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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2010.01.26 - HoundsTV - Axl Rose In Toronto on Chinese Democracy Canada Tour Autographs Guitar For Collector

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2010.01.26 - HoundsTV - Axl Rose In Toronto on Chinese Democracy Canada Tour Autographs Guitar For Collector Empty 2010.01.26 - HoundsTV - Axl Rose In Toronto on Chinese Democracy Canada Tour Autographs Guitar For Collector

Post by Blackstar Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:02 pm

NEWS: Reclusive Axl Rose of Guns N’ Roses in Toronto on Chinese Democracy Canada tour autographs guitar for collector

January 26th, 2010 / by Richard

(HoundsTV – Toronto) Guns N’ Roses leader Axl Rose made a long awaited return to full-time touring in 2010 beginning in Canada. Rose was staying in Toronto this past weekend while playing Gn’R shows in Hamilton and London on the eastern leg of the Chinese Democracy tour.

Axl has always been considered a very difficult and valued autograph to get by serious collectors. Rose is reclusive, can be moody, and won’t sign in big crowds. So when one of North America’s top autograph collectors knew Axl was quietly staying in Toronto while playing southern Ontario shows – it was time to try and get a guitar signed (considered the best item of all to maximize the value of a rock god signature.)

Just before Rose boarded his tour bus – two twenty-something girls – looking exactly like the type of young hot girls you would expect on an Axl Rose tour bus exited the hotel and boarded.

Axl emerged in his stylish fur coat to a crisp winter evening from a downtown Toronto hotel in good spirits just after 7:00pm beautifully signing the collector’s guitar before boarding his tour bus for the two hour drive to London. Rose, famous for taking the stage late, didn’t disappoint as Guns N’ Roses started their concert that evening just past eleven, rocking the John Labatt Centre to well past 1 am. It was then back to the buses for Axl and the ladies for the long drive east to Montreal.


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