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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2006.10.05 - Rolling Stone - Holy Eff! Guns N’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy” Out November 21st?

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2006.10.05 - Rolling Stone - Holy Eff! Guns N’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy” Out November 21st? Empty 2006.10.05 - Rolling Stone - Holy Eff! Guns N’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy” Out November 21st?

Post by Blackstar Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:51 pm

Holy Eff! Guns N’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy” Out November 21st?

From the annals of We’ll Believe It When We See It: A friend of ours with a retail source has told us that the long awaited Guns N’ Roses album, Chinese Democracy, has gotten a firm release date of November 21st. Under normal circumstances we’d laugh at such an assertion — after all, this album has reportedly cost more than $13 million and has been “due out” since 1998. But whenever somebody has actually managed to get Axl to speak in the past few months, he’s said it’s coming out before the end of the year. Plus, there was that G n’ R tour announcement the other day that alluded to a release date some time in the next two months. Dare to dream, folks. Dare to dream.

-- Rolling Stone

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