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2011.10.10 - O Globo/Blabbermouth - Rock In Rio Organizer Says He's Disappointed At Axl

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2011.10.10 - O Globo/Blabbermouth - Rock In Rio Organizer Says He's Disappointed At Axl Empty 2011.10.10 - O Globo/Blabbermouth - Rock In Rio Organizer Says He's Disappointed At Axl

Post by Blackstar Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:58 am

O Globo (google translation):

Medina talks about his disappointment with Elton John and Axl Rose and advances attractions for the next Rock in Rio

on't invite Roberto Medina and Elton John or Axl Rose to the same stage. Just hear the names of the two stars who performed at Rock in Rio for the powerful boss of the biggest music event on the planet to frown. "One (Axl) arrived very late and didn't respect the audience. The other put on a show beyond bureaucratic." Five days after the last guitar chord sounded in Cidade do Rock, Medina received EXTRA in his office, in Barra, to take stock of the event and anticipate that Iron Maiden and Bruce Springsteen are practically guaranteed in 2013.

What is the best surprise and biggest disappointment of the festival?

The best was Coldplay. They made the show of their lives. But the big revelation for me was Stevie Wonder, who caught the kids. Taking me is obvious, but taking the kids... Katy Perry was sensational, but I expected that from her. The big disappointment was Elton John, no doubt. He did this same show in Portugal now, it was crazy! He surrendered, sang for almost three hours, got up... And in Rio he was professional, correct. But sometimes you have a bad head, not well that day.

And Axl Rose? What happened to him this time?

I found a lack of commitment, respect for the public, his immense delay (it took more than two hours).

So they're both crossed out of your notebook?

Ah yes. And Axl had that Rock in Rio connection thing, but it was unfortunate.

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2011.10.10 - O Globo/Blabbermouth - Rock In Rio Organizer Says He's Disappointed At Axl Empty Re: 2011.10.10 - O Globo/Blabbermouth - Rock In Rio Organizer Says He's Disappointed At Axl

Post by Blackstar Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:01 am

Blabbermouth, same date:

Rock In Rio Organizer Says Guns N' Roses Lead Singer Didn't 'Respect' Brazilian Fans

Roberto Medina, the organizer of Brazil's legendary Rock In Rio festival, told's Extra that Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose's behavior at this year's event where the singer and his bandmates came onstage two hours late despite having reportedly agreed to pay a heavy fine for making the audience wait exhibited a "lack of commitment" and "respect for the public."

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Join date : 2018-03-17

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