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Welcome to Appetite for Discussion -- a Guns N' Roses fan forum!

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Thyme Empty Thyme

Post by Soulmonster Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:29 pm

Thyme Newbor11

Written by:


Live performances:
As far as we know, never played live.

Written and recorded during the Chinese Democracy era. Instrumental. Likely a working-title that may have changed.

Quotes regarding the song and its making:

In 2003, composer Marco Beltrami would mention the songs he had worked on, and include Thyme among them:

That was sort of just work for hire. I guess they'd heard some of my orchestral music of mine. I met with Axl and he played me these songs, asked me my ideas about them, and I told him what I thought they needed. They gave me four songs to orchestrate. A couple of them I did more than orchestrating, I actually wrote some melodies and stuff. It was a fun project. I really enjoyed it. The music was eclectic and at the time that I was doing it there were no lyrics on the songs that I was working on. [...] [Being asked which songs it were]: A song called "Seven," which is the one that I did the most work on, I actually did some writing on. There was one called "Thyme," one called "The General," one called "Leave Me Alone." [...] I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was different than doing film music, but it was a lot of fun. I would probably do it again. It would probably be more fun at some point, to do it as a more collaborative affair, starting more from scratch, working and writing stuff [together]. But it was definitely fun.

Thyme Newbor11
Band Lawyer

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