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What's your favorite album by GN'R?

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What's your favorite GN'R album?

What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_lcap20%What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_rcap 20% 
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_lcap7%What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_rcap 7% 
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_lcap7%What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_rcap 7% 
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_lcap13%What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_rcap 13% 
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_lcap40%What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_rcap 40% 
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_lcap13%What's your favorite album by GN'R? Vote_rcap 13% 
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Total Votes : 15

What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Fri 9 Jul 2010 - 20:17

Every forum needs this survey  Smile

Last edited by Soulmonster on Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 22:09; edited 3 times in total
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Tue 23 Aug 2011 - 10:04

I voted for AFD. I think its hype is a bit exaggerated in general, but it will always be very special to me.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by 666 Tue 15 May 2012 - 18:27

gotta go with CD.


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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Damn_Smooth Wed 16 May 2012 - 0:50

I can't vote because it changes almost weekly. I love them all.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Wed 16 May 2012 - 8:07

Then hopefully the next album will be a step above the others What's your favorite album by GN'R? 90521
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Johan Wed 16 May 2012 - 18:51

I opted for UYI I, the combination of the more sophisticated, epic songwriting of UYI II and still raw agression from AFD.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Wed 16 May 2012 - 19:04

I actually prefer UYI II to I. If I were to rank the albums I think it would go like this:

1. Appetite for Destruction
3. Chinese Democracy
4. UYI I
5. Lies
6. The Spaghetti Incident!?

It's cool that CD is in the lead, though. I like the fact that GN'R still create new fans and isn't just a nostalgia band for old people.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by 666 Thu 17 May 2012 - 5:23

I don't mean to be a sourpuss but I think UYI 1 is all filler with the exception of November Rain and Don't Damn Me.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by puddledumpling Fri 18 May 2012 - 6:47

Damn_Smooth wrote:I can't vote because it changes almost weekly. I love them all.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Fri 18 May 2012 - 10:43

Okay, I've added a "love'em all!!" option.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Damn_Smooth Sat 19 May 2012 - 1:06

Thank you. Voted.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Johan Thu 24 May 2012 - 15:09

666 wrote:I don't mean to be a sourpuss but I think UYI 1 is all filler with the exception of November Rain and Don't Damn Me.

So you think Coma is filler? Don't Cry? Double Talkin' Jive? Dust N' Bones? Maybe most of them are less grand than on UYI I, but I love those songs..

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Thu 24 May 2012 - 15:26

...and Right Next Door to Hell, Garden of Eden, Perfect Crime...
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Johan Thu 24 May 2012 - 17:05

U rock

Just the video from Garden of Eden is reason enough to like UYI 1 Razz

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by 666 Thu 24 May 2012 - 17:11

Johan wrote:
666 wrote:I don't mean to be a sourpuss but I think UYI 1 is all filler with the exception of November Rain and Don't Damn Me.

So you think Coma is filler? Don't Cry? Double Talkin' Jive? Dust N' Bones? Maybe most of them are less grand than on UYI I, but I love those songs..

Indeed I do.
Double Talkin Jive and Dust N Bones are the very definition of filler.
I don't like Coma at all. Don't understand how or why people do. I will go to my grave thinking people like it just because it's 10 minutes long. It's 10 minutes long, it has to be good!! Just like when fans mention the length of a concert as if that means anything in terms of quality.
Don't Cry is just blah boring. Horrible horrible horrible lyrics. The alt version on 2 is so much better.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Johan Thu 24 May 2012 - 17:26

I like Coma because of:

1 Great main riff
2 No clear basic verse-chorus-verse-chorus setup
3 Great vocals by Axl
4 Epic ending

I often like long songs, but not because of their length but because of most long songs I know are from bands which really keep the songs exciting and interesting for the whole 7/8/9/10+ minutes.

Metallica's St. Anger has fine examples of what NOT to do if you want to include longs songs.

For Don't Cry, I think the music is more important than the lyrics, so the 2 different versions don't matter too much to me, although the different interlude ending of the Alt. version is pretty cool (more like another verse with different vocals compared to the actual 'please remember' interlude).

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by 666 Thu 24 May 2012 - 17:51

St's almost like they didn't remember how to end songs. They were interminable. They just kept going and going, repeating themselves with no clear vision.

I'm more of a lyric guy although all parts are important for a quality song. That's why I don't like This I Love. Great piece of music, horrendous lyrics. And the song suffers because of the lyrics.

Give me a Nick Cave with his great lyrics any day over an Yngwie Malmsteen and his guitar prowess. Although to be fair, Nick Cave is a great musician and his band The Bad Seeds are incredible as well.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Thu 24 May 2012 - 18:35

I like Coma because of the ending but could do without the first 5 minutes, Double Talkin' Jive because of the rumbling riff and Don't Cry alternative version because of Axl's vocal melodies (not the lyrics). I am not a huge fan of Dust N' Bones.

I also dislike This I Love because of the horrible lyrics, but also because of the sappy melody and orchestration.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by King Nothing Sun 3 Jun 2012 - 21:15

I love Chinese Democracy and Appetite for Destruction! Both are amazing albums.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Sun 3 Jun 2012 - 22:21

I am surprised CD is leading in the poll. Not that it is a bad album, just that I thought the typical GN'R fan prefers old guns. Perhaps most fans on fan boards are fans of the current music? In either way, great that the band can still create new fans and create music that people love.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by 666 Sun 3 Jun 2012 - 22:24

For me, being a fan since the very beginning, my musical tastes have expanded a great deal over time and I don't find AFD or the Illusions albums appealing anymore aside from a handful of songs. They really sound dated to me and I find it difficult to even get thru a few songs, let alone one of the albums as a whole. I might feel the same way about CD in a few years too though!

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Sun 3 Jun 2012 - 22:31

I've had periods where I've felt early GN'R was outdated, especially in regards to whatever current music I was listening at the time. But I always go back to it, especially AFD, and get into it again. Sure, it is dated and so obviously created by a young, immature guys who I can't really relate to much any more, but's an affection thing, I guess.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Jayadwi Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 7:42

I like all their album but most is 'Use Your Illusion II', I can't explain why. I just like it more than the others.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 8:00

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Jayadwi Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 8:58

Ok, I'll do it. Thank you.

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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 9:19

My pleasure, we also have threads for the other albums if you feel like ranking those songs, too Smile
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

Post by Soulmonster Fri 31 May 2013 - 11:38

Only 14 votes, but interesting that CD is the most popular record here at A4D.
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What's your favorite album by GN'R? Empty Re: What's your favorite album by GN'R?

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