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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project

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Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project Empty Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project

Post by Soulmonster Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:33 am

Hello from Bumble! Smile
I'm involved in a new acoustic project called Tony Harnell & The Wildflowers. ( Video of Tony & I live in Las Vegas... ) Instead of going to a record label we've decided to go the pledge route, letting the fans be a part of the process and also help a very good charity which fights for proper Breast Cancer Research. Pledge Music is a fan-funded platform where fans can pre-order the music and have other amazing incentives to choose from. Another cool perk is access to exclusive video and music updates. You get to follow the making of the actual CD Smile

For more info, have a look at (We have 30 days left to reach our goal, otherwise all pledges are refunded.) You can pre-order the digital download for $8 or a signed CD for $12, and if some of the bigger incentives entice you, go for it...! Smile

Sign into

1) Pick one of the exclusives on the right-hand side of this page (scroll over the item and click on the green ‘pledge’ button that appears)

2) You provide your credit card/PayPal details (which are stored securely by PledgeMusic) on the next page, pick the appropriate place to ship to and hit the ‘pledge’ button

3) You’ll receive updates from us as we make the EP (such as videos, streams/downloads of new songs, pictures and more). You can share these on Facebook/Twitter to let your friends know what we’re up to

4) If we reach the target, you are charged for the amount pledged; if we don’t, you are not charged at all (please note: you can also pledge via Paypal and your pledge will be taken immediately and refunded if the 100% target is not reached)

5) The new EP is released and you receive your exclusives!

Thanks as always for your support!!


Tony, Ron and The Wildflowers
Band Lawyer

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Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project Empty Re: Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project

Post by puddledumpling Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:07 pm

I did make a pledge - it took a while because there is a big disruption in credit card processing between U.S. and UK, several Asian countries and the State of Georgia within the U.S. due to widespread electronic fraud so many credit issuers are not allowing certain transactions. I hope this doesn't interfere with the pledge campaign.

This will be the third artist for whom I've pledged in advance to finance the making of a new recording. I find the concept really cool. The first two I was already a fan and had previous recordings - The Wildflowers I wouldn't have heard of if not for Ron.

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Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project Empty Re: Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project

Post by puddledumpling Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:21 am


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Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project Empty Wildflowers

Post by puddledumpling Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:17 pm

puddledumpling wrote:
A top selling cd at CDBaby this week
Bumblefoot to collaborate with Tony Harnell on acoustic project Tonyharnellthewildflower

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