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1996.11.08 - MTV News - Gn'R's Blizzard Of Acrimony

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1996.11.08 - MTV News - Gn'R's Blizzard Of Acrimony Empty 1996.11.08 - MTV News - Gn'R's Blizzard Of Acrimony

Post by Blackstar Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:08 am

The article is basically a transcript of this video news report:


G n' R's Blizzard Of Acrimony

Nov. 8, 1996 -- A blizzard of acrimony blew in out of nowhere this week, proof that Guns n' Roses are, in fact, back on the scene, although not in a form that anyone expected, least of all some of the band's members.

In a fax sent to MTV News late Tuesday night, frontman Axl Rose announced that, his longtime partner and guitarist, Slash was out of the band and that the continued participation of bassist Duff McKagan and drummer Matt Sorum was provisional. Here's the story.

MTV: As the far of the rest of the group was concerned, apparently, Guns n' Roses were back together and back in action.

SLASH [MTV interview, September 30, 1996]: Well, I've been back in Guns n' Roses for the last three weeks. So we're just like, writing stuff and reacquainting each other with each other.

MTV: But Axl's fax, addressed from "Burning Hills" California, with what he bewilderingly calls a "dive in and find the monkey" attitude, announces that unless the band gets its act together at least by his likes, there will be no more Guns n' Roses tours, websites, videos, merchandise or even a fan club. However, since Axl Rose owns the name Guns n' Roses there will be a new Guns album out with or without present personnel, next summer, 12 new album tracks minimum plus 3 new B sides for singles. The harshest part of Rose's missive, however, concerns Slash, who's guitar has been a key component of the classic Gun's sound. But his relationship with Axl has always been a bit strained, apparently, as the singer revealed after the group recorded it's "Use Your Illusion" albums.

AXL ROSE [MTV Famous Last Words interview, August 31, 1990]: We don't really hang that much, but we call each other up on the phone and tell each other what we did. We're best friends, even though we have separate lives.

MTV: In his fax, Axl says Slash hasn't been musically involved in Guns n' Roses since April of 1994, and hasn't been a part of the band's business partnership since last December 31st. Rose then calls upon McKagan and Sorem to renounce what he calls the pseudo studio musician work ethic.

According to Guns n' Roses sources, Axl Rose wants the band's music to grow and evolve, and he felt Slash was committed to the group's old, now classic, sound. In a statement sent to MTV News on Wednesday, Slash said, "Axl and I have not been capable of seeing eye to eye on Guns n' Roses for some time. We recently tried to collaborate, but at this point, I'm no longer in the band. I'd like to think we could work together in the future if we were able to work out our differences."

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1996.11.08 - MTV News - Gn'R's Blizzard Of Acrimony Empty Re: 1996.11.08 - MTV News - Gn'R's Blizzard Of Acrimony

Post by Blackstar Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:09 am

Similar news report from MTV Brazil:


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