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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Soulmonster Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:06 am

I assume it is Fernando, he certainly posts like him.

Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Uten_n59

Last edited by Soulmonster on Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Re: Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Blackstar Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:45 am

Hmm... I'm not totally convinced it's the real Fernando. There is a lot of trolling at the gnr subreddit.

Is there a way to confirm it?

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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Re: Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Soulmonster Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:03 am

Blackstar wrote:Hmm... I'm not totally convinced it's the real Fernando. There is a lot of trolling at the gnr subreddit.

Is there a way to confirm it?

I am sure it is him. But purely based on my understanding of how he writes and his opinions.

I have no idea if it can be confirmed, I am a 100 % reddit newbie.
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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Re: Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Soulmonster Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:02 am

The Fernando account has also posted about release plans:

In the thread "Fernando please update us on the album", he responded:

"It’s coming along. This pandemic and the moving of our dates and the replanning of our 2020 year took priority here. I know it’s a long ask, but we are close."

And to the following post: "They are incredibly arrogant, and condescending to fans" he responded:

"No we aren’t, it’s just that your type of thinking and abusive writing is what keeps me and people within our camp away from communities you and others alike belong to.
Sorry but gets tiring reading hate after hate. Regardless of how you feel your thinking is right and justified it’s boring."


"I still don’t understand how I come across as condescending; is it because I choose sarcastic responses to idiotic comments or questions?
I have been working with LN and other promoters on what programs are available for how to deal with tickets sold etc. not sure if you read the Ticketmaster press release this week stating the current state of affairs. If you haven’t, take a read. It’s what we been working on.
These are unprecedented times unfortunately and we are working on making sure our crew members are taken cared of, the band is doing what it can during the quarantine and how to address the public / yourself with the best course of action.
We are close and we will continue to work on it.
Email with ideas and contests you would like to see and let’s work together on try to amend the gap between the band and the fans. We have a social media / official channels that we can incorporate the ideas you are suggesting in a condescending tone above."


"Need to figure out a way to bridge that gap.
But again, the shutdowns you are likely referring to were done without GNR’s knowledge or direction.
All up for ideas."

Someone then posted this: "Good to hear. But why hasn't any of this been posted on the band's social media? This is where most fans go to be informed, and the official social media give the impression that the band and the management don't care as they just continue posting the "usual" like nothing has changed."

To which he replied:

"Because Ticketmaster and partners are still looking for the best way to remedy the situation.
It’s pretty apparent that things have changed. But you are right. Let me get together with social media team and reassess our posting ways."


"No it doesn’t, but it definitely helps.
It’s hard to talk about speculative topics, from an “official capacity.”
Our November dates are likely to be the only dates we play in 2020, I truly don’t know how the US will be by our summer dates, no one does. Questions we are discussing over is do we push everything we had dated for 2020 to 2021 like everything else in the world? From football to futebol. But this can all change.
It sucks!"

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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Re: Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Soulmonster Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:47 am

After these exchanges I am more convinced this is actually Fernando posting.
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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Re: Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Blackstar Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:18 pm

Soulmonster wrote:After these exchanges I am more convinced this is actually Fernando posting.
I think it's now certain that it's Fernando (although I still had doubts before these recent posts on reddit), because there was an update about ticket refunds on the band's official social media right after it was pointed out to him on reddit.

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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Re: Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Soulmonster Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:48 pm

These messages are actually very good news for us. He reconfirms that the band is planning to release more music (but that covid-19 and how it affects touring seems to have their main priority now), that he wants to establish a better relationship with the fan base, and he reasserts that they are not behind the takedowns. I also found his tone professional and respectful.
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Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses Empty Re: Fernando (?) comments on the state of affairs at reddit/r/gunsnroses

Post by Johan Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:48 pm

Soulmonster wrote: He reconfirms that the band is planning to release more music (but that covid-19 and how it affects touring seems to have their main priority now)

You would say that management has to deal with that. The band could actually do some studio work, possibly working separately rather than all together in one studio.


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