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2011.11.05 - Slash Army UK - Q&A with Slash

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2011.11.05 - Slash Army UK - Q&A with Slash Empty 2011.11.05 - Slash Army UK - Q&A with Slash

Post by Blackstar Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:52 pm

Q&A with Slash by Slash Army UK

1. If you could play with any musician alive or dead, who would it be? - Gill Canty-Cotter

Slash - John Bonham

2. Which famous guitar riff do you wish you’d come up with? - Amanda Louise Smith

Slash - Little wing - Jimi Hendrix.

3. What Is Your Guilty Pleasure – Saniye Kalsi

Slash - Dinosaurs

4. Do you plan on teaching your boys how to play guitar? - Kevin Muralles

Slash - If they show interest in gtr, I will

5. Do you remember what bedtime book you used to have read to you as a kid? - Patricia Lawton

Slash - Where the wild things are

The person who asked #5 apparently is the woman who used to read it to you when you live in Stoke, Patricia

Slash - Ah, I doubt that was one of the books she read to me. There was a book about a bear w/red rain boots she read to me. I don't know the name.

She was telling me it was a dinosaur book and that you'd ask her again and again to read it

Slash - Oh, I was heavily into dinosaurs. Still am.

6. Who composed the original lyrics to the Black and White EP called Rainbow Bar & Grill? – Stefano Franco

Slash - I don't know what that is

7. What does DTUD stand for on your tattoo? – Ross Anderson

Slash - Drink till u drop

8. Why were photos not allowed at the opening of the Epsom Guitar Store – Jack Edwards

Slash - its Much too time consuming w/that many people

Thanks, i was bummed about the no pics, but the fact i'm talking to you now, makes up for it Smile

Slash - Its always the case in a signing situation w/time constraints & a lot of people.

9. What was your favourite Gn’R video to record and why? – Rosie Foster

Slash - Paradise City. Because its live. No concept, just flat out real

10. Do you have any plans on releasing a Blues covers album or anything blues based? – Pilar MB

Slash - Not really

11. Which band current/past would you love to have as an opening act on your next tour? – Mau Brebbia Rnrpirate

Slash - I can't think of any at the moment

12. Do you ever plan on playing in countries such as Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria and Poland in the near future? – Various

Slash - I want to play wherever I have an audience. Next year we'll see if its possible

Cool...just for the record Slash, these questions are by fans. Which is why some are quite specific

Slash - its up to the promoters if I have a big enough audience in a given city if I can play there. But I'm trying to play everywhere

Well from what i know, there's a LOT of Slash fans in Turkey. In terms of fan pages there's 'Slash Turkey' and 'We love Slash'

Slash - Cool, we'll see what happens when we book the tour. Its going to be bigger than last year I think.

13. From memory what is the best concert and crowd you have played to? - Robert Chevasco

Slash - There is really too many to mention.

14. What’s your favourite film? – Raj Kalsi

Slash - Jaws is 1 of them.

15. How's the Productions coming on the Upcoming Slasher Films Movie? – Cheryl L Cournoyer

Slash - Great. Start pre pro in Jan, shooting starts Feb 13th.

Slash, thank you for taking the time with this Q&A i know you're a busy guy. It's been an absolute pleasure for me talking with you all week. Have you got a message for the fans of Slash Army UK?

Slash - Next year, we're going to do a proper UK tour, as many cities as will have us. & You're going to love the record! Iii|; )'

That's brilliant! The tour this Summer has definitely got people wanting more and more. They're beginning to develop a healthy "appetite" Smile

Slash - Are we done w/the Q&A?

Yeah, it was only 15 questions. I could send some more Smile

Slash - We can do more questions next month.

That's awesome, thank you so much and I look forward to it. There were so many q's, mainly gn'r related so i wasn't sure how they'd go down

Slash - I try to stay away from GNR topics.

I thought as much, hence the mixture of questions.

Slash - I like mixed stuff anyway. Have a good one!

Awesome, will bare that in mind. Thank you, have a great day Slash! Smile

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