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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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2005.05.28 - Sp1at - Axl Rose at Live Aid II?

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2005.05.28 - Sp1at - Axl Rose at Live Aid II? Empty 2005.05.28 - Sp1at - Axl Rose at Live Aid II?

Post by Blackstar Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:17 am

Axl Rose at Live Aid II?

An organiser for 'Live Aid II' has told Splat that Axl Rose has been approached to appear at the worldwide charity event scheduled for July 2005. All the greatest bands and band members have been approached, according to one organiser. However, the organiser told Splat that they are yet to receive a reply from the elusive Mr Rose.

We approached Axl's management about the invitation, and they were unable to confirm or deny whether Axl would be taking up the invitation. It is also unclear as to whether Axl Rose would be appearing solo or as part of Guns N' Roses.

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