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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2018.01.03 - Guitar World - Tracii Guns Talks GNR, Gear and L.A. Guns' New Album

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2018.01.03 - Guitar World - Tracii Guns Talks GNR, Gear and L.A. Guns' New Album  Empty 2018.01.03 - Guitar World - Tracii Guns Talks GNR, Gear and L.A. Guns' New Album

Post by Soulmonster Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:00 pm

Excerpt from interview:
You helped form Guns N’ Roses in the mid Eighties. How did you first meet Axl Rose?
—Jordana Colvan

I first met Axl from Izzy [Stradlin]. Izzy always told me, “Yeah, you know, I have this buddy in Indiana. He can really sing. I’m gonna bring him out here.” Izzy was living at my mom’s house. I was about 16 or 17 and he was about 19 or 20. And so eventually Axl came out and they put together, I think it was probably Hollywood Rose. And then L.A. Guns and Hollywood Rose and Poison did a show—our first show—together at Madame Wong’s West. Poison played upstairs in the big room and L.A. Guns and Hollywood Rose played in the small room downstairs and that was really the first day I heard Axl sing. It was at soundcheck. And I was like, “Holy shit!” He was incredible. We became friends after that, and within the next six months he ended up singing for L.A. Guns. And we eventually changed that into Guns N’ Roses. I was in that version of Guns N’ Roses for about eight months and then I took off to do L.A. Guns again.
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