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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA

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1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA Empty 1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA

Post by Soulmonster Sun 25 Sep 2011 - 9:38

December 21, 1986.

Fender's Ballroom.

Los Angeles, USA.

01. Reckless Life
02. Mr. Brownstone
03. Move to the City
04. Welcome to the Jungle
05. Don't Cry
06. Nice Boys
07. It's So Easy
08. Perfect Crime
09. Shadow of Your Love
10. Mama Kin

Axl Rose (vocals), Izzy Stradlin (rhythm guitarist), Slash (lead guitarist), Duff McKagan (bass) and Steven Adler (drums).

Excellent show, excellent show. It was excellent. [The audience were] like the LA Street Scene, but a little bit more in control. [KNAC, December 1996]
That was probably one of the better shows we ever played. Fantastic, the people that were there. We went on an hour early, so it wasn't as full as by the time Cheap Trick came on. They were slamming. It was every kind of people you could imagine there, and everybody was thrashing. [KNAC, December 1996]
Talking about meeting and opening for Johnny Thunders at Fender's Ballroom in 1986: ...Unfortunately, one of the first things that happened when we got down to Fender's for the show was that Johnny started to chat up Axl's girlfriend Erin while we were onstage doing sound check. Johnny also where he could score come dope. Axl flipped out when he got wind that Johnny had hit on Erin, and began a tirade back-stage. Axl could be intimidating when he started yelling and carrying on. Johnny spent the rest of the night hiding in his dressing room, jonesing for a fix. Whatever remnants of a romantic and swashbuckling image I had of Johnny Thunders disappeared that night [Duff's autobiography, "It's So Easy", 2011, p 58]

1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA Rightarrow Next concert: 1986.12.23.
1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA Leftarrow Previous concert: 1986.10.31,
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1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA Empty Re: 1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA

Post by Blackstar Thu 17 Dec 2020 - 19:16

Marc Canter's "GNR's First 50 Gigs" facebook page has shared a clip from this show:


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1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA Empty Re: 1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA

Post by Soulmonster Sat 4 Nov 2023 - 6:12

Slash playing his Gibson Firebird, possibly from this show or some of the other few shows in 1986 when he used this guitar:

1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA Erhf5d11
Band Lawyer

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1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA Empty Re: 1986.12.21 - Fender's Ballroom, Los Angeles, USA

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