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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by ludurigan Mon Aug 01, 2022 9:42 pm

Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing 292714110_10161838770487228_5720649153911920702_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_eui2=AeFL0ZG2vYdQIQfV4d1tjy-0zmPePHGNs1fOY948cY2zV2POeVpX6Fce8VIPlok7BFHit2inBpY8kNVWUUZTr4UM&_nc_ohc=mRShTSChkvkAX-jWlVm&_nc_ht=scontent.fssz4-1
Unknown man, Duff Mckagan and a tongue, April 19, 1986

On April 19, 1986, the Cherry Bombz -- a then-new band that was basically Hanoi Rocks with a new, female singer replacing Michael Monroe  -- played at the Chuck Landis' Country Club in Reseda, CA.

The Cherry Bombz were opening for Poison.

Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing 294150345_10159872296489761_1028856445916212710_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_eui2=AeGPYN0fSLsqSjoTu8_aWdcm194nHHo1hyLX3iccejWHIiM8If0bRMPGSLTxs9TGIRhm33cOgme8Ds8uTcaTLecK&_nc_ohc=88oiMiCIOlQAX_nLgbE&tn=h8V2aO2OqphJ814G&_nc_ht=scontent.fssz4-1

The band featured Hanoi Rocks founder, guitar player and main songwriter Andy McCoy and two other Hanoi Rock members: guitar player Nasty Suicide and short-lived late-era drummer Terry Chimes.

Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing 63589cd5d86b7c6e0b95f0a6d9064c8e
Left to right: David Tregunna, Andy McCoy, Nasty Suicide, Anitta Chellamah and Terry Chimes: Cherry Bombz

Marko DeSantis -- who would go on to become the founder and lead guitarist of rock band Sugarcult -- was there, as a 14-year old.

Marko was an early GN'R fan and took some photos of "pre-fame" GN'R members Izzy Stradlin and Duff Mckagan.

Marko says this about the show:

- I was there! Barely 13 or 14 years old & it was life-changing! Cherry Bombz, Poison & openers Faster Pussycat; all fantastic. Most of pre-fame GnR was there watching the show too. I was already a fan of theirs & snagged a few photos of them too Duff was impressed that I had their band name painted on my skateboard (which I had with me at the show for some reason!). 💋

Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing 293466914_10161838770682228_5025183413594044659_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_eui2=AeGQ80c9wQnoYSPvrO23UAls7BK56ep0Y-3sErnp6nRj7azT4VKzfgdaNcuyRKlqOmB4SPJLYgb3AeCGs49D3XD8&_nc_ohc=OpVvN4e9NJUAX_c5zIR&_nc_ht=scontent.fssz4-1
Izzy Stradlin, two unkonwn girls, a beer, two cigarettes and a lot of hair

Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing 292363042_10161838771197228_8085888898902933153_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_eui2=AeGiyU9N164KT471M7vAugQ4YCOmLIrxeyZgI6YsivF7JsKOtT81DJlNYICfqquWcWpsrPniWnOX0hBNkvuh5fQo&_nc_ohc=NkkH5HO1o_QAX_pmwdX&_nc_ht=scontent.fssz4-1
Young Marko DeSantis and Duff Mckagan. Duff is holding Marko's skateboard with a  homemade Gn'R deck

Source: =AZUgsWWSJFA7HtovpeYPfetPbWfy-J7zhmW3hU7L4Nyi0-lRlhMZXkRfVEDD1SZdj_apo0PKtYAoPz96P0KRh_4j4qV31f_D17lKoeoyIqGe_asPYH4jdCjNh5JWs-DYMxHLSxenkJmE5igPrGHFrIfvz8HFge11YrfuLrEsXLHM-qOQ2ooOX3nBFz2gJPBZsyI&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R]Hanoi Rocks Facebook Group


The Guns n' Roses-Hanoi Rocks connection seems to be a very interesting one. There are well-known strong musical and visual connections between the bands. There seems to be also some dramatic personal connections between some of the band members. Two particular events seem to have had a (pivotal?) role on GN'R story (undoing?): how Andy McCoy would go on to (steal? and) marry Izzy's (then? former?) girlfriend Angela Nicoletti; and how Erin Everly overdosed and nearly died at Andy McCoy's house on day where Steven Adler, Angela Nicolleti and Andy McCoy were present.

Have you guys covered these two particular events in the GN'R history section of the website?

Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing 293993249_10160083709987114_6879400977379463467_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_eui2=AeFsKUKBsXCk9Hgmufm8o5vyZO0MfPJGBptk7Qx88kYGm6cA0VGJsSVw2dbnEQ89FdCiDcObavHxB9g1lMDsVw5B&_nc_ohc=S1WHxwEsyggAX_YE5tT&_nc_ht=scontent.fssz4-1

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by Blackstar Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:23 pm

ludurigan wrote:
The Guns n' Roses-Hanoi Rocks connection seems to be a very interesting one. There are well-known strong musical and visual connections between the bands. There seems to be also some dramatic personal connections between some of the band members. Two particular events seem to have had a (pivotal?) role on GN'R story (undoing?): how Andy McCoy would go on to (steal? and) marry Izzy's (then? former?) girlfriend Angela Nicoletti; and how Erin Everly overdosed and nearly died at Andy McCoy's house on day where Steven Adler, Angela Nicolleti and Andy McCoy were present.

Have you guys covered these two particular events in the GN'R history section of the website?
Yes, especially the Steven-Erin incident:

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by ludurigan Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:16 pm

Blackstar wrote:
ludurigan wrote:
The Guns n' Roses-Hanoi Rocks connection seems to be a very interesting one. There are well-known strong musical and visual connections between the bands. There seems to be also some dramatic personal connections between some of the band members. Two particular events seem to have had a (pivotal?) role on GN'R story (undoing?): how Andy McCoy would go on to (steal? and) marry Izzy's (then? former?) girlfriend Angela Nicoletti; and how Erin Everly overdosed and nearly died at Andy McCoy's house on day where Steven Adler, Angela Nicolleti and Andy McCoy were present.

Have you guys covered these two particular events in the GN'R history section of the website?

Yes, especially the Steven-Erin incident:

WOW, this event is so well covered in there!

I had just read Andy McCoy's account on his book and I figured I had "found" some "new" info that you guys didn't have but you have all that from Andy's book and so much more including Steven's and Angela's quotes...

What a fucking mess that event must have been...

Of all that three things stood out for me...

1) Steven keeps saying that he loves Andy and Andy totally throws Steven under the bus on his account of the incident. I am pretty sure Steven hasn't read Andy's book when he said all that.

2) It seems pretty obvious that this incident must have played a major role in Steven's firing.

3) Given that Steven and Andy were -- by all accounts -- full-blown junkies at this particular time, I don't have too many hopes that anyone has recorded anything from these "songwriting sessions" or "jams" that Steven mentions. But, fuck, if by any chance any of these jamming sessions have been put to tape... I would really, really, really love to listen to them!


Oh, and one more thing: I just googled and found this excerpt from Steven's book "My Appetite for Destruction: Sex & Drugs & Guns N' Roses". It has a longer and more, huh, coherent (and apparently more complete) version of the event. I believe it should be a great addition to the history section if you can add it there!

You can see it here =

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by Blackstar Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:31 pm

ludurigan wrote:
WOW, this event is so well covered in there!

I had just read Andy McCoy's account on his book and I figured I had "found" some "new" info that you guys didn't have but you have all that from Andy's book and so much more including Steven's and Angela's quotes...

What a fucking mess that event must have been...

Of all that three things stood out for me...

1) Steven keeps saying that he loves Andy and Andy totally throws Steven under the bus on his account of the incident. I am pretty sure Steven hasn't read Andy's book when he said all that.

2) It seems pretty obvious that this incident must have played a major role in Steven's firing.

3) Given that Steven and Andy were -- by all accounts -- full-blown junkies at this particular time, I don't have too many hopes that anyone has recorded anything from these "songwriting sessions" or "jams" that Steven mentions. But, fuck, if by any chance any of these jamming sessions have been put to tape... I would really, really, really love to listen to them!


Oh, and one more thing: I just googled and found this excerpt from Steven's book "My Appetite for Destruction: Sex & Drugs & Guns N' Roses". It has a longer and more, huh, coherent (and apparently more complete) version of the event. I believe it should be a great addition to the history section if you can add it there!

You can see it here =
Thanks! I think @Soulmonster intends to revisit the autobiographies after he's done with all the interviews.

Steven was de facto fired by the time that incident happened (they were already working with Matt), but it seems he was still considered "family" and the door was technically open for him to return sometime in the future. And then that incident closed the door for good.

There is another story related to Andy McCoy: GN'R recorded a cover of a Hanoi Rocks song (which was Beer and Cigarettes, according to a Michael Monroe quote of unknown origin) which was considered for inclusion on the Spaghetti Incident. The reason it was left out, according to Slash, was that GN'R didn't want to help Andy McCoy make money. So it seems that later there was a falling out with Andy McCoy for unknown reasons.

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by ludurigan Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:42 pm

Blackstar wrote:
ludurigan wrote:
WOW, this event is so well covered in there!

I had just read Andy McCoy's account on his book and I figured I had "found" some "new" info that you guys didn't have but you have all that from Andy's book and so much more including Steven's and Angela's quotes...

What a fucking mess that event must have been...

Of all that three things stood out for me...

1) Steven keeps saying that he loves Andy and Andy totally throws Steven under the bus on his account of the incident. I am pretty sure Steven hasn't read Andy's book when he said all that.

2) It seems pretty obvious that this incident must have played a major role in Steven's firing.

3) Given that Steven and Andy were -- by all accounts -- full-blown junkies at this particular time, I don't have too many hopes that anyone has recorded anything from these "songwriting sessions" or "jams" that Steven mentions. But, fuck, if by any chance any of these jamming sessions have been put to tape... I would really, really, really love to listen to them!


Oh, and one more thing: I just googled and found this excerpt from Steven's book "My Appetite for Destruction: Sex & Drugs & Guns N' Roses". It has a longer and more, huh, coherent (and apparently more complete) version of the event. I believe it should be a great addition to the history section if you can add it there!

You can see it here =

Thanks! I think @Soulmonster intends to revisit the autobiographies after he's done with all the interviews.

Steven was de facto fired by the time that incident happened (they were already working with Matt), but it seems he was still considered "family" and the door was technically open for him to return sometime in the future. And then that incident closed the door for good.

There is another story related to Andy McCoy: GN'R recorded a cover of a Hanoi Rocks song (which was Beer and Cigarettes, according to a Michael Monroe quote of unknown origin) which was considered for inclusion on the Spaghetti Incident. The reason it was left out, according to Slash, was that GN'R didn't want to help Andy McCoy make money. So it seems that later there was a falling out with Andy McCoy for unknown reasons.

Yeah I just read that too... Maybe someone (Erin?) told Axl a different story later on about the incident and maybe blaming Andy? Or maybe that has something to do with this story about Andy "stealing" Angela from Izzy? Or maybe some other incident... Fuck this is so complicated...

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by Blackstar Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:59 pm

ludurigan wrote:
Yeah I just read that too... Maybe someone (Erin?) told Axl a different story later on about the incident and maybe blaming Andy? Or maybe that has something to do with this story about  Andy "stealing" Angela from Izzy? Or maybe some other incident... Fuck this is so complicated...
I doubt it had anything to do with Izzy and Angela - that was old news and Izzy had moved on.

Maybe a long shot, but it might have had something to do with the depositions and trial for Steven's lawsuit. It could be that Andy and Angela refused to confirm their version of events in a testimony (so that they wouldn't get in any kind of trouble), which could have helped GN'R's case against Steven. This hypothesis fits with the timing of deciding not to include the song on Spaghetti.

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by ludurigan Tue Aug 02, 2022 3:27 am

Blackstar wrote:
ludurigan wrote:
Yeah I just read that too... Maybe someone (Erin?) told Axl a different story later on about the incident and maybe blaming Andy? Or maybe that has something to do with this story about  Andy "stealing" Angela from Izzy? Or maybe some other incident... Fuck this is so complicated...

I doubt it had anything to do with Izzy and Angela - that was old news and Izzy had moved on.

Maybe a long shot, but it might have had something to do with the depositions and trial for Steven's lawsuit. It could be that Andy and Angela refused to confirm their version of events in a testimony (so that they wouldn't get in any kind of trouble), which could have helped GN'R's case against Steven. This hypothesis fits with the timing of deciding not to include the song on Spaghetti.

Hmmm... Good guess yeah...

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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

Post by Soulmonster Tue Aug 02, 2022 11:16 am

Blackstar wrote:Thanks! I think @Soulmonster intends to revisit the autobiographies after he's done with all the interviews.

That's the plan!
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Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing Empty Re: Country Club, April 1986: Pre-fame GN'R boyz go cherry-bombing

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