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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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Objectify Empty Objectify

Post by Soulmonster Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:43 am

Objectify NeWborder_zpsk3uwcgt1
Album: Abnormal, solo record by Bumblefoot, released in July 2008.

Written by:
Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal.

Live performances:
'Objectify' was Bumblefoot's solo song in 2012 (gradually replacing 'Glad To Be Here' which was Bumblefoot's first solo song) and in 2013. In total it has, as of {UPDATEDATE}, at least been played {OBJECTIFYSONGS} times.
You point your finger at me
I'm a mirror to you
And you don't like what you see
And they think I'm insane
'Cause I got my own brain
Ya know, I really don't care
They, they don't wanna know me
Makes it harder to judge
Makes it harder to stink

And it's always the same
And I'm always to blame
And they gather outside
With their torches held high
Now the freak must die
But the freak is not I.

This is our last chance to break free
One last chance before they break me
This is our last chance to break free
One last chance before they break me down

Beware - beware of the Have-Nots
You're just an image to them
Of what they want but don't got
They'll call you every bad name
Breaking you is a game
'Til you're one and the same
(It's a f**king shame.)
And you - you objectify
A body for you to burn
But that body aint mine

And it's always the same
And I'm always to blame
And they gather outside
With their torches held high
Now the freak must die
But the freak is not I.

This is our last chance to break free
One last chance before they break me
This is our last chance to break free
One last chance before they break me down

'Objectify' performed live November 24, 2012 at the Joint, Las Vegas, USA:

Objectify NeWborder_zpsk3uwcgt1
Band Lawyer

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