Me la sono goduta in vita e voglio continuare a farlo da morto. Penso che se la stia spassando anche Axl, io sicuramente!
Sante D’Orazio
The second life of Guns n' Roses. Axl, the irreverent legend of the grunge-tinged 90's, portrayed through the hyper-realistic lens of Sante D'Orazio. Thirteen years later. After the excesses of sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll. Because, "Strong is not he who never falls, but he who falls and rises again."
Regardless of what it may look like from the outside, I have gone through a lot of shit in my life to become who I am, just like everyone has. These photos, the journey that it took to make them, and the story that put them together are a metaphor for what it takes to still be on your feet, and that goes for me, for you, and for Axl Rose. Last spring I was in New York, minding my own business and, as usual, socializing. I don't know how that happened, but every night I would walk out of a club just as Axl walked in and I'd miss him by a few moments. I started getting invitations to parties and other events where he would be. This went on for a few weeks, but it had been thirteen years since I had heard from him. I didn't know if I felt like seeing him.
Our lives had drifted apart in 1993, in the midst of chaos. Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll had gotten us wasted, and when the smoke wore off, we scattered to different corners. No one dared to step outside their shell anymore in fear of catching a bullet between the eyes. I have two pictures of Axl at home: one is a vaguely festive portrait hanging next to mine, also vaguely festive; in the other he holds a skull between his legs, in a kind of a "memento mori." Then I got a phone call from an old friend who had been with him and had become, back in the day, a kind of surrogate mother, caregiver, and family to him. Beta. Hearing her voice brought a lump to my throat. Same with her. "Please come to the recording studio. Axl wants to see you." I went there with my son, who is twelve years old. In our case it had been thirteen years. "Don't talk," I said. "I don't want to cry in front of all these people."
Next thing I knew, we were in my kitchen and I set about making pasta for everyone. He immediately noticed his picture next to mine. It had been there waiting for him for thirteen years. Beta had confided to me that he also kept the photos I had given him hung in the house. Soul mates, even in our personal stories. Axl had disappeared for all those years, and I had disappeared along with him. Grief, disappointment and inner problems had been persistent. I had found myself in an ocean of shit, feeling lost, not wanting to be found. Until one day, all of a sudden, you wake up and feel like life is coming back, but even that was not easy. No one forced us out, we needed a change, but we couldn't do it on our own. For guys like us, transitions are hard.
Both of us being Aquarians, we decided to burn it all down and start over. And, when the smoke wore off, he was alone, with the gasoline can in his hand and I with the matches. And we changed in the only way we know. The fire started crackling inside again. It was time to return to the muses, who had started calling again. I never forgot the saying, "Strong is not he who never falls, but he who falls and rises again." I asked him what he had done creatively during those years. " About 30 or 40 lawsuits, lawyers and hassles. How could I be thinking about songs! What about you?" I had lost my family and estate in the divorce. I had tried to ease the pain by doubling and tripling the doses of everything I could get my hands on. I had turned away from crowds, love and life. "Did you think I still wanted to photograph women all dolled up!" We had both dropped the curtain on life and decided to survive in the shadows.
Now, as I'm writing, Axl has just wrapped up his tour in Europe. He has finished the much-anticipated album and is about to start the American tour. In the meantime, my first retrospective exhibition will open at the Kunsthaus in Vienna, followed by one at the Haus der Kunst in Munich with three books in progress. To those who doubted us, we would happily respond in unison with a "Fuck you!" Comebacks are always inspiring, and when I was asked to choose a feature story for this magazine, I said, "Axl Rose." Thirteen years had passed without pictures, interviews, articles... I went back to it all, putting my balls on the line along with him and this magazine, which I have deep respect for. I had to succeed, for them and for me. Plus, I found out that I had been the last one to photograph him, thirteen years earlier.
On July 29 I landed early in London, the city Axl had chosen as his base for the European tour. I also arrived early at the hotel, and whose car was in front of mine? That of Axl and his entourage returning home after an after-party night spent on the road. For many people it was breakfast time, for us it was bedtime. I was now in the vortex. Fasten your seat belts, put on your parachutes and helmets if you have them, because there are no rules here, there never were!
The day gave way to the evening and we had to get on a helicopter to reach the concert venue. Still with camera in hand, I watched Axl waiting to hear the muses' call. The venue was packed with kids half our age waiting impatiently. Each night was so great! This is the story of art, be it music, painting or whatever. The story of those who have a chance to be different, to explore the unknown. Human nature generally prefers all that is familiar, what is known. But these are things for mere mortals. Axl reminded me of Bob Dylan, who had been booed in London when he decided to change direction; and of Johnny Cash, who had been dumped by his label after he had brought it to success. The opportunists, the proponents of the status quo, the detractors of change... Talent is forever, and that trip confirmed it for me. Let's keep in mind that there is no heart in the industry, it's all about the money and no one cares about the victims. So let's do this! One night, Axl brought a ten-year-old boy on stage. He knew all the words to Guns N' Roses songs, unbelievable! Hearing the songs from that era I went back in space and time, and all the years that had gone by were undone. I got another lump in my throat, I admit it, but it was great!
The show came to an end, the hours had flown by, and it was time to go back to London. At breakfast/sleep time the sun was shining. Breakfast for us came at 7 p.m. with Bloody Mary's instead of orange juice. Then a Jack Daniel's to get going and off we went again. After the third day, I realized I needed to sweep away what I had become to get some shots. My trip included seven days of concerts, dinners, and parties. Not bad, right? But not if you are on a mission, and for me that work was important. I had gone down to the front lines. I had to photograph my friend Axl after thirteen years of self-exile, I had to do it, and I had even put money into it. I'm on day eight and I don't have any pictures or interviews. I'm screwed - but I'm having fun! I have to get down to serious work! On the ninth day I have to get it done.
Like the magicians, I had to pull a rabbit out of the hat. But we needed inspiration, both of us. I called a friend, a beautiful six-foot Ukrainian woman, and asked her if she would like to be photographed with Axl. She showed up in high heels, raincoat, tights and bra. I had thought of a series of four to five shots, and it turned out to be a whole album. From what I understand, they're still seeing each other. I'm a great friend, am I not? Everybody's had an opinion about me and Axl, even you. By nature, everybody wants you to fall down when you're at the height of success. By contrast, they are ready to root for you when you come back from the brink. I have my own theory. In my opinion, it's a matter of egocentrism. When you are at the top, they want your downfall because you represent what others are not. But if you come back from the darkness, you represent the hope they have to pull through. Everyone criticizes, but few have the balls to try. Keep that in mind when listening to Axl's new material. By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who don't move forward are going to miss out. If you keep yourself open, you will be amazed. Change is a good thing. And yes, even Axl has changed. Both in his music and in his clothes. He even put on a suit, and it looked good, too!
I've been in the fashion business far too long and had to buy a couple of suits, but Axl (being as compulsive as he is, like me, after all) has never had one. Then he takes me into a room where the bed has been removed and... what do I see? Not just five or six sets of outfits. There were even full stands, a showroom of clothes he bought on the trip. Giorgio Armani, Dior Homme, Alexander McQueen. A whole showroom! "What are your fans going to think," I asked him. "They can't afford such things!" "You're wrong," he replied. "The leather stuff I used to wear was custom made and much more expensive than Armani and such." I asked him who recommended it, but there was no one there. I immediately went out and got a pair for myself as well. Even for the pictures no one followed us. Axl put on his own clothes, styled himself. As a young man, Axl did his shopping in used clothing stores in South Chicago and Lafayette, Indiana. It was all ghetto stuff. I used to dress like a pimp instead. Then, when I started to throw in some Liberace, they said I looked like a rock star. Thank you very much. I thought about it for a moment and said, "Yes, it's Liberace and you know what? When I die I want you all to come to my funeral dressed as Liberace. And then do the bar tour!" I enjoyed it in life and I want to continue to do so in death. I think Axl is enjoying it too, I certainly am!
Sante D’Orazio
Last edited by Blackstar on Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:52 am; edited 7 times in total
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
The woman photographed with Axl is Sasha Volkova.
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
Last edited by Blackstar on Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:49 am; edited 7 times in total
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
Last edited by Blackstar on Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:08 am; edited 3 times in total
Blackstar- ADMIN
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
Sante D'Orazio also directed the video for Since I Don't Have You.
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
@Twinaleblood maybe you could proof-read the translation?
Blackstar- ADMIN
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
Blackstar wrote:@Twinaleblood maybe you could proof-read the translation?
Absolutely! I'll take a closer look later today.
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
@Blackstar I just finished reading the two articles side by side. Most of the translation perfectly catches everything, except for three things that are a bit misleading in English compared to the Italian version.
I'm going to list them here, feel free to change them whichever way you feel works better.
1. In the beginning, it says the irreverent legend of Nineties’ grunge. This sounds like Axl is a grunge legend, but that's not what the italian words imply (thank goodness!). What the Italian sentence means is that Axl was a legend of the 90's and 90's were the years of grunge. So I guess the translation is supposed to be something like "the irreverent legend of the grunge-tinged 90's".
2. Second to last paragraph, when he's speaking about introducing Sasha to Axl, the translation says "I'm just a friend...". While the translation is quite literal, the English version is missing what the Italian idiom actually means. It would be something along the lines of "What a great friend I am!". "I'm a great friend, am I not?". He's basically praising himself for having introduced Axl to a girl he kept on dating.
3. Second to last paragraph again. The translation says: "By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who stay there have lost". This is something more along the lines of "By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who don't move forward (or "those who stand still") are going to miss out".
I hope this helps. Feel free to count on me for anything italian-related
I'm going to list them here, feel free to change them whichever way you feel works better.
1. In the beginning, it says the irreverent legend of Nineties’ grunge. This sounds like Axl is a grunge legend, but that's not what the italian words imply (thank goodness!). What the Italian sentence means is that Axl was a legend of the 90's and 90's were the years of grunge. So I guess the translation is supposed to be something like "the irreverent legend of the grunge-tinged 90's".
2. Second to last paragraph, when he's speaking about introducing Sasha to Axl, the translation says "I'm just a friend...". While the translation is quite literal, the English version is missing what the Italian idiom actually means. It would be something along the lines of "What a great friend I am!". "I'm a great friend, am I not?". He's basically praising himself for having introduced Axl to a girl he kept on dating.
3. Second to last paragraph again. The translation says: "By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who stay there have lost". This is something more along the lines of "By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who don't move forward (or "those who stand still") are going to miss out".
I hope this helps. Feel free to count on me for anything italian-related
Last edited by Twinaleblood on Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: 2006.12.DD - L'Uomo Vogue Italia - Axl Rose
Thank you! Really appreciated. I have corrected the text according to your suggestions.Twinaleblood wrote: @Blackstar I just finished reading the two articles side by side. Most of the translation perfectly catches everything, except for three things that are a bit misleading in English compared to the Italian version.
I'm going to list them here and you list them here, feel free to change them whichever way you feel works better.
1. In the beginning, it says the irreverent legend of Nineties’ grunge. This sounds like Axl is a grunge legend, but that's not what the italian words imply (thank goodness!). What the Italian sentence means is that Axl was a legend of the 90's and 90's were the years of grunge. So I guess the translation is supposed to be something like "the irreverent legend of the grunge-tinged 90's".
2. Second to last paragraph, when he's speaking about introducing Sasha to Axl, the translation says "I'm just a friend...". While the translation is quite literal, the English version is missing what the Italian idiom actually means. It would be something along the lines of "What a great friend I am!". "I'm a great friend, am I not?". He's basically praising himself for having introduced Axl to a girl he kept on dating.
3. Second to last paragraph again. The translation says: "By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who stay there have lost". This is something more along the lines of "By nature, people prefer what they already know, but those who don't move forward (or "those who stand still") are going to miss out".
I hope this helps. Feel free to count on me for anything italian-related
Blackstar- ADMIN
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